
№1 Подставь артикль the там, где это нужно.. 1….. Alps are higher than …… Urals. 2…… Russia is larger than ….. China. 3…Lake Naroch is the biggest lake in ….. Belarus.. 4…… USA consists of 50 states. 5. Where is …….. Science Museum, please? 6. A new American film is on at …….. Forum Cinema. 7. The Grand Hotel is in ….. Baker Street. №2 Переведи предложения. 1.У моей мамы доброе сердце. 2.Мы использовали камни, чтобы построить домик для собаки (a doghouse 3.Рядом с моим столом висит карта мира. (There …) 4.Мы празднуем День Победы 9 мая. (Victory Day) 5.Мои родители очень гостеприимные. №3 ответь письменно на во по прочитанным рассказам про Россию. Нужно давать короткий ответ, в одно или два слова. 1. Name the capital of Russia. 2. What building in Moscow has beautiful red walls and famous towers? 3. What mountains divide Russia into two parts? 4. Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and ….. . 5. Moscow is situated on the hills. How many hills are there? Ex.1 Подставь артикль the там, где это нужно. 1….. Bolshoi theatre is in Moscow. 2.In summer my mother and I go to ….. Black Sea. 3.I want to live in ……Paris. 4.It is ……. Moskva river. 5.Native Americans came from …. Asia. 6.My friend lives in ……. Tverskaya Street. 7.In …….. Egypt there is ……. Red Sea. 8……… London is in ……. UK. 9.They live near …… Pacific Ocean. 10.I think …….. Washington is a special city.

Английский язык






1.The, the

2.-, -

3.-, -






1.My mother has a good heart.

2.We used the stones to build a doghouse.

3.Next to my Desk is a map of the world.

4. We celebrate Victory Day on may 9.

5.My parents are very hospitable.


1.The Russian Federation

2.Moscow Kremlin

3.The Urals Eastern Europe and Northern Asia

5.Seven hills of Moscow








7.-, the

8.The, the



Грачева мураховская


1. Alps are higher than Urals.

Russia is larger than China

Lake Naroch is the biggest lake in Belarus.

The USA consists of 50 states.

Where is the Science Museum, please?

A new American film is on at the Forum Cinema.

The Grand Hotel is in the Baker Street.


1. My mom has a good heart.

2. We used the stones to build the doghouse.

3. There's a world mup next to my desk.

4. We celebrate Victory Day on the 9th of May

5. My parents are very hospitable.


1. The capital of Russia is Moscow.

2. Kremlin

3. The Urals

4. Asia

5. seven hills


1. The Bolshoi theatre is in Moscow.

2. In summer my mother and i go to the Black Sea.

3. I want to live in Paris.

4. It's the Moskva river.

5. Native Americans came from Asia.

6. My friend lives in Tverskaya Street.

7. In Egypt there's the Red Sea.

8. London is in the UK.

9. They live near the Pacific Ocean.

10. I think Washington is a special city.

1. This product has been in high demand lately.
2. When was the last time you were in the Tretyakov Gallery? I was there last month.
3. We haven't had talks (=haven't negotiated) with French companies lately.
4. The last time we sold them goods on CIF terms.
5. The last time we dealt with this company in November last year.
6. We have received several proposals for mining equipment lately.
7. Prices for electrical equipment have been high lately.
8. The last time we met with a representative of the French company two weeks ago.
To know your onions- знать своё дело, отлично разбираться в чём-л
When it comes to the cars,he really knows his onions.

To buy a lemon — купить что-то плохое по качеству
The people who had a new gadget have bought a lemon.

To put all your eggs in one basket-поставить все на одну карту,рискнуть всем
He lost his money because he had put all his eggs in one basket.

A big cheese-важная персона, большой начальник
His father is a big cheese in one of the international companies.

Bread and butter-средства к существованию, заработок
Teaching English is her bread and butter.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

№1 Подставь артикль the там, где это нужно.. 1….. Alps are higher than …… Urals. 2…… Russia is larger than ….. China. 3…Lake Naroch is the biggest lake in ….. Belarus.. 4…… USA consists of 50 states. 5. Where is …….. Science Museum, please? 6. A new American film is on at …….. Forum Cinema. 7. The Grand Hotel is in ….. Baker Street. №2 Переведи предложения. 1.У моей мамы доброе сердце. 2.Мы использовали камни, чтобы построить домик для собаки (a doghouse 3.Рядом с моим столом висит карта мира. (There …) 4.Мы празднуем День Победы 9 мая. (Victory Day) 5.Мои родители очень гостеприимные. №3 ответь письменно на во по прочитанным рассказам про Россию. Нужно давать короткий ответ, в одно или два слова. 1. Name the capital of Russia. 2. What building in Moscow has beautiful red walls and famous towers? 3. What mountains divide Russia into two parts? 4. Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and ….. . 5. Moscow is situated on the hills. How many hills are there? Ex.1 Подставь артикль the там, где это нужно. 1….. Bolshoi theatre is in Moscow. 2.In summer my mother and I go to ….. Black Sea. 3.I want to live in ……Paris. 4.It is ……. Moskva river. 5.Native Americans came from …. Asia. 6.My friend lives in ……. Tverskaya Street. 7.In …….. Egypt there is ……. Red Sea. 8……… London is in ……. UK. 9.They live near …… Pacific Ocean. 10.I think …….. Washington is a special city.
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