When I was 6 I couldn't go across the road without my mum
It was impossible to prepare a meal at the age of six
No one was able to stroll down the road at midnight at that age
I think I wouldn't be able to make real friends
Finally, how could I sleep without a lamp?
When I was six I was allowed to do whatever I wished
I could go to the kindergarten and eat for free
I didn't have to learn hard and have overtime
If I had broken something, I wouldn't have been scolded
Well, I think it was cool not to be beholden to anyone
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
What does these lines mean "They have many clean words to say"Lineage by Margaret Walker?? Please help me
на русском:
Как вы, вероятно, знаете, Маргарет Уокер была афроамериканкой, и ее поэма относится к силе и выносливости ее предков женского пола, которые были рабами.
- Они коснулись земли, и зерно выросло."
В предыдущей строке говорится, что они сеяли семена на вспаханном поле. Очевидно, они сеяли семена вручную (не с машин), поэтому их руки приближались к земле и даже касались земли (земля здесь означает почву, а не планету Земля), и из этих семян зерно росло в полях.
-У них есть много чистых слов, чтобы сказать."
Их мысли и слова были чисты. Они не говорили плохо о людях и не использовали плохие слова.
на английском:
As you probably know, Margaret Walker was African-American, and her poem refers to the strength and endurance of her female ancestors who were slaves.
"They touched the ground, and the grain grew."
The previous line says that they sowed seeds in a plowed field. Obviously, they sowed seeds manually (not using machines), so their hands came close to the ground and even touched the ground (earth here means soil, not planet Earth), and from these seeds the grain grew in the fields.
"They have a lot of clean words to say."
Their thoughts and words were pure. They didn't say bad things about people or use bad words.