Возможны где-то ошибки, но вроде все верно. 1. My watch was broken by him. 2. The rule was explained by teacher to the students. 3. I am often asked by him to help them. 4. Written exercises are usually done by them in class. 5. A new discovery will be made by her soon. 6. A report will be made by Steve at the conference. 7. Tennis is played by them all year round. 8. His betrayal was never forgiven by his friends. 9. Several jobs are offered to me by the manager. 10. Much will be promised to you by them, but don't imagine that everything will be given to you by them. 11. Parcels with fruit were regularly sent by his parents to him from their garden. 12. A leave will be given to me in July if urgent work is not be there. 13. Three ships were offered to Columbus by the Spanish government. 14. Their children are usually sent by them to camp for summer. 15. He was charged by the officer with a very important mission. 16. I am sure the matter will be settled easily by us. 17. The driver was fined by the policeman for exceeding the speed limit. 18. She was called by somebody every day. 19. The passengers leaving for London are requested by us to register. 20. Contracts will be signed by the manager tomorrow.
Ольга Сергей1822
"Боже мой!" - сказала она. "Я забыл о своих эклеров. Я должен вернуться и заполнить их". Амелия беделия вернулся к Роджерса в дом. "Я просто сделаю шоколадный крем", - сказал Амелия беделия. Она положила немного этого и немного того, что в горшок. Она смешала и она взволнованно. И вскоре ей шоколадный крем варили. Миссис Роджерс вошел в кухню. "Что хорошо пахнет, - сказала она. "Хорошо", - сказал Амелия беделия, "я буду jusk заполнить эклеров. Тогда я уже буду находиться на пути". "О-о, нет! - воскликнула миссис Роджерс. "Я сожалею, что я разозлился вернись, Амелия беделия. Мы скучали по тебе". "Все в порядке", - сказал Амелия беделия. "Я буду gald". Мистер Роджерс вошел в кухню. "Я голоден", - сказал он. "Амелия беделия тепло мне может супа". "Все в порядке", - сказал Амелия беделия. Она взяла банку с супом. Она положила в горшок. И Амелия беделия нагревается, что может супа.
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Висловити свою думку 6 речень щодо вислово gap year
1. My watch was broken by him.
2. The rule was explained by teacher to the students.
3. I am often asked by him to help them.
4. Written exercises are usually done by them in class.
5. A new discovery will be made by her soon.
6. A report will be made by Steve at the conference.
7. Tennis is played by them all year round.
8. His betrayal was never forgiven by his friends.
9. Several jobs are offered to me by the manager.
10. Much will be promised to you by them, but don't imagine that everything will be given to you by them.
11. Parcels with fruit were regularly sent by his parents to him from their garden.
12. A leave will be given to me in July if urgent work is not be there.
13. Three ships were offered to Columbus by the Spanish government.
14. Their children are usually sent by them to camp for summer.
15. He was charged by the officer with a very important mission.
16. I am sure the matter will be settled easily by us.
17. The driver was fined by the policeman for exceeding the speed limit.
18. She was called by somebody every day.
19. The passengers leaving for London are requested by us to register.
20. Contracts will be signed by the manager tomorrow.