Если я првильно понял, нужно вкратце пересказать каждый параграф письменно.
1. Someone is fascinated by volcanoes. She has heard that Mt. Nyamulagira had been erupting. So, then she wanted to see it. This girl has joined a group of fellow volcanoes fans. Each of them has been carrying their own food, water and sleeping bags. So, some time later they have got exhausted.
2. They saw the first fountains of lava. As they have been getting closer, they can see streams of red lava.
3. When the sun was up, they approached the rim. They have took some fantastic pictures.
С Новым годом!
Schools where the needs of students get a higher priority than teachers union demands.
Enforcement of laws against narcotics sales.
Dismissal of any police officer who causes the death of an unarmed civilian.
Term limits to break the hold of career politicians on power.
Media and politicians held to the same standards of defamation and perjury which apply to the rest of us.
Arrests on gun crimes or violent assaullt MUST require cash bail, instead of release on a person's own recognizance.
Speedy trials, as the constitution guarantees,, instead of months or years spent in preparation by an army of prosecutors while the accused remain behind bars or unable to work.
Hire community members for entry level jobs, rather than someone here without authorization who is willing to work at illegal wages.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Составьте предложения из слов: 1. 1.programme, to watch, TV, is, interesting. 2.dangerous, a car, is, to drive, at night. 2. 1.book, exciting, is, this, to read. 2.English, is, well, to learn, important. 3. 1.to help, the disabled, necessary, are, every day. 2.is, bicycle, Ann’s, to ride, safe. 4. 1.new, is, washing - machine, our, to use, easy. 2.are, pets, easy, not, to take care of.
1)TV programme is interesting to watch.
2) To drive a car at night - dangerous.
3) This book is exciting to read.
4)English is well important to lern.
5)Every day are necessary to help the disabled.
6)Ann's bicycle is safe to ride.
7)Our new washing-machine is easy to use.
8)Pets are not easy to take care of.