Dear Matt,
Thanks for your letter. Sorry for not replying to you sooner. I have been busy with my studies.
In your letter you asked me some questions so let me answer them. I want to tell you about my favorite traditional russian dish - pelmeni. It consists of dough and meat or fish mince. Pelmeni can be sculpted by hand, or you can use a special form. In appearance, pelmeni look like small boiled meat pies and same taste. It's very delicious. I advise to taste this dish everyone who has never tasted this.
Sorry, I need to go. Please write to me soon and tell me all the news.
All the best,
твоё имя
Could you ever imagine a stranger cat save your child? I could not. But indeed, it can.
Once I left my home to fetch a parcel from a postman. My son Jimmy, who was only eleven months old, stayed at home playing with my dog Martin. (Warning: Never leave your toddler to its own devices!) So, he was sitting by the fireplace playing with a ping-pong ball with Martin: the boy would grab it, lick so that it glistened, and throw across the living-room. Martin then rushed to collect it, giving the ball a watery polish and bring back to the kid. Both busy and happy.
Well, not sooner than the ball was thrown into the fireplace were they both happy. My old man Martin managed to put two and two together and remain positioned observing the ball slowly melt in the flames; however, owing to his age, Jimmy set about rescuing the precious object from the fire.
Before leaving, I left the window in the living-room open since it was midsummer. At the moment when the ingenuous kid reached for the half-melted plastic thing, a grey furry cloud showed itself in the window. In a blink of an eye it darted in between the infant and the ‘scorch’ knocking the boy away from the fire. The dog became alerted: he recognised a cat in the grey furry cloud.
Jimmy was saved, the ball was gone and poor Martin, who took the blame when I lectured him, was giving the floor a hard pounding with his tail, all embarrassed. The stranger saviour cat was never seen again.
РусскийМожно ли представить себе, что какой-то кот может жизнь ребёнку? Я бы не смог. И ошибся бы.
Как-то раз я вышел из дома забрать посылку у почтальона. Мой сын Джимми, которому было всего 11 месяцев, остался дома играть с нашим псом Мартином. (Внимание: никогда не оставляйте своего ребёнка без присмотра!) Так он сидел у камина и играл с мячиком для пинг-понга с Мартином: хватал его, лизал, чтобы тот блестел, и кидал по всей гостиной. А Мартин срывался с места, чтобы схватить игрушку, облизывал до блеска и возвращал ребёнку. Оба заняты, оба счастливы.
Но не так-то долго продолжалось их веселье: мячик попал в огонь. Дружище Мартин смекнул, не побежал за ним, остался наблюдать издалека, как тот начинает плавиться; а вот Джимми, юнец, направился драгоценность из огня.
Перед выходом я оставил окно в гостиной открытой, лето было в разгаре. Когда наивное дитя протянуло руку к наполовину расплавившейся пластмасске, в окне появилось какое-то серое пушистое облако. В мгновение ока оно проскочило между мальчиком и «ожогом», сбив того в сторону. Пёс насторожился: в пушистом сером облаке он распознал кота.
В итоге, Джимми мячик пропал, а бедняга Мартин, который взял всю вину на себя, пока я его отчитывал, неустанно молотил хвостом по полу, совершенно смущённый. Загадочный кот больше никогда не появлялся.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Transform the following sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice. 1) Kate has taken a lot of photos. 2) This magazine publishes very interesting articles. 3) The police are investigating this crime. 4) Scientists may discover a cure for cancer. 5) Doctor will give you some advice. 6) Van Gogh painted “Sunflowers”. 7) They have invited a lot of people to their wedding. 8) They keep money in the bank. 9) They will have repaired our washing machine by next week. 10) The dog had eaten all the food by the evening.
1) A lot of photos have been taken by Kate
2)Very interesting articles are published by this magazine
3)This crime is being investigated with the police
4)A cure for cancer may be discovered by scientists
5) Some advice will be given to you by doctor
6)"Sunflowers" were painted by Van Gogh
7)A lot of people were invited to their wedding by them
8)Money is kept in the bank by them
9)Our washing machine will have been repaired by them next week.
10)All the food had been eaten by dog by the evening