Роб: привет! Есть тут кто-нибудь? Старик: здравствуй, юноша! Как ты попал в это ужасное место? Rob: я волшебник. Я предсказал будущее королеве и она захотела отправить меня в башню. Я был вынужден бежать. Ее солдаты поймали меня на неделе, поскольку я устал и больше не мог идти. Старик: ты не волшебник. Ты просто напуганный маленький мальчик и мне жаль тебя. Все уже готово для твоей казни. Роб: ты просто ужасный старый лжец! Они не могут убить меня! Это просто дурной сон! Старик: - ты не очень вежлив, но я прощаю тебя. Я вижу что-то необычное в тебе. Как ты сделал предсказание королеве? Расскажи мне свою историю и я тебе. Роб мне! Ты хороший старик и я не хочу умирать. Жизнь так прекрасна, а я так молод!
Andy said he was in a hurry because his bus was leaving in 10 minutes
b) James said he had seen Steve a month previously.
c) He said she would talk to the entire class
d) Melinda said that Jason was having a birthday party at his house the following day”
e) Kathy said that I would never believe what had happened the day before.
f) Ann told me that Sally had been working hard in the lab the day before.
2)Turn the following questions into Reported Speech.
a) Andy asked me who was at the party the night before.
b) His mother asked him if he was going to the cinema the next day
c) She asked us when the the package would be delivered.
d) He asked me where the building was.
She asked me how she could get to P S.
f) He asked Tom if he was flying to Paris the following week.
3)Turn the following commands into Reported Speech.
a) Tom's mother told him to turn off the TV.
b) The woman begged Peter to help her.
c) Her father told her not to talk to strangers.
d) Mother told us to take off our shoes.
e) Sandra asked her son to pick up his books.
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