
скоро сдавать!Итоговая контрольная работа 10 класс (УМК Кузовлев)Reading II Variantустановите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстамиA-G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.1 It was difficult to be beautiful2 Attractive eyes3 The modern standard of beauty4 Different views on beauty5 A gentleman of the past6 An example to follow7 The fatter the better8 Unusual beautiesA. Cindy Crawford, a supermodel in the 1990s was the perfect American dream girl: slim tanned and natural – looking, with long, shiny hair. People have described her as `The face of the decade`. A lot of girls all over the world dreamt to look like her and did everything to realize their dreams. B. But people have not always had the same idea about beauty. Until the 1920s, suntans were for poor people, `ladies` stayed out of the sun to keep their faces as pale as possible. In the times of Queen Elizabeth I of England fashionable ladies even painted their faces with lead to make them white – a very dangerous habit, since lead is poisonous.C. And people in the eighteen century would not have thought much of Cindy Crawford`s hair! Ladies in those days never went out without their wigs, which were so enormous and dirty that it was quite common to find mice living in them. As for the `perfect beauties` painted by Rubens in the 17th century, if they wanted to be supermodels today, they would need to spend months on a diet!D. Ideas of beauty can be very different according to where you live in the world, too. For the Paduang tribe in South East Asia, traditionally, the most important sign of female beauty was a long neck. So at the age of five and six girls received their first neck ring, and each year they added new rings. By the time they were old enough to marry; their necks were about twenty five centimeters long.E. And what about the ideal man? If you ask people today to name an attractive man, most of them would mention someone like James Bond, Harrison Ford; someone tall and athletic, brave and `manly`. Of course, beautiful charming smile is also very important. F. In the 18th century however, `manliness` was very different from what it is today. As well as wearing wigs, perfume and lots of make-up, a true gentleman showed that he had feelings by crying frequently in public. According to one story, when the British Prime Minister, Lord Spencer Percival came to give King George IV some bad news, both men set down and cried!G. And even now, Games Bond might not find it so easy to attract women if he visited the Dinka tribe of Sudan! They have always believed in the saying that `big is beautiful. Traditionally, each year, men compete to win the title of `the fattest man. The winner is sure to find a wife quickly; for a Dinka woman, if a man is fat, it is also the sign that he is rich and powerful! Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4-B12, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. B4 Tom likes studying. At the moment he is learning how to repair cars at one of his evening . CLASSB5 Sometimes the teacher, Mr Jones, let the students work on car HEB6 but last night something happened which his point of view. CHANGEB7 Mr Jones for 15 years and he always trusts his students to do things. TEACHB8 Last night it was Tom’s ___ lesson. THREEB9 While he was working on ___ car, somebody called Mr Jones to the phone. TEACHERB10 He only was away for a few minutes when he heard ___from the workshop. SHOUTB11 He ran back and saw that his car ___! BURNB12 Tom dropped a lighted match into the engine and set it on a fire. The result was terrible. Now Tom has to repair the car. It wasthe ___in his life. BAD Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенныхномерами B13–B18, так, чтобы они грамматически и содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B13–B18.В13 Winston Churchill was a famous British . POLICY В14В15 He was born in Oxfordshire, England, in 1874. He studied at the Royal Military College. After he completed his in 1896, he became a for a newspaper. EDUCATEJOURNALВ16 Three years later he went into politics. He became a Prime Minister in 1940. He was very popular. The people loved him for his and wisdom. STRONGВ17 He helped his country very much during the World War TWOВ18 . He lived with Clementine Hozier. He died at home in 1965. He was 91 years old. HAPPY ​

Английский язык


Изучение японского языка требует постоянной практики, будучи одним из сложных языков . японский каждый изучает в разных целях, если, например, человек хочет посетить эту прекрасную страну то он должен хотя бы на минимальном уровне знать элементарные слова, чтобы уметь общаться с японцами. общение с жителями Японии также преодолеть языковой барьер и со временем найти общий язык станет намного легче. кстати сами японцы считают свой язык трудным и поэтому к иностранцам умеющим хотя бы поздороваться, относятся с уважением) сам язык очень милый и в нем практически не существует ругательств тяжелее чем "дурак" или "идиот" :D
если вы намереваетесь посетить эту страну в по делам, то знать язык очень при очень важно. ну а так, каждый язык требует работы над собой, изучения его освнов, грамматики, также не следует забывать о произношение .
S.V. Zhoraevna1677
My best friend.
 His name is Nik, his surname is Ivanov. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes, like a sky. Nik's face is oval and he is very tall. We spend our free timetogether, for example: we often play football or visited each other (visit each arc in guests), because my friend live near my house.
 Nik is my best friend, because he help me, if i need help, he laugh with me and understand me very well as nobody else, he is an excellent interlocutor and else. I think he will be my best friend forever!

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скоро сдавать!Итоговая контрольная работа 10 класс (УМК Кузовлев)Reading II Variantустановите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстамиA-G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.1 It was difficult to be beautiful2 Attractive eyes3 The modern standard of beauty4 Different views on beauty5 A gentleman of the past6 An example to follow7 The fatter the better8 Unusual beautiesA. Cindy Crawford, a supermodel in the 1990s was the perfect American dream girl: slim tanned and natural – looking, with long, shiny hair. People have described her as `The face of the decade`. A lot of girls all over the world dreamt to look like her and did everything to realize their dreams. B. But people have not always had the same idea about beauty. Until the 1920s, suntans were for poor people, `ladies` stayed out of the sun to keep their faces as pale as possible. In the times of Queen Elizabeth I of England fashionable ladies even painted their faces with lead to make them white – a very dangerous habit, since lead is poisonous.C. And people in the eighteen century would not have thought much of Cindy Crawford`s hair! Ladies in those days never went out without their wigs, which were so enormous and dirty that it was quite common to find mice living in them. As for the `perfect beauties` painted by Rubens in the 17th century, if they wanted to be supermodels today, they would need to spend months on a diet!D. Ideas of beauty can be very different according to where you live in the world, too. For the Paduang tribe in South East Asia, traditionally, the most important sign of female beauty was a long neck. So at the age of five and six girls received their first neck ring, and each year they added new rings. By the time they were old enough to marry; their necks were about twenty five centimeters long.E. And what about the ideal man? If you ask people today to name an attractive man, most of them would mention someone like James Bond, Harrison Ford; someone tall and athletic, brave and `manly`. Of course, beautiful charming smile is also very important. F. In the 18th century however, `manliness` was very different from what it is today. As well as wearing wigs, perfume and lots of make-up, a true gentleman showed that he had feelings by crying frequently in public. According to one story, when the British Prime Minister, Lord Spencer Percival came to give King George IV some bad news, both men set down and cried!G. And even now, Games Bond might not find it so easy to attract women if he visited the Dinka tribe of Sudan! They have always believed in the saying that `big is beautiful. Traditionally, each year, men compete to win the title of `the fattest man. The winner is sure to find a wife quickly; for a Dinka woman, if a man is fat, it is also the sign that he is rich and powerful! Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B4-B12, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. B4 Tom likes studying. At the moment he is learning how to repair cars at one of his evening . CLASSB5 Sometimes the teacher, Mr Jones, let the students work on car HEB6 but last night something happened which his point of view. CHANGEB7 Mr Jones for 15 years and he always trusts his students to do things. TEACHB8 Last night it was Tom’s ___ lesson. THREEB9 While he was working on ___ car, somebody called Mr Jones to the phone. TEACHERB10 He only was away for a few minutes when he heard ___from the workshop. SHOUTB11 He ran back and saw that his car ___! BURNB12 Tom dropped a lighted match into the engine and set it on a fire. The result was terrible. Now Tom has to repair the car. It wasthe ___in his life. BAD Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенныхномерами B13–B18, так, чтобы они грамматически и содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B13–B18.В13 Winston Churchill was a famous British . POLICY В14В15 He was born in Oxfordshire, England, in 1874. He studied at the Royal Military College. After he completed his in 1896, he became a for a newspaper. EDUCATEJOURNALВ16 Three years later he went into politics. He became a Prime Minister in 1940. He was very popular. The people loved him for his and wisdom. STRONGВ17 He helped his country very much during the World War TWOВ18 . He lived with Clementine Hozier. He died at home in 1965. He was 91 years old. HAPPY ​
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