
By nature, we are all born to live a happy life on earth and enjoy it. Unfortunately, there are children who can not enjoy life as you can. Have you ever thought that the possibility to walk, to see, to hear, to talk and to think is a real gift? Do you know that among your peers there are children who are not able to share all the above abilities? Perhaps you happened to see a mother holding a blind child by his hand or children walking on crutches. Did it touch your feelings? Did you meditate over it or pass by indifferently? We all must not be indifferent, and should have a special attitude towards handicapped children peers paz] (n - semeni Each state provides equal rights for its citizens and the right to education is one of them. Do you know that blind and deaf children and those with speech and mental deficiencies also go to school as you do? All schools for children with physical deficiencies arrange schooling according to the existing curriculum. •Find in the text the homophones for the following words: sea, no, bee, here, four, won, write, buy/bye.

Английский язык


Рождество в Италии
Рождество – один из наиболее значительных праздников в итальянском календаре.
В отличие от многих стран, где главный атрибут Рождества – это Санта-Клаус, в Италии главным элементом праздничного декора являются сценки, посвященные рождению Иисуса.
Другой не менее важный символ Рождества в Италии – это Ла Бефана. Настоящая ведьма на метле. Ла Бефана – это добрая ведьма, и в местной традиции именно она является главным поставщиком подарков в чулки маленьких итальянцев. Еще одно отличие – Ла Бефана приходит ночью 5-го января, а не 25-го декабря.
Детям в Италии подарки приносит настоящая ведьма.
Богатство традиций определило значительное количество местных атрибутов Рождественского стола, среди которых цукаты и орехи, марципаны, пирожные во фритюре. Наиболее известное блюдо – Панеттоне.
Панеттоне – это специальный пирог, имеющий округлую форму и составляющий около 30 см в высоту. Обычно его готовят из мягкого и не до конца пропеченного теста, добавляя внутрь засахаренные фрукты и изюм. К столу панеттоне подается порезанным на кусочки с горячими напитками, такими, как кофе, шоколад или сладкое вино.
January 7 is the most joyful holiday in the world. We call it Christmas. According to the legend it is a quiet family holiday. On the night of January 7, people set the holiday table with twelve traditional dishes , among which there is always kutia (porridge with raisins) and a lot of different delicatessens. Christmas traditions include the rite and caroling with the mummers. Costumed children and adults go from house to house and sing Christmas carols - short funny songs. And we give them sweets and small coins. Other traditional is Nativity Christmas divination. 
Most importantly, what you need to remember during the Christmas holidays that is a celebration of love, warmth, tenderness, and family well-being .

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By nature, we are all born to live a happy life on earth and enjoy it. Unfortunately, there are children who can not enjoy life as you can. Have you ever thought that the possibility to walk, to see, to hear, to talk and to think is a real gift? Do you know that among your peers there are children who are not able to share all the above abilities? Perhaps you happened to see a mother holding a blind child by his hand or children walking on crutches. Did it touch your feelings? Did you meditate over it or pass by indifferently? We all must not be indifferent, and should have a special attitude towards handicapped children peers paz] (n - semeni Each state provides equal rights for its citizens and the right to education is one of them. Do you know that blind and deaf children and those with speech and mental deficiencies also go to school as you do? All schools for children with physical deficiencies arrange schooling according to the existing curriculum. •Find in the text the homophones for the following words: sea, no, bee, here, four, won, write, buy/bye.
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