This material contains samples of short stories about one's family and friends, with Russian translation of words and phrases. Related words and phrases can be found in the following materials: Typical Day and Family and Relatives in the section Vocabulary; About Myself in the section Phrases; My Hobby and My Free Time in the section Kids.
Данный материал содержит образцы коротких рассказов о своей семье и друзьях, с русским переводом слов и фраз. Другие слова и фразы по теме можно найти в следующих материалах: "Typical Day" и "Family and Relatives" в разделе Vocabulary; "About Myself" в разделе Phrases; "My Hobby" и "My Free Time" в разделе Kids.
(русский перевод) Ученики ходят в школу 6 дней в неделю. По субботам нет уроков, только спортивные игры и мероприятия. Самыми популярными предметами являются физкультура (физическое воспитание, информационные технологии), математика, драма, английское литературное искусство, испанский, французский, история и естественные науки. Библиотека открыта с 8.00 до 18.00 ежедневно.
(укр перевод) Учні ходять до школи 6 днів на тиждень. У суботу немає уроків, проводяться лише спортивні ігри та заходи. Найпопулярнішими предметами є фізична культура (фізичне виховання, ІТ (інформаційні технології). Математика, драматургія, мистецтво англійської літератури, іспанська, французька, історія та наука. Бібліотека працює щодня з 8:00 до 18:00.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Передайте следующие предложения в пассивном залоге. 1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil. 2. The Government is planning a new road near my house. 3. My grandfather built this house in 1943. 4. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time. 5. The cleaner has cleaned the office. 6. He had written three books before 1867. 7. John will tell you later. 8. By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal. 9. Somebody should do the work. 10. The traffic might have delayed Jimmy. 11. Everybody loves Mr. Brown. 12. They are building a new stadium near the station. 13. The wolf ate the princess. 14. At six o’clock someone was telling a story. 15. Somebody has drunk all the milk! 16. I had cleaned all the windows before the storm. 17. A workman will repair the computer tomorrow. 18. By next year the students will have studied the passive. 19. James might cook dinner. 20. Somebody must have taken my wallet.
1) Portuguese is spoken in Brazil
2) A new road is planned near my house by the Government.
3) This house was built by my grandfather in 1943
4) Guernica had been painted by Picasso at that time.
5) The office was cleaned by the cleaner
6) Three books were written by him before 1867
7) You will be told later by John
8) The deal will be signed by this time tomorrow.
9) The work should be done by someone
10) Jimmy might have been delayed by the traffic
11) Mr. Brown is loved by everyone
12) A new stadium is being built near the station
13) The princess was eaten by the wolf
14) The story was told by someone at six o'clock
15) The milk was all drunk by somebody
16) The windows were cleaned by me before the storm
17) The computer will be repaired by the workman tomorrow
18) The passive will be studied in the next year by the students.
19) The dinner might be cooked by James
20) My wallet must have been taken by somebody