
Travel and tourismWhat's the difference between travel and tourisen? Well, being a trucker is more thanjust being a holidaymaker. A holiday is just a short time away, and it normallyinvolves relaxation Tourists stay in holiday resorts, not travelers Travelers go for theexperience and their journeys are usually much longer and more challenging Forexample, travelers tend to avoid tourist traps and like to go off the beaten truck tediscover new places. Travel is an age old phenomenon, but is a relativelyrecent invention. Thomas Cook is often described as the first travel agent because hearranged the package tour" a 19-ilometre tnp for 500 people, in 1841.Going overseas in order to experience a different way of life is what many peoplethink of as travel, but travel does not necessarily mean going abroad. How manypeople can say they have visited every part of their own country? Many people wholive in vast coramines such as Russa and the USA have only visited a small part oftheir own country, and so domestic travel is also very exciting It's a surprising factthat about 73 peroenl of US citizens do ei oan a passport, so travelling does notmean leaving the country for themSome people can'l travel ar don't like the physical reality of travelling to farawaydestination. These days #1 easy to be an "armchas traveler People can visadistant corners of the world ar even little known parts of theu un country withoutleaving theu Irving rooms Television documentano make the world a small placeand some people argue that travel is no longer necessary Pertaps soon people willtese uncractn computa programmes od virtual travel will booome commonInthusiasts argue that by doing this we will have all the benefits of travel without theinconvenienceTask 1 Read this artule qurduly and does the mosl sailable heading for eachparagraph (There are extra beadings )a lutual toursha Tound all traveler6 Most populas destinationd Holiday at home© Holiday pablomTask 2. Read the article again and answer the question​

Английский язык



Повелительное наклонение — это выражение приказа совета и т.д. Т.е. предложение типа: «Сделай что-либо».

Правило. В косвенной речи повелительное наклонение заменяется инфинитивом.

Прямая речь. He said, “Speak more slowly.” — Он сказал: «Говори помедленнее». Косвенная речь. He said to speak more slowly. — Он по говорить помедленнее.

Примечание. В косвенной речи после глагола tell местоимение ставится, а после глагола say — нет.

Прямая речь. He said, “Drink a cup of hot tea.” Косвенная речь. He said to drink a cup of hot tea. Косвенная речь. He told me to drink a cup of hot tea.

Поскольку в косвенной речи получается инфинитив, все очень Никакого согласования времен!

Отрицательная форма

В косвенной речи в повелительном наклонении отрицание заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not.

Схема: not + инфинитив

Прямая речь. He said, “Don’t open the window.” Косвенная речь. He said not to open the window.


1.В рыночной экономике спрос и предложение решают все. И полностью наоборот в плановой экономике
2.В плановой экономике государство определяет(решает) что будет производится, сколько будет производится и по какой цене будет продаваться 
3.В мире нет совершенной экономической системы. В Рыночной экономике имеются  сильные стороны, но они также имеются и  свои недостатки. В условиях плановой экономики правительство может убедиться, что каждый может позволить себе основные товары.
4. В плановой экономике есть проблемы со спросом, так как очень тяжело подсчитать, сколько нужно производить и на сколько будет высоким спрос. Люди вынуждены хранить различный товар и нехватка товара стала обычным делом
5. Во многих странах частные предприятия существуют наряду с государственной индустрией, которые нуждаются в защите от свободной рыночной конкуренции для из собственного развития 
6. Дерегуляция приводит к увеличению конкуренции и влияние на силу рынка.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Travel and tourismWhat's the difference between travel and tourisen? Well, being a trucker is more thanjust being a holidaymaker. A holiday is just a short time away, and it normallyinvolves relaxation Tourists stay in holiday resorts, not travelers Travelers go for theexperience and their journeys are usually much longer and more challenging Forexample, travelers tend to avoid tourist traps and like to go off the beaten truck tediscover new places. Travel is an age old phenomenon, but is a relativelyrecent invention. Thomas Cook is often described as the first travel agent because hearranged the package tour" a 19-ilometre tnp for 500 people, in 1841.Going overseas in order to experience a different way of life is what many peoplethink of as travel, but travel does not necessarily mean going abroad. How manypeople can say they have visited every part of their own country? Many people wholive in vast coramines such as Russa and the USA have only visited a small part oftheir own country, and so domestic travel is also very exciting It's a surprising factthat about 73 peroenl of US citizens do ei oan a passport, so travelling does notmean leaving the country for themSome people can'l travel ar don't like the physical reality of travelling to farawaydestination. These days #1 easy to be an "armchas traveler People can visadistant corners of the world ar even little known parts of theu un country withoutleaving theu Irving rooms Television documentano make the world a small placeand some people argue that travel is no longer necessary Pertaps soon people willtese uncractn computa programmes od virtual travel will booome commonInthusiasts argue that by doing this we will have all the benefits of travel without theinconvenienceTask 1 Read this artule qurduly and does the mosl sailable heading for eachparagraph (There are extra beadings )a lutual toursha Tound all traveler6 Most populas destinationd Holiday at home© Holiday pablomTask 2. Read the article again and answer the question​
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