
Read these sentences and choose the right variant. 1. I leave the house because I'm looking after the baby. 2. Look! It's right there! you see it? It's so obvious! 3. I'm busy on Saturday, Mary, but we go running the next day if you want.

Английский язык



Environmental protection Защита окружающей среды

Ecology Экология

Ice age  Ледниковый период

Environment  Окружающая среда

Flora and fauna  Растительный и животный мир

Ecology problems/issues  Проблемы экологии

Harmful/damaging effect  Вредное влияние

Ecologist  Эколог

Pollution Загрязнение

Human activity  Деятельность человека

Industrial waste  Промышленные отходы

Household garbage  Бытовой мусор

Construction waste Строительный мусор

Product packaging  Упаковка от еды

Exhaust fumes Выхлопные газы

Chemicals  Химикаты

Waste disposal  Уборка мусора

Ecosystem  Экосистема

Pollutant/contaminant  Загрязнитель

Poisonous gases  Ядовитые газы

Excessive light  Чрезмерное количество света

Виды загрязнений на английском языке с транскрипцией

Water pollution  Загрязнение воды

Soil/land pollution  Загрязнение почвы

Air pollution  Загрязнение воздуха

Thermal/heat pollution   Тепловое загрязнение

Noise pollution   Шумовое загрязнение

Light pollution   Световое загрязнение

Radioactive pollution   Радиоактивное загрязнение

Прилагательные, связанные по теме «Окружающий мир» или «Экология»

Overpopulated  Густонаселенный

Heavily industrialised  Промышленно развитый

Глаголы, связанные по теме «Окружающий мир» или «Экология»

To destroy [  ] Разрушать

To burn fuel [  ]  Сжигать топливо

[  ]  

[  ]  

Природные и техногенные катастрофы

Natural disaster [  ] Стихийное бедствие

Volcanic eruption [  ] Извержение вулкана

Avalanching [  ]  Сход лавины

Earthquake [  ]  Землетрясение

Snowstorm [  ] Снежная буря

Flood [  ]  Наводнение

Hurricane/typhoon [  ]  Ураган

Drought [  ]  Засуха

Famine [  ]  Голод

Epidemic [  ]  Эпидемия

Man-made disasters [  ]  Техногенные катастрофы

Irreversible changes [  ]  Необратимые последствия

Вредоносная деятельность

Cutting down forests [  ] Вырубка лесов

Burning of discarded plastic/rubber/wood [  ] Сжигание отработанного


Burning of fossil/liquid fuel [  ]  Сжигание твердого/жидкого топлива

Emission of dangerous gases into the atmosphere [  ]  Выброс опасных газов в атмосферу

Overfishing [  ] Чрезмерный отлов рыбы

Dumping the waste into rivers [  ] Выбрасывание мусора в реки

Improper waste disposal [  ]  Неправильная переработка отходов

Nuclear accident [  ]  Ядерная авария

Oil/radiation spill [  ]  Утечка нефти/радиоактивных веществ


Environmental degradation [  ] Разрушение окружающей среды

Acid rains [  ] Кислотные дожди

Ozone layer depletion [  ]  Истощение озонового слоя

Greenhouse effect [  ]  Парниковый эффект

Climate change [  ]  Изменение климата

Global Warming [  ]  Глобальное потепление

Infertile soil/land [  ]  Неплодородная земля

Soil erosion [  ]  Эрозия почвы

Melting of glaciers [  ]  Таяние ледников

Sea level rise [  ]  Повышение уровня моря

Extinction of species [  ]  Исчезновение видов

[  ]  

Как защитить окружающую среду

To go green [  ] Вносить вклад в защиту окружающей среды

Recycling [  ] Переработка мусора

To plant [  ]  Высаживать

Do not waste natural resources [  ]  Экономить природные ресурсы

Do not cut forests [  ]  Не вырубать леса

Use ecologically clean goods and transport [  ]  Пользоваться экологически чистыми товарами


The famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who lived before our era, said: "We are what we eat." Who are we to argue with a genius doctor? Food is a fuel for a person, and all his activities depend on how and what he eats.

Being active teenagers, we spend a lot of energy every day not only on physical activity, but also on mental activity, on dealing with stress, preparing for exams, and much more. Therefore, our body needs "fuel" more than ever during school hours. And at this time, the school canteen is a lifesaver!

Since elementary school, our class is considered to be the most active both in sports and in school. It is not surprising that we make up the" elite " of the canteen: every day, except for the main part of school Lunches, we eat all the proposed Supplement. "What kind of gluttons?" - you may ask. As it is not so! Remember, once you were a sixteen-year-old teenager trying not to fail exams and at the same time not to miss a sports tournament. We are sure that the growing body will not have enough home-made Breakfast for 7 hours of school classes.

The main factor of a healthy lifestyle is a healthy diet. People who practice it, follow the food intake regime, try to use only natural products. They eat as little as possible fast food, products with dyes and preservatives. They have a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits on the table. In order not to harm the body, such people limit themselves to fatty, fried, smoked food. After all, delicious food does not mean that it is healthy. The cafeteria of our school has the most healthy and delicious food!


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Read these sentences and choose the right variant. 1. I leave the house because I'm looking after the baby. 2. Look! It's right there! you see it? It's so obvious! 3. I'm busy on Saturday, Mary, but we go running the next day if you want.
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