
Complete the reported questions and imperatives. 1 ‘Where is the concert?’ Tara asked me . 2 ‘Call me later.’ My brother asked . 3 ‘Are you meeting George later?’ Jack asked me if . 4 ‘Don’t forget your swimming costume.’ She told me . 5 ‘Did you see the show last night?’ Gabby asked me whether .

Английский язык



Tara asked where is the concert!

my brother asked me call me later

jack asked me are you meeting George later?

she told me don't forget your swimming costume

gabby asked me did you see the show last night?

The designer is very interesting, great space. this is exactly the order in one innovative thinking and an absolute riot of imagination. here, in this path of self can be realized , moreover profession designer so versatile you can work in advertising, printing, choose interior design , web design , and a whole bunch more! working in one area always parallel tyahneshsya find something else to learn and improve. there is no limit to perfection , and i feel like i'm somewhere else at the beginning , and there is so much of what i do not know , do not know what i want to learn. the designer gives space to implement their own ideas to make things around us better , more interesting. this paper gives a certain freedom of thought , joy and positive emotions every day. attracts me monumental painting murals in churches . these majestic creature survived the centuries and now have a lot to tell us about their creators, their genius and skill. this artist loved summer - his palette of bright colorful without tmyaniyuchi centuries of paint. and here i was an ascetic, his pattern meager lines and perfectly accurate, no external prettiness , but they are perfection itself , create a several strokes world. attracts me and the work of theater artists, decorators , their skill never ceases to amaze and delight . here's the scene appears overgrown ancient garden , a lake with swans , an ancient castle and merry village street . this sotvoryly skilled and talented hands of professional artists. but to become a master , you need a lot of work to produce your style , but otherwise not worth it to take on such a complex and beautiful work. hope that you fall and you suddenly become famous - will not work. we need to work hard , hone your style and skill, only something can achieve . but first you need to decide . and it is very difficult , i want to try out everything. i really want to find yourself getting joy from their work and to receive instead of gratitude for their work.
Рождество – один из самых любимых праздников во всем мире. Традиции на Рождество в Беларуси предусматривают веселые гуляния, которые длятся с 25 декабря до старого Нового года. Эти дни в народе называют Коляды. Хозяйки обязательно украшают дом и готовят праздничные блюда, сначала постные, ведь до Рождественской ночи длится пост. Молодежь готовится к гуляниям: делают маски и костюмы, учат рождественские песни и древние колядки. Проводятся театрализованные представления на евангельские сюжеты. В городах проводятся рождественские ярмарки и гуляния с концертами, конкурсами и представлениями. В день Рождества в храмах проводятся праздничные службы и литургии. В католических костела это происходит 25 декабря, а в православных церквях – 7 января. После церкви люди продолжают празднование дома и накрывают стол. На скатерть или под нее кладут немного сена, как символ того, что Иисус родился в яслях, на столе должна быть свеча, символизирующая Вифлеемскую звезду. На столе по традиции была кутья и много мясных блюд для разговения.

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Complete the reported questions and imperatives. 1 ‘Where is the concert?’ Tara asked me . 2 ‘Call me later.’ My brother asked . 3 ‘Are you meeting George later?’ Jack asked me if . 4 ‘Don’t forget your swimming costume.’ She told me . 5 ‘Did you see the show last night?’ Gabby asked me whether .
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