
I.Match the words to the definitions. Найди правильное слово к определению 1) A shopping centre with many stores. * florist’s shopping mall butcher’s cinema newsagent’s 2) A place where people can watch new films on a big screen. * florist’s shopping mall butcher’s cinema newsagent’s 3) You can buy a magazine here. * florist’s shopping mall butcher’s cinema newsagent’s 4) You can buy meat here. * florist’s shopping mall butcher’s cinema newsagent’s 5) You can buy flowers here. * florist’s shopping mall butcher’s cinema newsagent’s II. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple. Заполни предложения, используя время 6) Where ... (she, go) last Monday? * Where did she go last Monday? Where did she went last Monday? Where does she go last Monday? 7) They ... (not, watch) TV, they did their homework * They don't watch TV, they did their homework. They didn’t watched TV, they did their homework. They didn’t watch TV, they did their homework. 8) We ... (see) a new film last weekend. * We seen a new film last weekend. We saw a new film last weekend. We sees a new film last weekend. 9) My parents ... (call) me an hour ago. * My parents called me an hour ago. My parents did called me an hour ago. My parents call me an hour ago. 10) He ... (visit) China in 2014. * He is visiting China in 2014 He visited China in 2014 He visits China in 2014 III. Fill in the gaps with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t. Заполни пропуски и выбери правильный вариант 11) Where ... Tony last Sunday? * was were wasn’t weren’t. 12) We ... at home yesterday, we went to London * was were wasn’t weren’t. 13) There ... a lot of people at the cinema. * was were wasn’t weren’t. 14) Were you at school yesterday? - No, I * was were wasn’t weren’t. 15) It... cloudy when we went to the park * was were wasn’t weren’t. IV. Read and choose the right answer. Прочитай и выбери правильный ответ 16)Excuse me, can you tell me where the museum is? * Thanks a lot. Yes, sure. It’s next to the zoo, over there. I don’t like museums 17) What did you buy there? * A pair of shoes. Only £5. It was in the sale 18) Could you tell me how to get to the vet? * On the left? You can’t miss it. Yes. Walk down Park Street and turn right. 19) Excuse me, how much are these shorts? * Size 32. Blue and black. £14. V. Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t. Заполни предложения, выбрав правильный ответ 20) You ………. feed the animals at the zoo. It’s dangerous. * must mustn't 21) You be quiet in this library. * must mustn't 22) We take photos. It’s bad for the paintings * must mustn't 23) They eat inside the gallery * must mustn't 24) You leave before 6 o’clock or you’ll be late. * must mustn't 25) You throw rubbish in the bin * must mustn't 26) You talk in the theatre * must mustn't VI. Translate the words from Russian into English: Переведи слова с русского на английский 27) американские горки * 28) парк аттракционов * 29) музыкальный магазин * 30) сахарная вата *

Английский язык



від атома гелію відокремився один електрон як називається така частинка


I would like to live in a one-storey house somewhere in the beautiful countryside. This is how I imagine it.

There is a lovely pond and a beautiful garden near the house. In the house there is a spacious kitchen, a cosy living room, three bedrooms and a large bathroom. There is a fireplace in the living room and a few comfortable armchairs. I would like to sit in front of the fire when it is cold outside. There are also lots of bookshelves with books and a big screen TV on the wall in the living room but there are no television sets in the bedrooms.

I want to live in the country because the air is clean there and it is not so noisy and crowded as towns and cities.


Брат Лис приходит к колодцу. Он видит, Братеца Кролика в ней и говорит: Братец Кролик, почему ты в колодце? Мне здесь нравится. Я хочу  рыбу на обед,- говорит Братец Кролик. Я тоже хочу  рыбу на обед :  говорит Братец Лис. Если ты хочешь  рабы на обед, тогда тоже прыгайте в колодец: говорит Братец Кролик.  Как мне  прыгнуть  в колодец?-спрашиает братец Лис. Ты  прыгай в ведро,- говорит Братец Кролик. . Брат Лис прыгает в ведре, и ковш с ним спускается  вниз. другие ведро с Братецем Кроликом , поднимается вверх. Братец Кролик выпрыгивает из ведра и говорит: Ты, глупый Брат Лис, до свидания,  и убегает. После этого случия братец лис и братец кролик больше не друзья!


Вот, как-то так:)) 

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

I.Match the words to the definitions. Найди правильное слово к определению 1) A shopping centre with many stores. * florist’s shopping mall butcher’s cinema newsagent’s 2) A place where people can watch new films on a big screen. * florist’s shopping mall butcher’s cinema newsagent’s 3) You can buy a magazine here. * florist’s shopping mall butcher’s cinema newsagent’s 4) You can buy meat here. * florist’s shopping mall butcher’s cinema newsagent’s 5) You can buy flowers here. * florist’s shopping mall butcher’s cinema newsagent’s II. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple. Заполни предложения, используя время 6) Where ... (she, go) last Monday? * Where did she go last Monday? Where did she went last Monday? Where does she go last Monday? 7) They ... (not, watch) TV, they did their homework * They don't watch TV, they did their homework. They didn’t watched TV, they did their homework. They didn’t watch TV, they did their homework. 8) We ... (see) a new film last weekend. * We seen a new film last weekend. We saw a new film last weekend. We sees a new film last weekend. 9) My parents ... (call) me an hour ago. * My parents called me an hour ago. My parents did called me an hour ago. My parents call me an hour ago. 10) He ... (visit) China in 2014. * He is visiting China in 2014 He visited China in 2014 He visits China in 2014 III. Fill in the gaps with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t. Заполни пропуски и выбери правильный вариант 11) Where ... Tony last Sunday? * was were wasn’t weren’t. 12) We ... at home yesterday, we went to London * was were wasn’t weren’t. 13) There ... a lot of people at the cinema. * was were wasn’t weren’t. 14) Were you at school yesterday? - No, I * was were wasn’t weren’t. 15) It... cloudy when we went to the park * was were wasn’t weren’t. IV. Read and choose the right answer. Прочитай и выбери правильный ответ 16)Excuse me, can you tell me where the museum is? * Thanks a lot. Yes, sure. It’s next to the zoo, over there. I don’t like museums 17) What did you buy there? * A pair of shoes. Only £5. It was in the sale 18) Could you tell me how to get to the vet? * On the left? You can’t miss it. Yes. Walk down Park Street and turn right. 19) Excuse me, how much are these shorts? * Size 32. Blue and black. £14. V. Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t. Заполни предложения, выбрав правильный ответ 20) You ………. feed the animals at the zoo. It’s dangerous. * must mustn't 21) You be quiet in this library. * must mustn't 22) We take photos. It’s bad for the paintings * must mustn't 23) They eat inside the gallery * must mustn't 24) You leave before 6 o’clock or you’ll be late. * must mustn't 25) You throw rubbish in the bin * must mustn't 26) You talk in the theatre * must mustn't VI. Translate the words from Russian into English: Переведи слова с русского на английский 27) американские горки * 28) парк аттракционов * 29) музыкальный магазин * 30) сахарная вата *
Ваше имя (никнейм)*

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