Мне расскажут I will be told Мне рассказывают I am told Мне рассказали I was told Мне покажут I will be shown Мне показывают I am shown Мне показали I was shown Ее привели She was brought Ее приводят She is brought Ее приведут She will be drought Нас спросили We were asked Нас спрашивают we are asked Нас спросят We will be asked Нам ответили We were answered Нам отвечают We are answered Нам ответят We will be answered Нас послали We were sent Нас посылаютWe are sent Нас пошлют We will be sent Ему Ему Ему
Dear Katlin ,
Thanks for you last letter. How're you doing now?
I was very impressed by your decision to come to Moscow in winter. Honestly, we have a really cold weather in winter. You wrote me that you were going to come in January. I'm hurrying to surprise you, but January is the coldest month in our winter and if we have a sunny day it doesn't mean that if you come outside you'll be in a warm, so you have to prepare for this little trip and take with yourself a lot of warm clothes.
We have two main festivities in winter: New Year and Christmas. They are both very important and our people usually celebrate them in traditional customs.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Here are the words but the letters are mixed up. Write the correct variant. Example 0. feli Answer 0. life 1. raceemb to 2. llutepo to 3. ountc to
Вроде так
1. To embrace
2. To pollute
3. To count