
Test 7A 1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made. 1 I'm alwaysafter football practice so I often buy a snack on my way home. 2 Ann doesn't go to busy markets because she can't stand being in 2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach. 1 Samantha hadbefore the first performance of the play. 2 Susan has got a very today. I think she's still upset about failing the exam. 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 If you stop eating so much junk food, you(lose) weight. 2 If I(go) to bed earlier last night, I wouldn't have felt so tired this morning. 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb. 1 "Please keepthe grass!" the gardener said to the children in the park. 5 Match to form exchanges. 1 Which service do you require? 2 What's the nature of the emergency? 3 I'll put you through. a Thank you very much. b A car has knocked a man off his bike. c Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643 d Coastguard, please. Test 7B 1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made. 1 Sam hasa lot of weight since he started his new office job. 2 Matt is reallyof his friend Harry's new mobile phone. 2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach. 1 Antony waswhen he found out that he had won the competition. 2 Olga waswhen she saw the ghost. 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 If you(mix) blue and yellow, you get green. 2 I wish I(not be) so afraid of the dark 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb. 1 'Keepfrom the fire!' the police shouted at the crowd. 5 Match to form exchanges. 1 Could you put me through to the police, please? 2 What's the nature of the emergency? 3 Can I have your name and number? a A car has knocked a man off his bike. b Thank you very much. c Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643. d Please, hold the line. Test 7C 1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made. 1 A lot of fruit and vegetables arein vitamin C. 2 Ievery time I see a spider - I'm so afraid of them! 2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach. 1 Julia wentwhen her teacher told her off for talking. 2 David wentwhen he found out that his brother had taken his MP3 player without asking. 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 If I wasn't on a diet, I(order) a dessert. 2 If you(play) a team sport, you would be a lot fitter and healthier. 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb. 1 'Keepfrom the fire!' the police shouted at the crowd. 5 Match to form exchanges. 1 Can I have your name and number? 2 I'll put you through. 3 Which service do you require? a Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643. b A car has knocked a man off his bike. c Coastguard, please. d Thank you very much. Test 7D 1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made. 1 You shouldfatty foods if you want to lose weight. 2 Did you bring any water? I'm so! 2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach. 1 Liam waswhen he saw Jack's new car he wanted one too! 2 Susan has got a very today. I think she's still upset about failing the exam. 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 Unless it stops snowing, I (not go out) today. 2 If only I(not get) angry at Tim today. 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb. 1 Mum is always telling us to keep the catthe kitchen. 5 Match to form exchanges. 1 Could you put me through to the police, please? 2 What's the nature of the emergency? 3 Can I have your name and number? a A car has knocked a man off his bike. b Please, hold the line. c Thank you very much. d Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643

Английский язык



Ай донт ноу вот ту веа! Вуд ю маинд хелпин аут?

Ай воз синкин оф веарин май беги траузес енд зет перпл шет ай гот фо май бездей. Вот до ю синк?

Зей донт фит ми ани мо. Ай'в гроун толер лейтли енд зей а ту шот фо ми нау. Бесайдс ай донт хев ени шуз зет матч.

Ай хевн'т вён зет фо ейджс, бат , там наверное вай (why) нот? Сенкс фо ю едвайс Клайв! Ю'а зе бест бразе ин зе верлд. Бай зе вей вен а ю гоинто гет дрест?

Хен он е минит, ю'а но эт веарин зус скрафи олд джинс ту зе пати, а ю?


Так будет правильно)

Удачи в учебе ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺


1. A new house  is being built (by them).

2. A cake is being baked by Margareth.

3. Many hit songs  were composed by him.

4. An invitation  was sent to me by my cousin.

5. A lot of wonderful sonnets  were written by William Shakespeare.

6. The car  is being fixed by the father.

7. The composition  was written by Fred.

8. A new hospital will be opened by the President this month .

9. We were given two tickets  by him.

10. The food has been prepared by the cook.


1. I haven't worn that for ages.

2. I am already dressed.

3. He is wearing those  scruffy old jeans.

4. That black silk dress suits you perfectly.

5. Can you help me choose something else?

6. Jane looks very smart.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Test 7A 1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made. 1 I'm alwaysafter football practice so I often buy a snack on my way home. 2 Ann doesn't go to busy markets because she can't stand being in 2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach. 1 Samantha hadbefore the first performance of the play. 2 Susan has got a very today. I think she's still upset about failing the exam. 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 If you stop eating so much junk food, you(lose) weight. 2 If I(go) to bed earlier last night, I wouldn't have felt so tired this morning. 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb. 1 "Please keepthe grass!" the gardener said to the children in the park. 5 Match to form exchanges. 1 Which service do you require? 2 What's the nature of the emergency? 3 I'll put you through. a Thank you very much. b A car has knocked a man off his bike. c Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643 d Coastguard, please. Test 7B 1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made. 1 Sam hasa lot of weight since he started his new office job. 2 Matt is reallyof his friend Harry's new mobile phone. 2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach. 1 Antony waswhen he found out that he had won the competition. 2 Olga waswhen she saw the ghost. 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 If you(mix) blue and yellow, you get green. 2 I wish I(not be) so afraid of the dark 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb. 1 'Keepfrom the fire!' the police shouted at the crowd. 5 Match to form exchanges. 1 Could you put me through to the police, please? 2 What's the nature of the emergency? 3 Can I have your name and number? a A car has knocked a man off his bike. b Thank you very much. c Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643. d Please, hold the line. Test 7C 1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made. 1 A lot of fruit and vegetables arein vitamin C. 2 Ievery time I see a spider - I'm so afraid of them! 2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach. 1 Julia wentwhen her teacher told her off for talking. 2 David wentwhen he found out that his brother had taken his MP3 player without asking. 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 If I wasn't on a diet, I(order) a dessert. 2 If you(play) a team sport, you would be a lot fitter and healthier. 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb. 1 'Keepfrom the fire!' the police shouted at the crowd. 5 Match to form exchanges. 1 Can I have your name and number? 2 I'll put you through. 3 Which service do you require? a Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643. b A car has knocked a man off his bike. c Coastguard, please. d Thank you very much. Test 7D 1 Fill in: freeze, embarrassment, jealous, crowds, cut down on, rich, starvins, thirsty, put on, home-made. 1 You shouldfatty foods if you want to lose weight. 2 Did you bring any water? I'm so! 2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach. 1 Liam waswhen he saw Jack's new car he wanted one too! 2 Susan has got a very today. I think she's still upset about failing the exam. 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 Unless it stops snowing, I (not go out) today. 2 If only I(not get) angry at Tim today. 4 Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb. 1 Mum is always telling us to keep the catthe kitchen. 5 Match to form exchanges. 1 Could you put me through to the police, please? 2 What's the nature of the emergency? 3 Can I have your name and number? a A car has knocked a man off his bike. b Please, hold the line. c Thank you very much. d Certainly. It's John Banks on 8475643
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