
Read the defi nitions in brackets and complete thewords. The fi rst letter of each word is given.1 He wanted to ask Betty out on a d (when yougo out with someone you fancy), but he was too shy.2 Most of my a (family members who lived inthe past) came from Ireland.3 It’s important to protect your e (ability tosee Remember to wear sunglasses on sunny days.4 Laura was a gorgeous girl with red hair and f(small brown spots) on her nose.5 Scientists are still looking for new ways to treatb (the condition of having little or no hair).

Английский язык



Подивіться на малюнок. Зіставте людей зі своїми

В: Це Денніс. Він завжди намагається з усіх сил не відставати від

новітні стилі. Коли він знаходить джинси, светри, взуття або

Футболки, які йому дуже подобаються, він купує. Денніс говорить це

варто витратити трохи додаткових грошей на річ більш якісної якості

або для речі, яка вам справді подобається. Подивись на нього зараз. Він одягається

гарний смугастий костюм і чорна бавовняна сорочка та чорні туфлі,

Б: Це Сем. Він любить спорт. Сем грає за наш шкільний баскетбол

команда. Мені подобається його стиль. Зазвичай він носить білу футболку, чорну

джинси та кросівки, але зараз він одягнений у сорочку темно-синього кольору

штани та взуття

Ivor: Sarah have you thought about our next trip

Sara: I would like to go to Brazil. You were there?

Ivor: Yes, I was there once. I was in Rio in 1981.

Sara: But you were sailing up the Amazon?

Ivor: No, but I don't really like boating. I would rather go east. Have you visited Burma?

Sara: No, I flew over it once or twice. But I landed there.

Ivor: In fact, my cousin Albert returned from Burma. We could ask him about it.

Sarah: Um, Burma would be beautiful. But we spent so much on the house. I wonder if we can really afford it.

Ivor: You may be right. Oh god, there are so many countries that we haven't seen

Sara: Yes. I finished a book on New Guinea. There are wonderful forests and mountains, and there is no one to explore them properly. I'll start to plan the trip in my mind!

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Read the defi nitions in brackets and complete thewords. The fi rst letter of each word is given.1 He wanted to ask Betty out on a d (when yougo out with someone you fancy), but he was too shy.2 Most of my a (family members who lived inthe past) came from Ireland.3 It’s important to protect your e (ability tosee Remember to wear sunglasses on sunny days.4 Laura was a gorgeous girl with red hair and f(small brown spots) on her nose.5 Scientists are still looking for new ways to treatb (the condition of having little or no hair).
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