1 задание
1the most widely celebrated holiday
2in millions of homes all over the world
3custom of lighting and decorating a small fir tree
4has spread its influence
5around the world
6Londoners are sent a huge fir tree
7, in the centre of London
8shining down on all the people who gather there on Christmas Eve.
9silver star surrounded by tiny lights
10Sitting on the very top of the tree
11the gifts and toys wrapped up in bright colourful paper.
2 задание
1 my
2 she
3 them
4 they
1 to,in
2 at
3 on,at
5 in,at
6 in
2.more beatifully
1 the
2 -,the,a
3 -
4 a
boxes, informations, gooses, leafs,companys, heroes, benches
1. 220 дней; two thousand and twenty days
2. вторая страница; second page
3. миллионы книг; millions of books
4. 21 апреля 1997 г.; the 21th of April,1997
5. одна четвертая; 1/4
6. ноль целых, двадцать пять сотых. zero point, twenty five hundredths.
1 is,isn't
2 is
3 is
1 a few
2 a little
3 much
1 no
2 any
3 some
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
1. Соедините название магазина с его описанием 1) A shopping centre with many stores а) florist’s 2) You can buy bread here. b) shopping mall 3) A place where people can watch new films on a big screen. с) greengrocer’s 4) You can buy fruit and vegetables here d) baker’s 5) A place or building where you can see objects of historical, artistic or scientific interest.e) cinema 6) You can buy flowers heref) museum. 2. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Past Simple. 1) Where ... (she, go) last Friday? 2) I ... (not, enjoy) the film two day ago. 3) When ... (you, finish) work last night? 4) He ... (visit) France in 2019. 5) My parents ... (call) me four hour ago. 3. Вставьте в пропуски was, were, wasn’t или weren’t. 1) Where ... Lulu last Monday? 2) There ... a lot of people at the zoo. 3) Were you at school three day ago? - No, I … 4) Pip and Kate ... at the school. 5) We ... at home yesterday, we went to Moscow.
Apple - яблоко, Alphabet - алфавит, Armchair - кресло
Bubble - пузырь, Boy - мальчик, Bed - кровать
Cat - кот, Chair - стул, Children - дети
Dog - собака, Doll - кукла, Deer - олень
Egg - яйцо, Eagle - орёл, Elephant - слон
Family - семья, fridge - холодильник, France - Франция
Girl - девочка, goal - цель, Galaxy - галактика
Honey - мёд, honor - честь, hope - надежда
ice-cream - мороженое, ice - лёд, Italy - Италия
juice - сок, jungle - джунгли, jeep - джип
key - ключ, kitchen - кухня, kite - воздушный змей
Lion - лев, line- линия, light - свет
mother - мама, map - карта, mark - оценка
nest - гнездо, nut - орех, name - имя
ox - бык, oxygen - кислород, operator - оператор
present - подарок, parrot - попугай, pin - булавка
queen - королева, question - вопрос, quiet - тишина
rainbow - радуга, rain - дождь, rabbit - кролик
star - звезда, sister - сестра, sometimes - иногда
tiger - тигр, Taiga - Тайга, trainers - кроссовки
umbrella - зонтик, unicorn - единорог, uncle - дядя
vase - ваза, vegetable - овощ, violin - скрипка
whale - кит, wolf - волк, winter - зима
xylophone - ксилофон, X-rays - рентген, X-mas - Рождество
yellow - жёлтый, yacht - яхта, yak - як
zoo - зоопарк, zebra - зебра, zero - ноль