
с Английским языком. Надо закончить историю.​

Английский язык



 I heard noises in the woods. Suddenly my father got up to hear sounds better. He said to go see what can hear someone needs help. When I reached the place where the sounds came I saw some little fox cub caught intro trap. His father asked my brother to pull the trap because chickens were small and innocent. After we released we enjoyed very much the kindness done for small puppies.


Спортсмены бежали марафонах на протяжении более ста лет. В марте 1981 года первый лондонский марафон начался. 7,747 люди соревновались в нем. Люди побежали / были работает Лондонский марафон с 1981 г. Это расстояние от Виндзорского замка в это время городской стадион в Лондоне. Давно 42,195 километров. Женщины не бегал марафоны до 1984 С 1990-ых марафона был очень популярным видом спорта. Люди бегут марафоны в свое свободное время. Рекорд Лондонского марафона было 2 часа 8 минут и 16 секунд в 1985 году Лондонский марафон является международной конкуренции и уличный фестиваль, все в одном.

1.The capital of Russia is Moscow. Moscow was first mentioned in annals in 1147. The city was founded by Yuri Dolgorukiy.There are lots of stories explaining the origin of its name. Some scientists consider that the word “Moskva” goes back to the Sarmatian language and is translated “bend”. There is also a legend that the founder of the city was not Yuri Dolgorukiy, but prince Mos who was a grandson of biblical Noy, and his wife Kva. But of course this is far from the truth.


3.In general, industry holds a small share in the city’s economy, however, Moscow is one of the most developed industrial and production centers in the country. The main types of industry are mechanical engineering, machine tool manufacturing, shipbuilding, instrument making. The developed areas of industrial production in the capital include the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy (non-ferrous metal, aluminum alloys, etc.). The chemical industry, light and printing industries are developed.

The previous few years showed an increase in the industrial production of the capital, but at the same time, there was a tendency to shift production outside the city.

It should be noted that the capital of Russia is also a serious engineering center where projects of a huge number of products of our country are being created, various studies are being conducted, new technologies for manufacturing products are being developed and mastered.

The defense industry enterprises operate in Moscow.

The largest civilian manufactures: Moscow Oil Refinery, Avtoframos, Likhachev Plant, Moscow Tire Plant, Trekhgornaya manufactory, etc.

In Moscow, up to 30% of retail turnover is concentrated on an all-Russian scale. As for the city budget - according to forecasts for 2012, the budget of the capital of Russia will be equal to the budget of New York.The largest industrial enterprises and factories in Moscow

• Moscow Oil Refinery - Moscow Oil Refinery

• Hammer and Sickle, MMZ, OJSC - Moscow Metallurgical Plant

• Electrozavod - production of electric transformers and reactors;

• Moscow Plant Electroshield - production of electrical switchgears;

• Likhachev Plant (ZIL) - production of trucks;

• Avtoframos - Renault car assembly plant;

• Moscow Tire Plant - a leading tire manufacturer in Russia;

• Concern Almaz-Antey, OJSC - development and production of weapons;

• Salute, FSUE - production of aircraft engines;

• Tushino Engineering Plant - enterprises of the aircraft industry.

4.The cultural life of Moscow is a cultural and cultural center that takes place in Moscow, is produced in Moscow, and also comes, is brought and consumed in Moscow


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