
Read the following text and mark the statements 6–12 as True, False or Not stated. A symbol of Paris Being one of the most popular sites in the world, the Eiffel Tower attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. In fact, the structure, received its two hundredth millionth guest in 2002. Located on the Champs de Mars by the Seine River, visitors can make their way to the top and admire the breath taking view of Paris. The Tower was the inspiration of French engineer Gustave Eiffel. A very famous personality in his time, Eiffel had also done important work for the internal structure of another famous monument, the Statue of Liberty in the USA. Work on the Eiffel Tower began in 1887 and lasted until 1889, when the building was opened to the public during the Paris World Exposition. Until 1930 and the construction of the Chrysler Building in New York, the Tower remained the highest structure in the world. Many people, especially artists, criticized the structure saying that this distasteful structure did not fit in with the beauty of Paris. One of these critics was the French writer Guy de Maupassant, who ate at one of the tower’s restaurants almost every day, because it was the only place in Paris from where the tower was not visible, and so he wouldn’t have to see it! A lot of effort and money go into keeping the Tower in good condition. Every seven years, sixty metric tons of paint are used to repaint it. Different shades of the same colour are used on the top and darker ones on the bottom in order for the building to have an unvarying appearance. 1. Over two million people have climbed the Eiffel Tower. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 2. Gustave Eiffel also built the Statue of Liberty. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 3. The Chrysler Building in New York is the highest structure in the world now. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 4. It took five years to complete the Eiffel Tower. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 5. Guy de Maupassant didn’t like the Eiffel Tower. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 6. A lot of money go into keeping the Tower in good condition. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 7. Different colours are used to repaint the Eiffel Tower. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated III. Choose the correct item. 8. (Should, May, Can)….. I have some information about Performing arts universities in Britain, please? 9. Students…… ( mustn’t, needn’t) run in the school corridors. It’s against the rules. 10. Nathan is…… (very, too, enough) selfish to care about what others think of him. 11. Suzan asked her new classmate where……from. (did he come, does he come, he came.) 12. This salad was made….. steamed vegetables and pasta. (with, of, by.) 13. You won’t be able to go to the exhibition…… you finish all your homework first. ( If, Unless, When.) 14. Neither Annabel……..Sue has ever flown in a plane (or, and, nor) 15. Don’t be late. The film…… at 8.00 pm. (is starting, will start, starts.) 16. This picture… at the beginning of the century. (was painted, had painted, painted.) 17. Ben tells the… jokes I’ve ever heard. (funnier, funniest, most funny.) 18 Grandma brings us lots of nice presents…… she comes for a visit. (if, unless, when.) 19. Mark said that he….. a great time in London the previous summer. (had had, would have, has had.) 20. It… like the bus is running. Let’s catch a taxi. (is looking, has looked, looks.) IV. Use the sentence (A-E) to complete the dialogue. А. Sure. Why not? С. Are you any good at it? E. I’m not bad. В. I’m afraid I can’t. D. How about joining me? Rob: Hi Karen, are you doing anything special later Karen: Not really why? Rob: I’m going to play water polo…21…… Karen: ……22…. Rob: do you like water sports? Karen: Absolutely! I love all kinds of water sports. Rob: Me too! Have you ever played water polo? Karen: Yes, I’ve played with my brother. Rob: Really? ……23… Karen: …24…… Rob: Good! Then you can join our team on Saturday. We’re playing against a team from out of town Karen: This Saturday? …25….. .I’ve promised my mum I’ll help her around the house. Rob: That’s all right. Maybe you can make it another time.

Английский язык




Аляска  - самый большой и малонаселенный штат в США. Он расположен к северо-западу от Канады. В местном ландшафте преобладают тундра, горы и леса, которые характеризуется богатой флорой и фауной, а также многочисленными небольшими городами. На территории Аляски насчитывается более 3 млн озер и 3 тыс. рек. Треть полуострова находится за Полярным кругом.

В 1784 году экспедиция под руководством Григория Шелехова основала первое постоянное поселение на острове Кадьяк у берегов Аляски, но в 1867 году Русская Аляска стала американской.

Ежегодно на этой территории происходит около пяти тысяч землетрясений. Наверное, именно поэтому большая часть территории этого полуострова не заселена. Во времена золотой лихорадки это место было очень популярно среди золотоискателей. Золото там было в большом количестве, так килограмм картофеля можно было продать за килограмм золота. Золото все еще стоило дорого, но в то время шахтеры страдали от цинги, а картофель был отличным лекарством.

Флаг государства был нарисован тринадцатилетним мальчиком Бенни. На синем фоне флага представлено восемь пятиконечных звезд. Они символизируют Созвездие Большой Медведицы и Полярную звезду.



My dream holidays I want to spend in Italy. Italy is a very beautiful country. There are very beautiful landscapes . I want to visit a lot of museums and sightseeings in Italy. Especially, I want to visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which is located in the city  Pisa. I want to taste a real Italian ice cream and pizza. I also dream of to take a walk through the narrow streets of  Italia. Also, I want to go to Venice. This is a very beautiful city, which is stand on the water. This is my dream holidays.


 Свои каникулы мечты я хочу провести в Италии. Италия-очень красивая страна. Очень красивые пейзажи есть там. Я хочу посетить много достопремичательностей и музеев в Италии. Особенно, я хочу посетить Пизанскую башню, которая находится в городе Пиза. Я хочу попробывать настоящее итальянское мороженое и пиццу. Я также мечтаю погулять по узким итальянским улицам. Ещё, я хочу побывать в Венеции. Это очень красивый город, который стоит на воде. Это и есть каникулы моей мечты.

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Read the following text and mark the statements 6–12 as True, False or Not stated. A symbol of Paris Being one of the most popular sites in the world, the Eiffel Tower attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. In fact, the structure, received its two hundredth millionth guest in 2002. Located on the Champs de Mars by the Seine River, visitors can make their way to the top and admire the breath taking view of Paris. The Tower was the inspiration of French engineer Gustave Eiffel. A very famous personality in his time, Eiffel had also done important work for the internal structure of another famous monument, the Statue of Liberty in the USA. Work on the Eiffel Tower began in 1887 and lasted until 1889, when the building was opened to the public during the Paris World Exposition. Until 1930 and the construction of the Chrysler Building in New York, the Tower remained the highest structure in the world. Many people, especially artists, criticized the structure saying that this distasteful structure did not fit in with the beauty of Paris. One of these critics was the French writer Guy de Maupassant, who ate at one of the tower’s restaurants almost every day, because it was the only place in Paris from where the tower was not visible, and so he wouldn’t have to see it! A lot of effort and money go into keeping the Tower in good condition. Every seven years, sixty metric tons of paint are used to repaint it. Different shades of the same colour are used on the top and darker ones on the bottom in order for the building to have an unvarying appearance. 1. Over two million people have climbed the Eiffel Tower. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 2. Gustave Eiffel also built the Statue of Liberty. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 3. The Chrysler Building in New York is the highest structure in the world now. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 4. It took five years to complete the Eiffel Tower. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 5. Guy de Maupassant didn’t like the Eiffel Tower. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 6. A lot of money go into keeping the Tower in good condition. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 7. Different colours are used to repaint the Eiffel Tower. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated III. Choose the correct item. 8. (Should, May, Can)….. I have some information about Performing arts universities in Britain, please? 9. Students…… ( mustn’t, needn’t) run in the school corridors. It’s against the rules. 10. Nathan is…… (very, too, enough) selfish to care about what others think of him. 11. Suzan asked her new classmate where……from. (did he come, does he come, he came.) 12. This salad was made….. steamed vegetables and pasta. (with, of, by.) 13. You won’t be able to go to the exhibition…… you finish all your homework first. ( If, Unless, When.) 14. Neither Annabel……..Sue has ever flown in a plane (or, and, nor) 15. Don’t be late. The film…… at 8.00 pm. (is starting, will start, starts.) 16. This picture… at the beginning of the century. (was painted, had painted, painted.) 17. Ben tells the… jokes I’ve ever heard. (funnier, funniest, most funny.) 18 Grandma brings us lots of nice presents…… she comes for a visit. (if, unless, when.) 19. Mark said that he….. a great time in London the previous summer. (had had, would have, has had.) 20. It… like the bus is running. Let’s catch a taxi. (is looking, has looked, looks.) IV. Use the sentence (A-E) to complete the dialogue. А. Sure. Why not? С. Are you any good at it? E. I’m not bad. В. I’m afraid I can’t. D. How about joining me? Rob: Hi Karen, are you doing anything special later Karen: Not really why? Rob: I’m going to play water polo…21…… Karen: ……22…. Rob: do you like water sports? Karen: Absolutely! I love all kinds of water sports. Rob: Me too! Have you ever played water polo? Karen: Yes, I’ve played with my brother. Rob: Really? ……23… Karen: …24…… Rob: Good! Then you can join our team on Saturday. We’re playing against a team from out of town Karen: This Saturday? …25….. .I’ve promised my mum I’ll help her around the house. Rob: That’s all right. Maybe you can make it another time.
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