
❤️мальчики решите❤️Choose the correct options. 1.The wooden house was built (by/with) axes. 2.The young woman looked (shy/shyly 3.The roses smelt (nice/nicely). 4.Laura can't arrive (quick/quickly).It hurts her to walk. 5.The little boy looked at me (shy/shyly). 6.James (learnt/studied) philosophy at the university. 7.We (learnt/studied) the map carefully but didn't find the little village on it. 8.The building was constructed (by/with) unknown architects. 9.The melody sounded (pleasant/pleasantly) . 10.Where did you (learn/study) to drive a car?11.Nowadays children (learn/study) to read at an early age. 12.Alice is coming down with a cold, she feels (bad, badly).

Английский язык


Violence Among Teenagers
Today teenagers are violent more than in the last generation. In the last few years the violence spread all over the country. In these days there are some external features that we can recognize violent people. Teachers, parents and teenagers report that violence increases every day. 

Alcohol today is more than just a problem among adults, but it has become a problem among teens. During the past ten years we had witnessed a steady decline in the number of alcohol-related motor vehicle deaths in the youth population, but there is a rise also in alcohol consumption overall. Alcohol is a main reason for violence whether it is growing up with alcohol users and abusers or the youth using the alcohol substance themselves. High school students who drink alcohol or use illegal drugs, including anabolic steroids, are more than twice as likely to carry a weapon or get into a physical fight than teenagers who deny drug use, according to a study in the August issue of the AMA's Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
 The situation is dangerous. We must fight with this problem and involve teenagers into sport and other useful activities
В возрасте 11 лет мне посчастливилось побывать в Италии, и эта страна очаровала меня сразу: мне очень понравились её узкие улочки, всегда улыбающиеся и доброжелательные люди, немного странный, но очень своеобразный образ жизни. Но больше всего меня впечатлила их кухня. Я попробовала много кухонь мира, среди которых японская, французская, китайская и средиземноморская кухни, но я до сих пор уверена, что итальянские блюда самые вкусные в мире, особенно пицца.Хотя сейчас я совсем взрослая, я до сих пор помню свои чувства, когда я попробовала пиццу в первый раз. Я помню официанта, который подошел к столу с моей большой пиццей и положил её передо мной. Я закрыла глаза и понюхала её. Запах пиццы был незнакомый, но очень привлекательный, и он мне понравился сразу. Как только я открыла глаза, моё внимание привлек сыр на пицце, который расплавился в необычной форме, он напомнил мне Африку. Я провела несколько секунд, смотря на мою пиццу и попыталась найти другие своеобразные формы, но затем я сдалась и начала есть.В тот день я решила, что пицца- это самая вкусная еда в мире, откровенно говоря, я не изменила своего мнения до сих пор. Я действительно её обожаю. Когда я приглашаю своих друзей к себе чтобы провести вечер за просмотром фильма, я обычно заказываю пиццу или две; каждый день рождения мы празднуем в пиццерии (каждый раз это другой ресторан пиццы), и когда я в хорошем настроении для приготовления чего-нибудь вкусненького, чаще всего я готовлю пиццу. Это действительно самая вкусная еда для меня!Я также хочу признаться, что когда я ем пиццу, я всегда вспоминаю сладкие моменты из моего детства, и если я в плохом настроении, запах пиццы всегда может его улучшить. Для меня пицца не является обычной едой- это волшебная часть моего детства, поэтому поедание пиццы особый ритуал для меня.At the age of 11 I was lucky to visit Italy; this country charmed me at once: I really liked its narrow streets, always smiling and friendly people, a bit strange but very peculiar way of life but most of all I was impressed by their cuisine. Now I've tasted many cuisines among which there are Japanese, French, Chinese, and Mediterranean cuisines but I’m still sure that Italian dishes are the tastiest in the world, especially pizza.Though I’m quite a big girl I still clearly remember my feelings when I eat pizza for the first time. I remember a waiter who approached the table with my large pizza and put it in front of me. I closed my eyes and smelled it. The smell of pizza was unfamiliar but very taking, I liked it at once. As soon as I opened my eyes my attention was attracted by cheese on the pizza which melted in unusual form, it reminded me Africa. I spent several seconds gazing at my pizza and trying to find other peculiar forms but then gave up and started to eat it.That day I thought that pizza was the most delicious meal in the world; frankly speaking, I haven’t changed my mind till now. I really adore it. When I invite my friends to my place to spend evening watching a film I usually order a pizza or two, every my birthday we celebrate in a pizza restaurant (each time it is a different pizza restaurant) and when I’m in good mood for cooking something delicious more often I cook pizza. It is really the tastiest meal for me!I also want to admit that when I eat pizza I always recall sweet moments from my childhood, and if I’m in a bad mood flavory pizza can always improve it. For me pizza is not an ordinary meal it’s a magic part of my childhood that’s why eating of pizza is a special ritual for me.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

❤️мальчики решите❤️Choose the correct options. 1.The wooden house was built (by/with) axes. 2.The young woman looked (shy/shyly 3.The roses smelt (nice/nicely). 4.Laura can't arrive (quick/quickly).It hurts her to walk. 5.The little boy looked at me (shy/shyly). 6.James (learnt/studied) philosophy at the university. 7.We (learnt/studied) the map carefully but didn't find the little village on it. 8.The building was constructed (by/with) unknown architects. 9.The melody sounded (pleasant/pleasantly) . 10.Where did you (learn/study) to drive a car?11.Nowadays children (learn/study) to read at an early age. 12.Alice is coming down with a cold, she feels (bad, badly).
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