Our Earth
Our Earth is filled with different plants and animals for the studied person. But two percent of the ocean has not been studied by man. And every day scientists still find something new in this world. The continents make up thirty-nine percent of the land, and the ocean is sixty-one percent. In a few billion years, the planet Earth will not exist, since it will be all stroked by water. And after this same time, the sun will not be there either, since it will simply go out forever. Earth is the third largest in the solar system. It has its own satellite, the Moon. The Earth makes a complete revolution in twenty-three hours, fifty-nine minutes and four seconds. The earth is constantly rotating on its axis. Thanks to this rotation, the Earth is turned to the Sun by one or the other of its side. And the sun's rays fall on one or the other side of the earth's surface. On the side facing the Sun we have day, on the opposite side we have night. Grass grows on the ground, using the energy of the sun's rays, which are caught by chlorophyll, Rubisco sews additional atoms to inorganic substances and turns them into organic ones. And after that, the plant uses the resulting organic substances to build new cells from them, which means to grow. The earth is not exactly round in shape. A slightly flattened. We do not fall off the Earth due to gravitational pull. If not for it, there would be no life on earth at all. Even plants.
We have all the necessary resources to live a happy life: clean water, fresh air, good nature, eatable plants. However, during the last century most scientists are worried that nature is under danger. Thus, people and all the living creatures that surround us are also endangered. The water in the global ocean is not so clean any more due to human reckless actions. Many useful plants are being cut down for creating newer industrial areas. Some animal species are disappearing from the surface of the Earth and that’s sorrowful. Knowing this, people from all the existing countries should remember that we are rather fragile. The human race can easily vanish leading such a reckless and carefree life.
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