-Hi man , i have returned from Kazhahstan! -Really? Nice! And how its going there? -Amazing! Ive been there with my parents for two or more weeks , but we were everywhere we needed! Look my photos ! -Oh my god! Such a beautiful wiew! Where is it? -Hm. Oh! I got it! There we was on Medeo! It is a mountains covered with forests and lakes. See? There we were skiing! -Huh. I have never tried ski. -Okay, nevermind. Oh! Look there. These photos from Otrar ruins! - Looks like you in middle age , in ruins of old castle or something like that.. -Umm. I think it was a religious place or somthing like that. We had a guide but you know me , i was not so guiet and attentive. -Yep. Ok , i need to go , let me see your photos later , ok? - Yes , of course! Bye! -Bye!
Ваган Шутова332
Какой город является столицей Англии? Вы были в Лондоне много раз, не так ли? Вам нравится Лондон Сити, не так ли? Вы видели Биг Бен, когда вы были в Лондоне, не так ли? Вы мечтаете о завтраке в кофейне Лондон, Дон 'т вы? вы знаете, какие места являются лучшими в Лондоне, не так ли? вы забронировали авиабилеты в Лондон на следующий месяц, не так ли? вы взяли некоторые картины британском музее, не так ли ? вы были первым Лондон посетителя в классе в школе, не так ли? вы много друзей в Лондоне, не так ли?
-Really? Nice! And how its going there?
-Amazing! Ive been there with my parents for two or more weeks , but we were everywhere we needed! Look my photos !
-Oh my god! Such a beautiful wiew! Where is it?
-Hm. Oh! I got it! There we was on Medeo! It is a mountains covered with forests and lakes. See? There we were skiing!
-Huh. I have never tried ski.
-Okay, nevermind. Oh! Look there. These photos from Otrar ruins!
- Looks like you in middle age , in ruins of old castle or something like that..
-Umm. I think it was a religious place or somthing like that. We had a guide but you know me , i was not so guiet and attentive.
-Yep. Ok , i need to go , let me see your photos later , ok?
- Yes , of course! Bye!