Bologova Golovach1989

Выберите правильный ответ:Эта книга:that book 2) this book 3) these books 4) those booksте шляпы:that hat 2) this hat 3) these hats 4) those hatsТот холм:that hill 2) this hill 3) these hills 4) those hillsэти лошади:that horse 2) this horse 3) these horses 4) those horsesта роза:that rose 2) this rose 3) these roses 4) those rosesэтот муравей:that ant 2) this ant 3) these ants 4) those antsте крючки:that hook 2) this hook 3) these hooks 4) those hooks​

Английский язык



1.this book

2.that hill

3.these horses

4.that rose

5.this ant

6.those hooks


this book

those hats

that hill

these horses

that rose

this ant

those hooks


That - тот, та, вон тааа ручка дай мне е

This - вот это прям тут это вот лежит же перед тобой!

These - вот эт бурундуки съели мой обед вот они перед тобой

Those - вон т лошади бегают по лугу вн там оин в далек

Общий: did my brother invite his friend to his birthday party yesterday? Специальный: when did my brother invite his friend to the party/ where did my brother invited his friend yesterday? Альтернативный: did my brother invite his friend to the party or to the cinema yesterday? Разделительный: my brother invited his friend to his birthday party yesterday, didn't he? К подлежащему: who did invite the friend to the party. Отрицание: my brother didn't invite his friend to his birthday party yesterday
Forests play a major role in developing the economy, improving the environment. The trees themselves - a fuel suppliers, and most importantly - wood for construction projects and technical craft materials. so what do you think in deforestation over plus or minus?Timber companies that supply the world of wood and paper products, also cut down countless trees for the construction of roads and as a result of urban growth. However, not all lesoistreblenie is intentional - some is due to a combination of human and natural factors, such as forest fires and overgrazing, which does not allow growth of young trees.On the other hand forest - a habitat for the majority ofanimal species, it is the breadwinner of animals and humans, giving themnuts, berries, mushrooms, edible shoots of grass and lichens. Forest ecosystems are very important for the life of the biosphere: theyenriching the atmosphere with oxygen .Lesa play an important role in the water cycle. Forest soils filter the water flowing from the fields and industrial sites, andpurified them from many contaminants. Forest ecosystems evaporated inair moisture and beneficial effect on the climate by increasing humidityair.Considering all the circumstances, I conclude that it is necessary to reduce deforestation and to look for alternative ideas. We chat because it is dependent on the nature and nee.i I would like that other generations have seen the beauty of nature, and not something that leaves a land raped.

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Выберите правильный ответ:Эта книга:that book 2) this book 3) these books 4) those booksте шляпы:that hat 2) this hat 3) these hats 4) those hatsТот холм:that hill 2) this hill 3) these hills 4) those hillsэти лошади:that horse 2) this horse 3) these horses 4) those horsesта роза:that rose 2) this rose 3) these roses 4) those rosesэтот муравей:that ant 2) this ant 3) these ants 4) those antsте крючки:that hook 2) this hook 3) these hooks 4) those hooks​
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