
Task 1. Read the definitions below. Find the proper word in the text and insert it into the table.Are British teenagers fashion-mad?Recently a company asked young people in the United Kingdom some questions about money and shopping. They discovered the British teenagers cannot live without buying new clothes, even when they do not have much money. We have interviewed British teenagers to see if they really are mad about fashion.Chloe Broderick: “I go shopping for clothes with my friends every Saturday. Today I I’ve bought things that I don’t really need too. However a new dress or top can make you feel really good. So, it’s worth the money even if you only wear it once. To be honest, I don’t really look at the price. When I like something, I just buy it. I’ve written article about fashion in our school magazine and I’ve drawn some designs for clothes. Maybe one day I’ll be a fashion designer myself.”Joe Clark: “Me? Mad about fashion? No, way! I hate shopping for clothes. My mum usually buys me stuff (different things She knows what I like. The things I wear aren’t usually very expensive. Personally, I think that people send too much money on clothes. The most expensive thing I’ve ever bought is my leather jacket. I bought it two years ago. It looks good, so why should I buy a new one?” YouMax Dawson: “You can’t just buy jeans or T-shirt nowadays. They have to be Calvin Klein jeans or Dolce and Gabbana T-shirt. My friends all wear designer clothes, so I’ve started doing the same. I’ve just spent a hundred pounds on one shirt! Sometimes I’ve found that later I don’t even like what I’ve bought. However it’s important for me to wear the same clothes as my friends. If not, I’m not part of the group.”1. not very long ago 2.The amount of money paid for something (clothes, food, etc) 3. it costs doing this 4. a person who creates and makes clothes 5. not cheap 6. a kind of clothes which has a shape of one English letter

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My name is Alexander. Well, I am 13 and live in a happy family made up of my mum, dad and my younger brother, Oleg, who is eight. My Dad Vladimir is an electrician and works at a plant. He fixes electric motors for factories. The job is ok I think but my dad always tells me to study better, so, I can get a different occupation when I am bigger. My mum, Natalie, works in a supermarket which is a useful job because she gets discounts on food and brings home tasty sweets and chocolate, occasionally new computer games which Oleg and I have never played before.

Oleg, my brother, is quite fun to have around. He is very smart and likes drawing much which is good but lately he has been a bit of a pain wanting to play my games on dad’s laptop. This leads to arguments sometimes and mum keeps telling me to share more with Oleg. I like going to meet my friends in the park after school. We practice with our skateboards doing tricks. However, every day I must pick up my brother and take care of him which means I have to bring him with me to the park. This is fine but he wants to do the same tricks as me and my friends but he is too small and sometimes scrapes his knee or hurts himself and mum, of course, punishes me when this happens and says that I should not let Oleg do it. But I’m proud that he does. No other eight years old in the neighbourhood can match him I’m certain!

I enjoy visiting my grandparents in the village. They are interesting and always tell me exciting stories. Best of all I like when we take our tent to the forest nearby and camp there. Dad makes a barbecue of meat and fish and mum brings pots of food from grandma. We play football and other games during a daytime. At night dad plays the guitar and we sing songs around our camp fire. Mum, dad and I and Oleg. I like my family; life is great!

I want to tell you about our Earth. I want to say what people ruins and want they can lose.Many people want to save the Earth, but they don`t know how to do it. They don`t know how to protect wild animals, plants, and how to keep water clean and air fresh. Water is very important in the life of people. There is a lot of water on our planet. It is in rivers, oceans, lakes and seas.At the same time there is a little water on the planet. In many lakes and rivers the water is very dirty. Sometimes people can`t swim in seas, rivers and lakes because water is dirty. In many places water is not able to drink and it is dangerous to use it when you cook. Even fish die in such water.Some people`s activities do a lot of harm to the forests. People cut down trees to build farms, homes and roads. Many animals and plants lose their homes. Many of them die. This is bad for the air of the Earth too. Modern plants and factories send a lot of smoke in the atmosphere. This is very bad, because nowadays it`s difficult to breathe in big cities.So, the problem now is to protect life on the Earth, and to save our planet for the future. I believe that we must think about our planet and we mustn`t cut down trees, dump to the rivers. Then in the future our world will be beautiful.Перевод топика:
Я хочу рассказать вам о нашей Земле. Я хочу сказать, что Губит людей и хотят они могут потерять . Многие люди хотят , чтобы Землю , но они не знаю , как это сделать . Они не знаем , как защитить диких животных, растения , и как сохранить воду чистой и достаточно свежего воздуха . Вода является очень важным в жизни людей . Существуетмного воды на нашей планете. Именно в реки, океаны , озера и моря . В то же время естьнемного воды на планете. Во многих озерах и рекахвода очень грязная. Иногда люди немогу плавать в морях , реках и озерах , потому что вода грязная . Во многих местах вода не может пить , и это опасно использовать его, когда вы готовите . Даже рыбы погибают в такой воде . Некоторые виды деятельности народных сделать много вреда лесу . Люди вырубают деревья , чтобы строить фермы , дома и дороги. Многие животные и растения теряют свои дома. Многие из них умирают . Это плохо для воздуха Земли тоже . Современные заводы и фабрики отправить много дыма в атмосфере. Это очень плохо, потому что в настоящее время она `ы трудно дышать в крупных городах. Таким образом,проблема сейчас в том , чтобы защитить жизнь на Земле, и чтобы нашу планету в будущем. Я считаю, что мы должны думать о нашей планете , и мы mustn`t рубить деревья , самосвалы для рек. И тогда в будущем наш мир будет красивым . Посмотрите. может быть вам подойдет

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Task 1. Read the definitions below. Find the proper word in the text and insert it into the table.Are British teenagers fashion-mad?Recently a company asked young people in the United Kingdom some questions about money and shopping. They discovered the British teenagers cannot live without buying new clothes, even when they do not have much money. We have interviewed British teenagers to see if they really are mad about fashion.Chloe Broderick: “I go shopping for clothes with my friends every Saturday. Today I I’ve bought things that I don’t really need too. However a new dress or top can make you feel really good. So, it’s worth the money even if you only wear it once. To be honest, I don’t really look at the price. When I like something, I just buy it. I’ve written article about fashion in our school magazine and I’ve drawn some designs for clothes. Maybe one day I’ll be a fashion designer myself.”Joe Clark: “Me? Mad about fashion? No, way! I hate shopping for clothes. My mum usually buys me stuff (different things She knows what I like. The things I wear aren’t usually very expensive. Personally, I think that people send too much money on clothes. The most expensive thing I’ve ever bought is my leather jacket. I bought it two years ago. It looks good, so why should I buy a new one?” YouMax Dawson: “You can’t just buy jeans or T-shirt nowadays. They have to be Calvin Klein jeans or Dolce and Gabbana T-shirt. My friends all wear designer clothes, so I’ve started doing the same. I’ve just spent a hundred pounds on one shirt! Sometimes I’ve found that later I don’t even like what I’ve bought. However it’s important for me to wear the same clothes as my friends. If not, I’m not part of the group.”1. not very long ago 2.The amount of money paid for something (clothes, food, etc) 3. it costs doing this 4. a person who creates and makes clothes 5. not cheap 6. a kind of clothes which has a shape of one English letter
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