
Final Test Form 5 1. Прочитайте текст и выберите T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated): Family Guy The Family Guy is a Fox Company TV show. It is a story about the Griffins and their lives. They are a funny cartoon family from the USA. Peter Griffin is the father of the family. He is forty-four. Peter is tall and fat. He has straight brown hair. Peter is a very funny man. He is full of crazy ideas. His favourite hobby is watching TV. Peter has a wife, Lois. She is thirty-five. She is tall and slim. Her hobby is playing the piano. They have three children. The eldest is a daughter, Meg. She goes to school. She is not a very popular student. They also have a son, Chris. He is a fat teenager. The youngest is a baby, Stewie. He is a philosopher. He is the smartest in the family. The most famous character is Brian. He is a dog but he can talk. He is also a member of the family. The Griffins are a typical American family. 2. Peter is the eldest son. 3. Brian is a teenager. 4. Chris is popular at school. 5. Lois is a good singer. 6. Brian can speak English. 7. Peter has three sons. 8 . Stewie is a smart boy. 9. Peter has a lot of friends. 10. Chris is a slim boy. 2. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа: Tony and Alison are friends. Tony is twelve. Alison is eleven. Tony is English. Alison is Scottish. Alison is with her cat. The cat’s name is Lucky. Lucky is very kind. She is white and grey. Lucky is Alison’s friend. The cat is her good friend. Tony is with his dog. His dog’s name is Ben. He is grey. Tony’s dog is very clever. The dog is Tony’s great friends. The cat is not the dog’s friend. 1) Tony and Alison are… a) classmates b) friends c) pupils 2) Tony is… a) eleven b) twelve c) ten 3) Alison is … a) ten b) twelve c) eleven 4) Tony is from… a) Scotland b) Wales c) England 5) Alison is from… a) England b) Scotland c) Wales 6) Alison has … and Tony has… a) a cat, a parrot b) a dog, a fox c) a cat, a dog 7) The cat is very… a) clever b) kind c) angry 8) The dog is very… a) kind b) angry c) clever 9) Alison’s good friend is … a) Tony b) Ben c) Lucky 10) Tony’s good friend is … a) Ben b) Lucky c) Alison 3. Выпишите лишнее слово: 1. Maths, History, Britain, English 2. museum, city, monument, building 3. street, square, queen, bridge 4. open, enjoy, interesting, answer 5. sociable, timetable, traditional, typical 4. Выберите и вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово: 1. The person who sings songs is a… a) doctor b) singer c) spaceman 2. The person who plays in film is an … a) writer b) engineer c) actor 3. The person who takes part in sport competitions is a … a) pop singer b) sportsman c) actress 5. Выберите и выпишите слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу: 1. How many new … do you have this year at school? a) textbooks b) subjects c) languages 2. Soon you will get the … to visit England. a) timetable b) invitation c) mark 3. When we were in Moscow, we took a lot of … . a) pictures b) books d) fun 4. A person who likes to talk a lot is … . a) rude b) creative c) talkative 5. A… takes care of our teeth. a) doctor b) dentist c) teacher 6. Распределите глаголы в два столбика – правильные и неправильные: did, went, lived, came, visited, wanted, flew, showed, bought, skated, had, danced, swam, watched. 7. Выберите по смыслу нужное слово (many or much): 1. There is … snow in the streets. 2. How … books are there on the shelf? 8. Выберите правильную форму глагола to have (have, has, had): 1. My sister … got three dogs. 2. We … English three times a week. 3. Yesterday I … 5 lessons. 9. Подберите глаголы в два столбика форму из второго столбика: 1. be 2. meet 3. drink 4. take 5. have 6. leave 7. do 8. go 9. eat 10. buy a) went b) was/were c) bought d) drank e) ate f) met g) did h) had i) left j) took 10. Выберите и выпишите глагол to be в нужной форме в Present Simple (am/is/are): 1. She responsible for arranging a party. 2. My father a dentist. 3. My friends going abroad. 4. It raining now. 5. I going to miss a Maths lesson. 11. Выберите и выпишите глагол в нужной форме: 1. My father always … at 6 a.m. a) got up b) gets up c) get up 2. Last weekend I … to Moscow. a) went b) goes c) did go 3. Next Sunday my family … the grandparents in the village. a) will visit b) went c) go 4. Most Russian pupils … school uniform. a) wore b) wears c) wear 5. How often … you go shopping? a) does b) do c) did 12. Составь словосочетания: 1. Big a) Square 2. Trafalgar b) Tower 3. The Bloody c) London 4. Westminster d) Ben 5. The Tower of e) Abbey

Английский язык



2. F

3. F

4. F

5. F

6. F

7. F

8. T

9. F

10. F

1) b

2) b

3) c

4) c

5) b

6) c

7) b

8) c

9) c

10) c

1. Britain

2. City

3. Queen

4. Answer

5. Timetable

1) b



1. b

2. b

3. a

4. c

5. b

Правильные: lived, visited, wanted, showed, skated, danced, watched

Все остальные неправильные

1. much

2. many

1. has

2. have

3. haf

1- b

2- f









1. is

2. is

3. are

4. is

5. am






1 d

2 a

3 b

4 e

5 c


Текст прочитать, перевести всем! Sydney Wildlife World is an Australian zoo. Although it was opened in

2006, the zoo has become famous all over the world.

The Australian zoo consists of 10 parts where visitors can see different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and insects. In fact, there are more than 6000 creatures in the zoo. Some of them belong to the most endangered species on the planet.

In Sydney Wildlife World visitors can watch kangaroos, touch a snake, make friends with koala bears and meet Rex, who is the biggest sait water crocodile in captivity in the world.

There is always something happening in the zoo- exhibitions, shows, festivals. Visitors can take part in various activities and have a lot of fun. Sydney Wildlife World is open every day except for Christmas Day and

New Year's Eve.

На оценку «3»

1. Переведи слова с английского на русский:

Animals -

Planet -

Crocodile -

World -

Christmas -

Zoo -

Show -

Snake -

2. Закончи предложения:

The Australian zoo was opened in…

In fact, there are more than…

Rex is the biggest salt water crocodile in. Visitors can take part in various activities and…

The zoo has become famous all over

3. Составь словосочетания.

1. kinds of a) part

2. have

b) friends

3. take

c) animals

4. make

d) a lot of fun


На оценку «4»

4. Пользуясь текстом, переведите фразы на английский язык.

состоит из -

разные виды животных -

принимать участие -

5. ответьте на во по тексту. When was the zoo opened?

What can people do in Australian zoo? How many animals are there in the zoo?

Who is Rex? When does the zoo open?

6. Отметьте НЕВЕРНОЕ утверждение.

a) Visitors can see different creatures in the zoo.

b) Visitors can take part in different exhibitions, shows, festivals in the


c) Sydney Wildlife World is open every day, even on Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.

На оценку «5».

7. Отметьте верные(Т) и неверные(F) утверждения.

1. The zoo hasn't become famous all over the world.

2. Some of creatures belong to the most endangered species on the


3. Rex is the biggest dog in the world.

4. Visitors can have a lot of fun in the zoo.

5. There are many exhibitions, shows, festivals in the zoo.

6. The Australian zoo consists of 10 parts and has more than 2006


8. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке и

перескажите текст.

a) There are different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and insects in

the zoo.

b) Also people can take part in various activities and have a lot of fun.

c) This zoo was opened in 2006.

d) People can watch kangaroos, touch a snake and make with

koala bears there.

e) Sydney Wildlife World is an Australian zoo.

f) It is worth visiting.Надо сделать где перевести там перевести где делать там делать



Chess is a table logic game with special figures on a 64-cell board for two competitors, combining elements of art, science and sports. It is believed that the history of chess totals at least one and a half thousand years. The first known game-progenitor, Chaturanga, appeared in India.


Ша́хматы— настольная логическая игра со специальными фигурами на 64-клеточной доске для двух соперников, сочетающая в себе элементы искусства, науки и спорта.Считается, что история шахмат насчитывает не менее полутора тысяч лет.  Первая известная игра-прародитель, чатуранга, появилась в Индии.


"Monopoly" is a table game in the genre of economic strategy for two or more people. Has gained great popularity in the XX century in many countries of the world, including the USSR; in the latter was also known as "Manager", "Empire", "Businessman". In 1934, at the height of the Great Depression, Charles Darrow from Hermantown, Pennsylvania, showed the representatives of the company Parker Brothers the project of the game Monopoly. The project was rejected due to "52 design errors", but this did not stop the unemployed Charles, who decided to release the game on his own.


«Монополия» — настольная игра в жанре экономической стратегии для двух и более человек. Получила большую популярность в XX веке во многих странах мира, включая СССР; в последнем была также известна под названиями «Менеджер», «Империя», «Бизнесмен».В 1934 году в разгар Великой депрессии Чарльз Дэрроу из Германтауна, штат Пенсильвания, показал представителям компании Паркер Бразерс проект игры Монополия. Проект был отклонен из-за «52 ошибок в дизайне», но это не остановило безработного Чарльза, который решил выпустить игру своими силами.


Jenga is a table game invented by the English game designer Tanzanian origin Leslie Scott and distributed by Parker Brothers. Jenga was coined by Leslie Scott, and it was based on a game invented in her family in the early 1970s, which used wooden wooden blocks. Currently, there are several types of games, such as Jenga Boom, where the tower is built on a platform with a stylized time-bomb, which after a certain time "explodes" and breaks the tower, and janga-phantoms, where blocks are printed with various tasks that are necessary perform during the game.


Дженга  — настольная игра, придуманна английским геймдизайнером танзанийского происхождения Лесли Скотт и рас компанией Parker Brothers.Дженга была придумана Лесли Скотт, и в её основу легла игра, придуманная в её семье в начале 1970-х, в которой использовались детские деревянные кубики. В настоящее время существует несколько разновидностей игры, такие как Jenga Boom, где башня строится на платформе со стилизованной бомбой с часовым механизмом, которая через определённое время «взрывается» и ломает башню, и дженга-фанты, где на блоках напечатаны различные задания, которые необходимо выполнять в процессе игры.

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Final Test Form 5 1. Прочитайте текст и выберите T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated): Family Guy The Family Guy is a Fox Company TV show. It is a story about the Griffins and their lives. They are a funny cartoon family from the USA. Peter Griffin is the father of the family. He is forty-four. Peter is tall and fat. He has straight brown hair. Peter is a very funny man. He is full of crazy ideas. His favourite hobby is watching TV. Peter has a wife, Lois. She is thirty-five. She is tall and slim. Her hobby is playing the piano. They have three children. The eldest is a daughter, Meg. She goes to school. She is not a very popular student. They also have a son, Chris. He is a fat teenager. The youngest is a baby, Stewie. He is a philosopher. He is the smartest in the family. The most famous character is Brian. He is a dog but he can talk. He is also a member of the family. The Griffins are a typical American family. 2. Peter is the eldest son. 3. Brian is a teenager. 4. Chris is popular at school. 5. Lois is a good singer. 6. Brian can speak English. 7. Peter has three sons. 8 . Stewie is a smart boy. 9. Peter has a lot of friends. 10. Chris is a slim boy. 2. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа: Tony and Alison are friends. Tony is twelve. Alison is eleven. Tony is English. Alison is Scottish. Alison is with her cat. The cat’s name is Lucky. Lucky is very kind. She is white and grey. Lucky is Alison’s friend. The cat is her good friend. Tony is with his dog. His dog’s name is Ben. He is grey. Tony’s dog is very clever. The dog is Tony’s great friends. The cat is not the dog’s friend. 1) Tony and Alison are… a) classmates b) friends c) pupils 2) Tony is… a) eleven b) twelve c) ten 3) Alison is … a) ten b) twelve c) eleven 4) Tony is from… a) Scotland b) Wales c) England 5) Alison is from… a) England b) Scotland c) Wales 6) Alison has … and Tony has… a) a cat, a parrot b) a dog, a fox c) a cat, a dog 7) The cat is very… a) clever b) kind c) angry 8) The dog is very… a) kind b) angry c) clever 9) Alison’s good friend is … a) Tony b) Ben c) Lucky 10) Tony’s good friend is … a) Ben b) Lucky c) Alison 3. Выпишите лишнее слово: 1. Maths, History, Britain, English 2. museum, city, monument, building 3. street, square, queen, bridge 4. open, enjoy, interesting, answer 5. sociable, timetable, traditional, typical 4. Выберите и вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово: 1. The person who sings songs is a… a) doctor b) singer c) spaceman 2. The person who plays in film is an … a) writer b) engineer c) actor 3. The person who takes part in sport competitions is a … a) pop singer b) sportsman c) actress 5. Выберите и выпишите слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу: 1. How many new … do you have this year at school? a) textbooks b) subjects c) languages 2. Soon you will get the … to visit England. a) timetable b) invitation c) mark 3. When we were in Moscow, we took a lot of … . a) pictures b) books d) fun 4. A person who likes to talk a lot is … . a) rude b) creative c) talkative 5. A… takes care of our teeth. a) doctor b) dentist c) teacher 6. Распределите глаголы в два столбика – правильные и неправильные: did, went, lived, came, visited, wanted, flew, showed, bought, skated, had, danced, swam, watched. 7. Выберите по смыслу нужное слово (many or much): 1. There is … snow in the streets. 2. How … books are there on the shelf? 8. Выберите правильную форму глагола to have (have, has, had): 1. My sister … got three dogs. 2. We … English three times a week. 3. Yesterday I … 5 lessons. 9. Подберите глаголы в два столбика форму из второго столбика: 1. be 2. meet 3. drink 4. take 5. have 6. leave 7. do 8. go 9. eat 10. buy a) went b) was/were c) bought d) drank e) ate f) met g) did h) had i) left j) took 10. Выберите и выпишите глагол to be в нужной форме в Present Simple (am/is/are): 1. She responsible for arranging a party. 2. My father a dentist. 3. My friends going abroad. 4. It raining now. 5. I going to miss a Maths lesson. 11. Выберите и выпишите глагол в нужной форме: 1. My father always … at 6 a.m. a) got up b) gets up c) get up 2. Last weekend I … to Moscow. a) went b) goes c) did go 3. Next Sunday my family … the grandparents in the village. a) will visit b) went c) go 4. Most Russian pupils … school uniform. a) wore b) wears c) wear 5. How often … you go shopping? a) does b) do c) did 12. Составь словосочетания: 1. Big a) Square 2. Trafalgar b) Tower 3. The Bloody c) London 4. Westminster d) Ben 5. The Tower of e) Abbey
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