
1. Choose the correct variant: 1. There were a lot of people walking along the of the river. A) beach B) coast C) bank D) seaside 2. It’s a hard work to learn to speak a foreign language . A) quick B) fluently C) in brief D) in short 3. I’ve got a lot of ideas and it is very difficult to make a . A) term B) decision C) support D) forecast 4. Robin Hood always the arrow into the aim (цель A) threw B) measured C) trusted D) shot 5. At the elections of the president I’ll for that man. A) vote B) judge C) obey D) call 6. It’s such a pleasure to spend a holiday on beaches of Thailand. A) swampy B) humid C) sandy D) mountain 2. Choose the correct word in the brackets: 1. Scotland is famous for (its / it’s / her) picturesque scenery. 2. (What / How) a great discovery Columbus did! 3. (What / How) touching the story is! 4. The Royal Palace is (so / such) a view! 5. She is airsick especially when the plane takes (away / over / off). 6. - Where have you got these interesting facts? - I looked them (through / up / at) in the encyclopedia. 7. It is raining today. Give me my umbrella (out / away / back). I need it myself. 8. Australia was the (little / less / least) known country.

Английский язык



Україна схожа на мальовничу картину, у якій змальована вся краса нашої природи. У нашій країні багато звичаїв та обрядів на різні народні та релігійні свята. Прапор - честь нашої держави. Синє небо над золотою нивою- ось який зміст нашого прапора. В Україні існує багато красивих міст, які мають свої легенди. Також Україна багата на річки. Наша річка нагадує барвисту веселку під голубим небом. Якщо ви потрапите до нашої держави, то ви зрозумієте, що недарма Україну називають житницею Європи. Вас здивуют красою наші золотисті ниви, що колосіються над небом.

Не забудь отблагодарить меня в моем профиле ;)


большое, Марк Я действительно сожалею о кофе.

That’s OK. It’s late. Нормально. Уже поздно.

Our meeting’s at twelve thirty.

Наше собрание в двенадцать тридцать.

We can take a taxi. Мы можем взять такси.


Do you like the shirt?

Тебе нравится блузка?

Well, yeah, it’s exactly the same as the other one. Ну, да, она точно такая же, как прежняя.

The same? It’s completely different!

Такая же? Она совершенно другая Типичный мужчина!

Allie, can I ask you something?

Алли, могу ли я с тебя?

Yeah. What?

Да. Что?

Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

Ты хотела бы пообедать со мной сегодня вечером?

Tonight? Сегодня вечером?

Yeah. You see… it’s my birthday.  

Да. Ты видишь ли ... сегодня мой день рождения.

Oh! Happy birthday!  


Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1. Choose the correct variant: 1. There were a lot of people walking along the of the river. A) beach B) coast C) bank D) seaside 2. It’s a hard work to learn to speak a foreign language . A) quick B) fluently C) in brief D) in short 3. I’ve got a lot of ideas and it is very difficult to make a . A) term B) decision C) support D) forecast 4. Robin Hood always the arrow into the aim (цель A) threw B) measured C) trusted D) shot 5. At the elections of the president I’ll for that man. A) vote B) judge C) obey D) call 6. It’s such a pleasure to spend a holiday on beaches of Thailand. A) swampy B) humid C) sandy D) mountain 2. Choose the correct word in the brackets: 1. Scotland is famous for (its / it’s / her) picturesque scenery. 2. (What / How) a great discovery Columbus did! 3. (What / How) touching the story is! 4. The Royal Palace is (so / such) a view! 5. She is airsick especially when the plane takes (away / over / off). 6. - Where have you got these interesting facts? - I looked them (through / up / at) in the encyclopedia. 7. It is raining today. Give me my umbrella (out / away / back). I need it myself. 8. Australia was the (little / less / least) known country.
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