Stuffed Chicken
INGREDIENTS : 1chicken weighing 1 kg 400 with liver,200 g button mushrooms, 3 stalks parsley,60 g butter, 20 g bread , 700 g potatoes, salt, pepper
1. Clean and wash the mushrooms. Wash and dry parsley and remove leaves. Mince the chicken liver, parsley, chopped mushrooms and bread.
2. Preheat the oven at 220°C. Melt 15 g of butter in a frying pan and fry the stuffing for 2 minutes on a moderate heat.
3. Add salt and pepper and leave to cool.
4. Once the stuffing has cooled, stuff the chicken and sew it up (or plug with a ball of greaseproof paper).
5. Put the chicken in an oven dish, coat it with 15 g of butter and put in the oven. Cook for 15 minutes.
6. Peel and quarter the potatoes. When the chicken has cooked for 15 minutes, arrange the potatoes around it, adding knobs of butter, and leave to cook for a further 35 minutes.
Ингредиенты: 1 цыпленок весом 1 400 г с печенью, 200 г шампиньонов, 3 веточки петрушки, 60 г сливочного масла, 200 г хлеба, 700 г картофеля, соль, перец.
Почистите и вымойте грибы. Вымойте и подсушите петрушку, удалите листья. Пропустите через мясорубку печень цыпленка, петрушку, нарезанные шампиньоны и хлеб.
Нагрейте духовку до 220°. Растопите 15 г сливочного масла в сковороде, положите начинку и жарьте в течение 2 минут на умеренном огне.
Добавьте соль и перец и остудите.
После того, как начинка остынет, набейте ею цыпленка и зашейте его (или вставьте в отверстие комок жаростойкой бумаги).
Положите цыпленка на противень, обмажьте его 15 г сливочного масла и поставьте в духовку. Запекайте в течение 15 минут.
Почистите картофель, разрежьте каждую картофелину на четыре части. Через 15 минут после того, как цыпленок будет положен в духовку, разложите вокруг него картофель, добавляя кусочки масла и запекайте еще в течение 35 минут.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Задание 2. B. Подберите к каждому слову в колонке А соответствующее из колонки В.АВ1. inducea. find, get back2.removeb. unlimitedly3.indefinitelyс spiral4.memory celld. length of wire wound in a spiral to conduct electric current5.retrievee. bring about6.windingf take off, away7.coilg. the unit of computer whichstores data for future useУпражнение 3. Заполните пропуски словами conduct, superconductivity, superconductor, superconductive.1 at high temperatures was almost discovered in 1979. 2. The Russian scientists found an oxide of metal they were experimentingwith to ... electric current. Moreover, the lower the temperature, the less resistance the material had. 3. The resistance continued to fall in liquefied nitrogen. To continue the experiments, they needed liquid helium. To obtain it was quite a problem at that time. So the experiments were stopped. 4. But it was this compound of copper, lanthanum and oxygen that proved to be a ... for which the Swiss physicists were honoured with a Noble Prize in 1987. 5. Later neither efforts nor money were spared (жалеть, экономить) for the study of the ... materials. Moreover, there were no longer any problems with helium.
Anichkov bridge crosses the Fontanka River just outside the Anichkov Palace on Nevsky Prospekt. The bridge - 54.6 meters, width - 37 meters. His final version of the stone was erected in 1841, and the first, a wooden bridge was built back in 1715 under the leadership of the military engineer M.Anichkova, the name of which is to this day. Anichkov Bridge decorated with the famous sculpture of the "Tamers horses" (author P.Klodt, installed in 1850), which embodies the four stages of taming a horse. Everyone knows the history of sculpture during the siege of Leningrad: to protect works of art from the bombing, people have removed them from their pedestals and buried in the garden of the Palace of Pioneers. After the end of the blockade of the riders with their horses were solemnly returned to their rightful places.