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Опиши последний день мистера Бига на острове. Раскрывая скобки, употреби глагол в форме или продолженного времени. Обрати внимание еще раз на правила использования этих времен. Ниже выбери нужную форму глагола из предложенных.1. to want * was wantingwanted2. to think * thoughtwas thinking3. to wait * was waitingwaited4. to be * waswere5. to hear * was hearingheard6. to enter * was enteringentered7. to come *camewere coming
There used to be ruled by kings, and now president. Within the walls of the Kremlin very famous people are buried ... Moscow great city, and I love him as I love my mom ... And yet, there are so many different places - cafes, hotels, circuses, amusement. And how many cars and people there! Word - a very beautiful city, in a very great country, Russia.