
Use the verbs in the correct form

Английский язык


Национальный флаг Англии представляет собой белое полотнище с красным прямым крестом Святого Георгия, который считается небесным покровителем англичан. Официальные пропорции флага — 3:5, ширина линий красного креста составляет 1\5 от ширины полотна. Первое упоминание флага Англии с Георгиевским крестом относится к 1545 году.Крест Святого Георгия является одной из первых известных эмблем Англии. Он стал английским символом в Средневековье, во время Крестовых походов.Святой Георгий стал покровителем Англии в ХІІІ веке. Существует теория, что Крест стал использоваться, как национальная эмблема (но не флаг), в ходе Уэльской войны 1275 года.Есть мнение, что Крест был принят Англией для наделения флота особой символикой. Английский монарх Ричард Львиное Сердце изначально выбрал в качестве покровителя Святого Георгия. Потом английские суда поднимали белый флаг с красным крестом, чтобы извлечь выгоду определённую: когда-то Крест был символом Генуи, и Англия таким образом подпадала под протекторат мощного флота.

The national flag of England is a white flag with a red direct cross of St. George, considered the patron Saint of the English. The official proportions of the flag is 3:5, the width of the lines of the red cross is 1\5 of the width of the canvas. The first mention of the flag of England with the George cross refers to 1545.The cross of St. George is one of the earliest known emblems of England. He became a British symbol in the middle Ages, during the Crusades.
Saint George became the patron Saint of England in the THIRTEENTH century. There is a theory that the Cross was used as the national emblem (but not the flag), during the Welsh war of 1275.
It is believed that the Cross was adopted by England to grant the Navy special symbols. English monarch Richard the lion Heart originally chose as patron St. George. Then the English court raised the white flag with the red cross, to benefit certain: once the cross was the symbol of Genoa, and England thus fell under the protectorate of a powerful fleet.

Exercise 1

Films play an important role in the life of any society. The cinema has become part of the

modern (1) way of life.

The capabilities of films are unlimited. In the past, their power to show modern (2) events

was appreciated. That’s why watching films has become a new form of entertainment and is

considered to be one of the best ways of spending one's (3) leisure time.

There are a lot of different kinds of films: action films, horror films, thrillers, science-

fiction (sci-fi) films, adventure films, mystery films, documentaries, animated cartoon films.

Besides, films may be color or (4) black and white, full-length or short, sound or silent, three-

dimensional (3D) or wide-screen.

We can see films either in the (5) cinema or on TV. As I am often short of time, I have

almost no time for going to the cinema. For this reason, I see films on television more often. I

prefer action films and amusing comedies. Life is so difficult nowadays and I want to relax a

little and sometimes laugh.

Sometimes I become excited watching (6) animated cartoon films. I especially like Walt

Disney’s cartoons “Duck Tales” and “Winnie-the-Pooh's Adventures”. In my opinion, animated

cartoon films are popular both with children and adults, while educational films are mainly for

schoolchildren and students.

In Great Britain and the USA films (“movies” as they often call them) sell more than one

billion tickets a year. Movies are also shown on television and can be rented or purchased as a


All in all, attending movies is quite an inexpensive leisure time activity that is very


Exercise 2

1.I (have seen) three police cars this morning.

2.After he (arrived) home, he (unpacked) and (went) to bed early.

3.I (have broken) a glass!

4.My grandparents had only (known) each other for a few months before they  (got) married.

5.I (have been) in London for three years.

6.We (saw) Julie last night.

7.He (had been) a teacher before he (became) a musician.

8.When the boss (walked) into the room, we (knew) someone was going to get fired.

9.The children (broke) a window in the school last week.

10.He (saw) that film last year.


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Use the verbs in the correct form
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