
There are many interesting museums, exhibition halls and art galleries in the world and people love visiting them. They are especially popular among art lovers and people who prefer food for thought. Apart from art museums, there are many other types of exhibitions, such as historical, scientific, zoological, ethnographic, armoury, naval, etc. Museums of local lore are also interesting. They show how people lived and worked in this region. The most famous Russian museums are the State Tretyakov Art Gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin in Moscow, and the State Hermitage in Saint-Petersburg. The Hermitage houses more than 350 exhibition halls with a very rich collection of art works. The largest Museum of Great Britain is the British Museum, which is famous for its huge library. The most famous museum in France is the Louvre. I have once visited the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and it was an unforgettable experience. There I understood that art reflects life and appeals to our hearts and minds. This museum has one of the largest collections of the ancient, oriental and classical art in the world. Apart from paintings, I saw some outstanding sculptures there. The Pushkin Museum also holds one of the biggest collections of Ancient Egyptian Art. The Tretyakov Gallery is also huge and it contains mainly the works of famous Russian artists. One day isn’t enough to see all of its masterpieces. The museum has seven departments with portraits, seascapes, landscapes and other genres of painting. To sum up, I’d like to say that all museums are interesting and they give us an opportunity to learn something new about different nations and countries. Write the correct form of the verb in reported speech. 1. ‘My house is not far from the town center, ’ she said. — She said that … 2. ‘I saw Jimmy in the supermarket yesterday, ’ she said. — She said that … 3. Helen said, ‘I won’t go to work on Monday.’ — Helen said that … Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Passive. 1. These books…very quickly if there’s an advertisement. (sell out) 2. My sister…by a dog last month. (bite) 3. How much …water…? (pollute) 4. The play…by Shakespeare. (write) 5. The table … (just lay) 6. Polar bears… for their fur. (hunt) 7. The cups can…, be careful. (break) Write the right variant of the tense. 1. My friends… the match. (win) 2. Cara…this tower while she is on holidays. (see) 3. Leo always …his toys away. (take) 4. When I left the supermarket I saw someone … my car. (steal) 5. I … time to see my parents last week. (not have) 6. He … the shower when I called him. (take) 7. The exercises were very difficult, nobody … what to do with them. (know) Read these sentences and choose the right variant (where, whose, who, which 1. What's the name of the woman… husband was US president for 8 years? 2. How do you describe a person … is never generous with money? 3. I visited the museum … has the huge collection of sculptures. Make the Conditional sentences. If I had more time, /rake /I /the leaves. If Jim studies well, he / a university/ enter/next /year. If I didn’t wake up early, I/ late/ be/ work/ for. Read: Internet Addiction The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is the Internet, which has been blamed for broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even suicide. Psychologists now recognize Internet Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illness that could cause serious problems and ruin many lives. IAS is similar to other problems like gambling, smoking and drinking: addicts have dreams about the Internet; they need to use it first thing in the morning; they lie to their parents and partners about how much time they spend online; they wish they could cut down, but are unable to do so. Many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on computer games and who find it very difficult to resist the games on the Internet. ‘I cannot put down the phone, which is connected to the Internet. I am crazy about knowing what my friends and classmates are doing and where. It is really like an addiction’, says Jessica Dawsy, a teenage girl from Texas. ‘My brother is also an addict, but he loves to play video games. If I forbid him to play them for one evening, he gets angry and very aggressive. I do not know how to help him.’ Scientists claim that family is the biggest support and can help the teenagers the most. They need to pay attention more to them and offer various activities, such as sports, music lessons and other hobbies. Write true or false or doesn’t say: 1. Internet addiction has caused many people to get overweight. 2. Jessica Dawsy’s brother is addicted to Internet less than Jessica is. Answer to the following questions. You should write down not fewer than 10 sentences. Can you confess that you are an Internet addict? How is it revealed? Would you like to get rid of this addiction? If you are not addicted to the Internet what do you get pleasure from?

Английский язык










1) The Red Sea. 2) The Urals. 3) The Volga. 4) The Alps. 5) The Caucasus Mountains. 6) The Thames. 7) Madrid. 8) Africa. 9) North America. 10) South America. 11) Oxford Street. 12) Red Square. 13) Hyde Park. 14) Lake Baikal. 16) Europe.

Артикль the не употребляется с названиями континентов, планет, стран, городов, улиц, озер, с названиями университетов, храмов, праздников.

Артикль the используется с названиями морей, рек, гор, отелей, музеев, театров. The ставим перед фамилией что обозначает семью (the Smiths).

Встречаясь с людьми в первый раз, мы всегда выносим суждение, основываясь на их внешности, хотя пословица говорит нам не совершать эту ошибку. Тем не менее, мы смотрим на лицо, пытаемся угадать возраст или профессию, прислушиваемся к тому, как говорит человек. Точно так же, как другие люди могут оценить нас. Давайте попробуем взглянуть на себя так, как если бы мы были незнакомцами, и эта критика может нам улучшить наш характер.
Конечно, самый первый взгляд - это ваше лицо и фигура.
Если у вашего лица румяный цвет лица и ваши светлые глаза сияют в мире, вы - человек, который проводит много времени на свежем воздухе, не сидит перед рассказами и разумно совмещает работу и веселье. Хорошо расчесанные волосы и аккуратно подстриженные ногти скажут всем, что вы аккуратный человек, который уважает себя и окружающих вас людей. Задняя спина и плохо очищенные зубы не будут считаться положительными и предадут вашу неприязнь к физическим упражнениям и лени. Теперь, что вы можете сказать о своей внешности?
Мир эмоций накладывает отпечаток и на внешность. Какие эмоции самые частые в твоей жизни? Радость, печаль, гнев, волнение, стыд, гордость, энтузиазм, одиночество, страдание, любовь.
Если вы решительный и волевой человек, вы бы никогда не сдались и вели себя спокойно и спокойно, что бы ни происходило в вашей жизни. Только слабые могли кричать или впадать в ярость. Добродушные люди принимают вещи такими, какие они есть, и думают о путях выхода из трудностей.
Многое связано с вашим отношением к людям. Если вы общительны, общительные люди будут благодарны вам, и у вас будет много друзей. Напротив, враждебные бестактные, лживые и лживые люди отталкивают и обречены оставаться в одиночестве.
Конечно, в реальности нет идеального человека, но если бы мы попытались изобразить такого человека, он обладал бы следующими качествами: он / она должен быть добрым и дружелюбным, но в то же время скромным. Щедрость и искренность - это качества, которые привлекают всех. Хороший друг - определенно человек, с которым интересно разговаривать - он должен быть остроумным и умным. С тщеславными и наглыми людьми очень трудно иметь дело, они считают себя центром вселенной и никогда не пытаются критически взглянуть на себя. Сегодняшняя идея смелости изменилась, и нет необходимости сражаться с дикими животными или путешествовать в неизвестные земли. Но трудолюбие и трудолюбие - это качества, которые всегда ценятся.
Там нет идеальных людей. Мы должны воспринимать мир таким, какой он есть, но стараться улучшить его, начиная с себя. Какие положительные качества вы считаете абсолютно необходимыми для всех? С какими негативными чертами вы не согласны? Почему?
Опишите одного из ваших друзей и расскажите о его / ее положительных и отрицательных чертах характера. Говори о себе. Какие качества вы бы хотели развить в себе? Какие из них должны быть искоренены?

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

There are many interesting museums, exhibition halls and art galleries in the world and people love visiting them. They are especially popular among art lovers and people who prefer food for thought. Apart from art museums, there are many other types of exhibitions, such as historical, scientific, zoological, ethnographic, armoury, naval, etc. Museums of local lore are also interesting. They show how people lived and worked in this region. The most famous Russian museums are the State Tretyakov Art Gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin in Moscow, and the State Hermitage in Saint-Petersburg. The Hermitage houses more than 350 exhibition halls with a very rich collection of art works. The largest Museum of Great Britain is the British Museum, which is famous for its huge library. The most famous museum in France is the Louvre. I have once visited the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and it was an unforgettable experience. There I understood that art reflects life and appeals to our hearts and minds. This museum has one of the largest collections of the ancient, oriental and classical art in the world. Apart from paintings, I saw some outstanding sculptures there. The Pushkin Museum also holds one of the biggest collections of Ancient Egyptian Art. The Tretyakov Gallery is also huge and it contains mainly the works of famous Russian artists. One day isn’t enough to see all of its masterpieces. The museum has seven departments with portraits, seascapes, landscapes and other genres of painting. To sum up, I’d like to say that all museums are interesting and they give us an opportunity to learn something new about different nations and countries. Write the correct form of the verb in reported speech. 1. ‘My house is not far from the town center, ’ she said. — She said that … 2. ‘I saw Jimmy in the supermarket yesterday, ’ she said. — She said that … 3. Helen said, ‘I won’t go to work on Monday.’ — Helen said that … Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Passive. 1. These books…very quickly if there’s an advertisement. (sell out) 2. My sister…by a dog last month. (bite) 3. How much …water…? (pollute) 4. The play…by Shakespeare. (write) 5. The table … (just lay) 6. Polar bears… for their fur. (hunt) 7. The cups can…, be careful. (break) Write the right variant of the tense. 1. My friends… the match. (win) 2. Cara…this tower while she is on holidays. (see) 3. Leo always …his toys away. (take) 4. When I left the supermarket I saw someone … my car. (steal) 5. I … time to see my parents last week. (not have) 6. He … the shower when I called him. (take) 7. The exercises were very difficult, nobody … what to do with them. (know) Read these sentences and choose the right variant (where, whose, who, which 1. What's the name of the woman… husband was US president for 8 years? 2. How do you describe a person … is never generous with money? 3. I visited the museum … has the huge collection of sculptures. Make the Conditional sentences. If I had more time, /rake /I /the leaves. If Jim studies well, he / a university/ enter/next /year. If I didn’t wake up early, I/ late/ be/ work/ for. Read: Internet Addiction The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is the Internet, which has been blamed for broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even suicide. Psychologists now recognize Internet Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illness that could cause serious problems and ruin many lives. IAS is similar to other problems like gambling, smoking and drinking: addicts have dreams about the Internet; they need to use it first thing in the morning; they lie to their parents and partners about how much time they spend online; they wish they could cut down, but are unable to do so. Many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the Internet. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked on computer games and who find it very difficult to resist the games on the Internet. ‘I cannot put down the phone, which is connected to the Internet. I am crazy about knowing what my friends and classmates are doing and where. It is really like an addiction’, says Jessica Dawsy, a teenage girl from Texas. ‘My brother is also an addict, but he loves to play video games. If I forbid him to play them for one evening, he gets angry and very aggressive. I do not know how to help him.’ Scientists claim that family is the biggest support and can help the teenagers the most. They need to pay attention more to them and offer various activities, such as sports, music lessons and other hobbies. Write true or false or doesn’t say: 1. Internet addiction has caused many people to get overweight. 2. Jessica Dawsy’s brother is addicted to Internet less than Jessica is. Answer to the following questions. You should write down not fewer than 10 sentences. Can you confess that you are an Internet addict? How is it revealed? Would you like to get rid of this addiction? If you are not addicted to the Internet what do you get pleasure from?
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