
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False Внесите буквы T (True) или F (False) в таблицу. Living a Long Life It is often said that Japanese people, on average, live much longer than Europeans. To a large extend this must be due to the food most Japanese people eat since from the point of view of the life-style, life in modern Japan is no less stressful than ours in the west. The Japanese live on a diet largely made up of fish and rice. At lunch-time a typical Japanese family will consume at least twice as many vegetables as we do in Europe. In comparison with Europeans, the Japanese eat far less meat and fewer potatoes; at the same time, they eat seven times more fresh fish than we do which make their diet much healthier by far. It would be fair to say that, in general, the Japanese consume far less sugar than Europeans, though the modern Japanese — frequent visitors to Europe on business or for pleasure — are discovering the pleasures and dangers of western-style eating habits. 1. The Japanese live as long as people in western countries. 2. From the point of view of life-style, life in modern Japan is less stressful than in Europe. 3. The Japanese eat much more vegetables than Europeans. 4. When in Europe on business, the Japanese try to eat only their national food. 5. They consume more sugar than we do .

Английский язык



1. The Japanese live as long as people in western countries.(False)

2. From the point of view of life-style, life in modern Japan is less stressful than in Europe. (False)

3. The Japanese eat much more vegetables than Europeans.  (True)

4. When in Europe on business, the Japanese try to eat only their national food. ( False)

5. They consume more sugar than we do . (False).



коут ов амз ов нью ˈзилэнд

зэ фёст стейт ˈемблэм ов нью ˈзилэнд

ит уоз ˈентэд ин 1911. ин зэ ˈкантри юзд ит

фо 45 йиэз зен зэ ˈкэриктэ уоз

ит из риˈплейст зис ˈвёшэн уёкс энд ˈпрезнтли,

ит ˌреприˈзентс э бод уич уиз уан

зэ сайдз ит из риˈтейнд бай зэ блонд ˈуумэн, энд уиз

эˈназэ * зэ ˈсоулджэр ов ˈмaури ˈоувэр ит ˈсетлз дaун

сейнт eduard's крaун энд фром биˈлоу * ту ˈбранчиз

фён коут ов амз, эз уэл эз флэг ов нью ˈзилэнд,

хи из ˈвери мач исˈтимд ин зис ˈкантри, хиэ

ˈсимбэлайзиз кэˈмитмэнт ов инˈхэбитэнтс ту

ˈмонэки энд ˈолсоу ˈхамэни зэт ит диˈвелэпт

биˈтуин зэ ˈлоукэл ˈпипл

George has basketball lessons every week.
Tina goes jogging twice a week.
He is not working at the moment.
At the moment he is surfing the net.
Are the children sleeping? Yes, they are.
Does your father work hard? Yes, he does.
Do you have a lot of free time? No, I don't.
Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am.
Is your mother cooking? No, she isn't.
Do your friends like sport? Yes, they do.
Does your best friend live far from you? No, she doesn't.
Are your parents watching TV? No, they aren't.
Do you travel often? Yes, I do.
Does your sister help around the house? No, she doesn't.

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Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False Внесите буквы T (True) или F (False) в таблицу. Living a Long Life It is often said that Japanese people, on average, live much longer than Europeans. To a large extend this must be due to the food most Japanese people eat since from the point of view of the life-style, life in modern Japan is no less stressful than ours in the west. The Japanese live on a diet largely made up of fish and rice. At lunch-time a typical Japanese family will consume at least twice as many vegetables as we do in Europe. In comparison with Europeans, the Japanese eat far less meat and fewer potatoes; at the same time, they eat seven times more fresh fish than we do which make their diet much healthier by far. It would be fair to say that, in general, the Japanese consume far less sugar than Europeans, though the modern Japanese — frequent visitors to Europe on business or for pleasure — are discovering the pleasures and dangers of western-style eating habits. 1. The Japanese live as long as people in western countries. 2. From the point of view of life-style, life in modern Japan is less stressful than in Europe. 3. The Japanese eat much more vegetables than Europeans. 4. When in Europe on business, the Japanese try to eat only their national food. 5. They consume more sugar than we do .
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