I think that every human had uncomfortable, bad and worst holiday in his or her life. I had to and now I'd like to share with you a little story, which happened to me last year. In my Christmas holiday my family and I went to Singapore. I was very excited before I went there but I never thought that this was my worst holiday. When I arrived at the Singapore international airport, I felt very uncomfortable. The climate is very hot and humid. Singapore is rainy all year round and I always forget to bring my umbrella when I am going out therefore I fell sick. I could still remember that I fell ill throughout my vacation, I was bed ridden because I had a high fever, it was awful .The other bad thing was that I needed to travel approximately one hour to go to the city because my friend’s house is too far. I visited Singapore for about two weeks but I didn’t buy a lot of things because the price is more expensive than compared to Hong Kong. If I have one more chance, I think I will not choose visit Singapore
Я берегу своё здоровьем .Чищу зубы,завтракаю. Делаю зарядку под весёлую музику.Делаю упражнения которые помагают чувствовать себя легко.Ем Здоровую пищу.Не сежу долго за компьютером , а занимаючь спортом. Я Помагаю своим родителям. НЕ курю и не пью. Следи за своим здоровьем и все будет хорошо.
I take care of your health. Brush my teeth, eat breakfast. Doing exercises, cheered muziku.Delayu exercises that they help feel legko.Em Healthy pischu.Ne sezhu long at the computer and zanimayuch sports. I helps her parents. Do not smoke or drink. Take care of yourself and everything will be fine.
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Хитрый джинн вызывается из лампы и говорит: «Я исполню тебе три желания, молодой мастер, но только если ты ответишь на мою загадку. Перед тобой три комнаты, и ты должен войти в одну. Первая полна ярости». огонь, второй с кровожадными бандитами, третий наполнен львами, которые не ели три года. Подумай внимательно, мой напыщенный смельчак. Какую комнату выбрать? »ответ:.
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Львы могут обходиться без пищи только несколько недель, поэтому этих львов давно нет в живых!!