
Выберите спортсмена из любой страны и напишите о нем, используя план. 45-55 слов

Английский язык


Usain St Leo Bolt, OJ, CD (/ˈjuːseɪn/;[12] born 21 August 1986) is a Jamaican former sprinter. He is a world record holder in the 100 metres, 200 metres and 4 × 100 metres relay. Owing to his achievements and dominance in sprint competition, he is widely considered to be the greatest sprinter of all time.


The table is set by us

A picture is drown by me

The blue shoes are worn by them

The ball was caught by them

The book isn't opened by him

The letter wasn't written by you

Are you picked up by your mum?

Is thief caught by police officer?


The Nile is the longest river in the world.

In Mark’s opinion History is more difficult than Geography. However, it is more interesting .

Antarctica is one of the coldest places on Earth.

Greece is hotter than England.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest of them all?

Elvis Presley is one of the most popular rock singers ever.

Jenny is taller than Alice even though she is younger.

Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world.

People in Africa are the poorest in the world.

Alexander was a better businessman than Henry.


She wouldn’t have failed her entrance exams if she worked harder.

You would be able to buy that jacket if you hadn’t spent all your money.

She wouldn’t have left you if you weren't so rude to her.

He wouldn't have eaten that sandwich if he had seen you drop it on the floor.

If it had snowed, we would have gone skiing.

I would have invited you to the party if had had your number.

If she had known it was your birthday, she would have bought you a present.

If I had had some flour, I would have made pizza.

They would have gone to the beach if it had been sunny.

If I had seen the robbery this afternoon, I would have called the police.


I can do it myself.

He made himself a cup of tea.

Don’t play with the knife; you can hurt yourself.

Tom prefers living by himself.

There are computer games where you can play against yourself. You always win!

I am proud of myself.

Behave yourself!

Alan made this dish himself.

He cut himself with the knife while he was sharpening it.

She often talks to herself when she is upset.


Wise - wisdom

Good - goodness

Vacant - vacancy

Sweet - sweetness

Human - humanity

Free - freedom

Proud - pride

Brave - bravery

Novel - novelty

Poor - poorness

1. "Carbon calculators" can help you to know how much CO2 is produced by you.
2. Almost one ton of CO2 per person may be produced during a flight across the Pacific Ocean.
3. That can be done by buying energy-efficient light bulbs, refrigerators, and other appliances. By installing solar panels, we can make homes and businesses greener.
4. It may be offsetted by walking, riding bicycles, and driving hybrid cars.
5. This article implies the need  of reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
Because, otherwise it may lead to global warming.

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