
Переведи на английский 1. В мое свободное время я слушаю музыку и постоянно бываю где-то со своими друзьями. 2. Я помешан на футболе. 3. Это очень захватывающе участвовать в соревнованиях. 4. Он увлекается рисованием. 5. Она хотела бы бросить собирать марки, потому что это очень скучно 6. Я занялся теннисом, потому что я интересуюсь спортом. 7. Я считаю что коллекционирование наклеек это пустая трата времени.

Английский язык



1. In my free time I listen to music and constantly visit my friends somewhere. 2. I am obsessed with football. 3. It is very exciting to compete. 4. He is interested in painting. 5. She would like to stop collecting stamps because it is very boring 6. I went in for tennis because I am interested in sports. 7. I think collecting stickers is a waste of time.


1)In my free time, I listen to music and constantly go somewhere with my friends.

2)I'm obsessed with football

3)It is very exciting to participate in competitions

4)He is fond of drawing.

5)She would like to stop collecting stamps, because it is very boring

6)I took up tennis because I am interested in sports.

7)I think that collecting stickers is a waste of time.

1. Does he work now?(вообще)/ Is he working now? (в данный момент)
2. He usually goes to work on foot.
3. Steve likes Chinese food (cuisine).
4. Do the classes begin early in the morning? Yes, they do.
5. Does she like to do the shopping? Yes, she does.
6. The Smiths don't like travelling.
7. Henry doesn't dine in the restaurant. 
8. He turned off the radio and went to bed.
9. It rained often last spring.
10. David has at last sold his car.
11. Did Joe come back really late last evening?
12. When did Columbus discover America? Columbus discovered America in 1492.
13. How much was the ring? The ring was 600 dollars.
14. Alice hasn't come to the party.
15. You read the article inattentively.
16. On Friday morning I was working in the garden.
17. They've been living here since July.
18. Have you ever been to Louvre? No, I've never been to Louvre.
19. I'm afraid I've lost the car keys.
20. How long have you been living here? I've been living here for 9 years.
21. I had finished my work by 5 o'clock.
22. It had been snowing heavily for about two hours already when they left the house.
23. Why was he surprised that he got a"3"?
24. Nobody knew when this bridge had been constructed.
25. I was told that you had been reading this book for more than a month. It's time to return it to the library.
26. The train is going to be late.
27. You are not going to get to work in time.(You won't get to work in time.)
28. Are you going to meet Doris soon?
29. We're going to buy a colour-TV.
30. We're not going to have dinner at the restaurant tonight.
31. Would you like some ice-cream for dessert? (Will you have ice-cream for dessert?).
32. He will have finished his homework by 7pm.
33. We will have finished our experiments in a month.
34. We will have met all his old friends before going to New York.
35. I'm afraid you'll have forgotten all these rules by tomorrow.
36. I'm not sure she'll have passed her last exam by this time.
37. The miller said that he'd visit little Hans when spring came and he'd be able to give him a basket of first flowers.

Вот ответ, но только на русском:

Свойства белков  таковы:

а) Разная растворимость в воде. Растворимые белки образуют коллоидные растворы.

б) Гидролиз - под действием растворов минеральных кислот или ферментов происходит разрушение первичной структуры белка и образование смеси аминокислот.

в) Денатурация - частичное или полное разрушения пространственной структуры, присущей данной белковой молекуле. Денатурация происходит под действием:

                                     - высокой температуры

                                     - растворов кислот, щелочей и                концентрированных растворов солей

                                     - растворов солей тяжёлых металлов

                                     - некоторых органических веществ (формальдегида, фенола)

                                     - радиоактивного излучения

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Переведи на английский 1. В мое свободное время я слушаю музыку и постоянно бываю где-то со своими друзьями. 2. Я помешан на футболе. 3. Это очень захватывающе участвовать в соревнованиях. 4. Он увлекается рисованием. 5. Она хотела бы бросить собирать марки, потому что это очень скучно 6. Я занялся теннисом, потому что я интересуюсь спортом. 7. Я считаю что коллекционирование наклеек это пустая трата времени.
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