
2. – I decided to re-paint my room. - What colour (will you/are you going to) paint it? 4. –The ceiling in this house doesn’t look very safe, does it? - No. It looks as if it (will/is going to) fall down. 6. - I’ve got a terrible headache. - Wait there and I (will/am going to) get an aspirin for you. 8 . - We need some milk for lunch. - Oh, I (will/am going to) go to the shop and get some. 10. – What would you like to drink? - I (will/am going to) have coffee Задание №2 В предложениях ниже выберите те слова, которые обуславливают выбор именно Present Simple для передачи действия в будущем. Обведи в кружок. 2.We don’t have classes next Friday. 4.The plane arrives at 9:35 6.What time do you have the first lecture tomorrow? 8.The shop closes at 9 p.m. 10.The train arrives on Tuesday Задание №3 Выбери правильный ответ. Обведи в кружок 2. Mary … at seven o’clock . a) Wil come b) Come c) Will be come d) Is come 4. They … lunch at two every day. a) Will have b) Doesn’t have c) Have d) Won’t have 5. 6. They … their parents after Christmas. a) Doesn’t phone b) Willn’t phone c) Won't phone d) Will phone not 8. I … such bad words! a) Won't never say b) Will never say c) Don’t never say d) Doesn’t ever say 10. How long .. for you when you are late? a) Do she wait b) Will she wait c) Does she wait d) Shall she wait

Английский язык



I'll get

2. I'm going to wash

3. are you going to paint

4. I'll call

5. it is going to fall

6. I'm going to buy

7. I'll show

8. I'll have

9. he is going to...  .  .. he is going to start

10. I'll do

11. we'll have

12. I'll go ...     I'm going to get    ... I'll get

13. I'll take ...     ... is going to take

Подробнее - на -



2. Are you going?

4. It is going.

6. I will.

8. I will.

10. I'm going.


Next Friday

at 9:35.


at 9 pm.

On Tuesday.


will come.


won't phone.

Doesn't ever say.

Does she wait.


More and more people think about the necessity of sports and healthy lifestyle. sports people everywhere are engaged s in nature, and sports clubs, both at home and at work. issued a large number of home trainers, which provide extra, sports lovers can practice physical development in a comfortable time in the apartment .many people thus saving time and money. most people at work are loaded, there is chronic fatigue, stressy.sport, naoborot- reduces fatigue, relieves stress, and often, as a result, people enjoy the sport and become healthier. sport is the prevention of human diseases and seriously has an enormous impact on human health because earlier .we did not attach importance to human health, not sopostovlyali- sport and zdorove.okazalos that if a person is healthy, he has a very serious problem in life can overcome difficulties. thanks. good health people live long and happy life. what happens in the body when you exercise regularly? during the lessons in the sport the main burden falls on the muscle system, bones, joints, ie svyazok.- musculoskeletal apparat.kogda we exercise, the muscles contract, resulting .in compliance and also of the nervous centers. the positive effect on the joints and sparing has permanent physical nagruki.i, at the same time, if a person believes that he will benefit from excessive exercise, it is deeply zabluzhdaetsya.v this case, the exercise has a negative impact on the joints.


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буранный полустанок

чингиз айтматов

чингиз айтматов - буранный полустанок

56 рецензий, 90 цитат

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читать в приложении

год издания: 1984

издательство: советский писатель

серия: библиотека произведений, удостоенных государственной премии

цикл: буранный полустанок, книга №1



в 1980 году публикация романа "и дольше века длится день…" (тогда он вышел под названием "буранный полустанок") произвела фурор среди читающей публики, а за чингизом айтматовым окончательно закрепилось звание "властителя дум". автор знаменитых произведений, переведенных на десятки мировых языков повестей-притч "белый пароход", "прощай, гульсары! ", "пегий пес, бегущий краем моря", он создал тогда новое произведение, которое сегодня, спустя десятилетия, звучит трагически актуально и которое стало мостом к следующим притчам чингиза айтматова - романам "плаха" и "тавро кассандры".

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

2. – I decided to re-paint my room. - What colour (will you/are you going to) paint it? 4. –The ceiling in this house doesn’t look very safe, does it? - No. It looks as if it (will/is going to) fall down. 6. - I’ve got a terrible headache. - Wait there and I (will/am going to) get an aspirin for you. 8 . - We need some milk for lunch. - Oh, I (will/am going to) go to the shop and get some. 10. – What would you like to drink? - I (will/am going to) have coffee Задание №2 В предложениях ниже выберите те слова, которые обуславливают выбор именно Present Simple для передачи действия в будущем. Обведи в кружок. 2.We don’t have classes next Friday. 4.The plane arrives at 9:35 6.What time do you have the first lecture tomorrow? 8.The shop closes at 9 p.m. 10.The train arrives on Tuesday Задание №3 Выбери правильный ответ. Обведи в кружок 2. Mary … at seven o’clock . a) Wil come b) Come c) Will be come d) Is come 4. They … lunch at two every day. a) Will have b) Doesn’t have c) Have d) Won’t have 5. 6. They … their parents after Christmas. a) Doesn’t phone b) Willn’t phone c) Won't phone d) Will phone not 8. I … such bad words! a) Won't never say b) Will never say c) Don’t never say d) Doesn’t ever say 10. How long .. for you when you are late? a) Do she wait b) Will she wait c) Does she wait d) Shall she wait
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