It was Sunny summer. In this weather my friends and all my childhood went swimming in the river. But for several years now, as no one is coming to this river. This time we again gathered company. "Guys, we haven't bathed! Let's go!"-John said. In an hour we had fun on the beach. I was worried about disturbing feeling:"why so many years nobody ever comes in here?" When all out of the water and took apart my food was left lying. "Anya! Guys, where's Anya?"-I cried. Anya didn't hear us. She's gone. We rushed to look for her everywhere. Some dove. All to no avail. No one saw her. My eyes filled with tears. I didn't know if I could see her again. After a few seconds, we heard strange sounds, went to the river. "Anya!" We screamed and began to help her out. Friend could not speak and almost lost consciousness. Then she told me that something unknown was pulling her down, she used up all strength, couldn't breathe. It was a bad idea to swim in the river where nobody goes a long time. I hugged Anna and said,"what a wonderful salvation! Good that you're around"
1)There are four oceans and six continents on the Earth. 2) Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy are in Europe. 3) Europe and Asia, Africa, Australia, North America and South America. 4) The smallest country is the Vatican. 5)English is the most popular language nowadays. People use it all over the world because it’s an international language. 6) In the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand people use English as their native language. These are English-speaking countries. 7) The capital of the UK is London. The capital of the USA is Washington DC. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. The capital of Australia is Canberra. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
This time we again gathered company. "Guys, we haven't bathed! Let's go!"-John said. In an hour we had fun on the beach. I was worried about disturbing feeling:"why so many years nobody ever comes in here?"
When all out of the water and took apart my food was left lying. "Anya! Guys, where's Anya?"-I cried. Anya didn't hear us. She's gone. We rushed to look for her everywhere. Some dove. All to no avail. No one saw her. My eyes filled with tears. I didn't know if I could see her again. After a few seconds, we heard strange sounds, went to the river. "Anya!" We screamed and began to help her out. Friend could not speak and almost lost consciousness. Then she told me that something unknown was pulling her down, she used up all strength, couldn't breathe.
It was a bad idea to swim in the river where nobody goes a long time. I hugged Anna and said,"what a wonderful salvation! Good that you're around"