Konstantinovich alekseevna993

1. Put questions. 1) My friends go to the country every year. (Who...?) 2) His sister always helps him with the exercises. (Whom...?) 3) I go to the university at the one o'clock in the afternoon. (When...?) 4) A watchmaker repairs watches. (What...?) 5) I usually set my watch by the radio-time signal at home. (Where...?) 2. Choose the option to put in each sentence. 1) When ... they buy the new TV set? a) did b) were c) are 2) Were you at the University yesterday? Yes, I ... . a) were b) did c) was 3) The meeting ... at 4 o'clock. a) began b) has begun c) was beginning 4) The professor ... us to make a difficult experiment last lesson. a) asked b) was asked c) asks 5) Did he ... the week-end in the country? a) spent b) spends c) spend

Английский язык



1. Put questions.

1) Who goes to the country every year?

2) Whom does his sister always helps with the exercises?

3) When do I go to the university?

4) What does watchmaker repairs?

5) Where do I usually set my watch by the radio time signal?

2. Choose the option to put in each sentence.

1) When did they buy the new TV set?

2) Were you at the university yesterday? Yes, I were.

Б: Случилось ужасное. Я не могу найти сверхсекретный документ!
Б: Поверить не могу! Я положил его в твою сумку! Ты показывала его кому-нибудь?
К: Нет! Конечно нет.
Б: Ты говорила кому-то о нем?
К: Да. Но это не важно. Это была всего лишь милая женщина в поезде.
Б: Ты рассказала этой женщине о сокровищах?
К: Да, боюсь, что так.
Б: Она представилась как её зовут?
К: Да, её зовут Минни Маус!
Б: Да ты издеваешься!
К: Что не так с её именем?
Б: Она сказала тебе выдуманное имя. Минни Маус это подружка Микки Мауса, они герои мультфильма. Ты потеряла сверхсекретный документ и теперь нашим клиентам угрожает опасность. Это катастрофа!
К: Но, Босс, я найду эту женщину.
Б: Нет, Кьют, не найдешь. Ты уволена!
At home I live Vasya he's my cat.
He loves when he scratched behind the ear and tum.
When I come home from school that I met Bob.
 We watch TV together.
 Then we eat and Bob go to sleep.
 As long as I do my homework, he sweetly asleep.
Once when I do the lessons Bob runs to me and purrs.
I love my cat Vasya.
У меня дома живёт  Вася он мой кот.  
Он любит когда его чешут за ушком и пузико.
 Когда я прихожу со школы то Вася меня встречает.  
Мы вместе смотрим телевизор.
  Потом мы кушаем и Вася идут спать.
 Пока я делаю уроки он сладко спит.
После когда я сделаю уроки Вася бежит ко мне и мурлычет.
 Я очень люблю моего кота Васю.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1. Put questions. 1) My friends go to the country every year. (Who...?) 2) His sister always helps him with the exercises. (Whom...?) 3) I go to the university at the one o'clock in the afternoon. (When...?) 4) A watchmaker repairs watches. (What...?) 5) I usually set my watch by the radio-time signal at home. (Where...?) 2. Choose the option to put in each sentence. 1) When ... they buy the new TV set? a) did b) were c) are 2) Were you at the University yesterday? Yes, I ... . a) were b) did c) was 3) The meeting ... at 4 o'clock. a) began b) has begun c) was beginning 4) The professor ... us to make a difficult experiment last lesson. a) asked b) was asked c) asks 5) Did he ... the week-end in the country? a) spent b) spends c) spend
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