activity - занятия
adventure - путешествие
cathedral - собор
character - персонаж
east - восток
fortress - замок/форт
museum - музей
novel - роман
palace - дворец
peace - кусочек
politician - политик
raven - ворона
sight - зрение
slice - ломтик
admire - djc[bofnmcz
chat - переписываться
turn - занимать очередь
amazing - удивительный
ancient - древний
cultural - культурный
free - бесплатный
hospitable - госпитализированный
royal - королевский
already - уже
ever - когда либо
be famous of - быть популярным
be founden in - быть найденным
be full of - быть наполненным
be proud of - быть гордым
be rich of - быть богатым
be situated - находиться
be surprised - быть удивленным
come true - сбываться
face to face - лицом к лицу
have a barbecue - барбекю
host family - принимающая семья
in peace - в мире
play a board game - играть в настолку
take care of - заботиться
1. Portret - an image or description
of a person or a group of people that exist or existed in reality,
2. Landscape is a genre of fine art
in which the main subject of the image is the pristine nature or,
to one degree or another, nature transformed by man.
3. Still life is an image of inanimate objects in the visual arts,
in contrast to portrait, genre,
historical and landscape themes.
4. realistic paintings - an aesthetic and artistic position,
according to which the task of art is to depict reality as accurately and objectively as possible
5. abstract paintings - show the harmony between man and art,
create a certain harmonious combination of lines and color spots.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple tense: INSPECTOR GRANGER: OK Mr. Thomas. Relax and tell me the problem. MR. THOMAS: It's my wife. She 1 went (go) out yesterday to buy some milk. And she 2(not / come) back. INSPECTOR GRANGER: When 3 (/you see) your wife for the last time? MR. THOMAS: Yesterday evening. INSPECTOR GRANGER: Tell me what happened yesterday. MR. THOMAS: Well, we 4 (wake up) at about 8.00 as usual. We 5 (have) breakfast and then I 6 (drive) to work. I think she 7 (go) shopping. It 8 (be) a Wednesday. She always goes shopping on Wednesdays. Then she 9 (make) the dinner. INSPECTOR GRANGER: When 10 home? (/you come) MR. THOMAS I 11 (come) home at six o'clock. I 12 (sit)down in my chair and 13 (read) the newspaper. Then we14 (have) dinner. After dinner, my wife 15 (go) to the kitchen. I 16 (have) a glass of whisky and 17 (sleep) in my chair. INSPECTOR GRANGER: 18 (/you speak) to your wife when you 19 (come) home? Or 20 (/she say) anything to you? MR. THOMAS: I 21 (not / speak) to her, but after about an hour she 22 (say), 'This isn't a life. I'm going out.' She 23 (take) her bag and her coat. She 24 (not / say) goodbye. I 25 (hear) the door close. But I 26 (not / see) her again. INSPECTOR GRANGER: I see, sir. I think I can guess the answer to this mystery.