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The test. Choose the correct answer and fill in the gaps1 Australia was discovered by ---.a). Cook, b). Columbus, c). Miklukho-Maclay.2). The first settlers in Australia were ---a). soldiers, b). English prisoners, c). aborigines. 3). People of --- nationalities live there.a). 500, b). 200, c). 50.4). Australia is located in --- hemisphere.a). northern, b). southern.5). It is--- in Australia now. Wht is the largest oo in Australia?a). winter, b). autumn, c). summer, d). spring.6). The best-loved animal in Australia is ---.a). kangaroo, b). koala, c). dingo. Answer the questions:1). When was Australia discovered?2). Who were the natives of the continent?3). When did the aborigines come to the island?4).Who were the first settlers of the continent?5). Why did it happen that British prisoners became the first settlers?6).What is the capital of Australia?7).Which are the largest cities of the country?8). Can you tell why Canberra but not Sydney or Melbourne though they are much larger was made the capital of the nation?9). What can you say about the climate of Australia?10).If you had a chance to go to Australia now what clothes would you take? Why?11) You know that Australians are great sport lovers. What is the most popular sport in Australia?12).What sport events took place in Australia? (addition about our kabardian sportsman Murat Kardanov, the Sydney Olimpic champion in wrestling).13). What is the official language of the country?14). What are the national colours? Where can you see the national colours?15).What animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms?16).What is the largest Zoo in Australia? Where is it? Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.1). Австралия омывается Индийским и Тихим океанами.2). В Австралии 50 видов кенгуру. Некоторые из них ростом с человека, некоторые маленькие, как кошки.3). Некоторые выражения в австралийском английском идут от аборигенов.4). В стране 55 видов попугаев. Они очень пёстрые и красивые.5). Маленькая птичка кукабурра не умеет петь, но смеётся как человек.6). Австралия шестая по величине страна в мире.Find the missing word and fill in the gaps1).There are no --- mountains and long --- in Australia.2). Australia is washed by the --- and --- oceans.3). The urban population is larger than the ---.4). You can see animals in Australian --- and ---.5). In 1788 Captain --- commanded --- to Australia.6). The middle of the country is a ---.
1)There are no mountains and long lakes in australia
2)Australia is washed by the lakes,rivers and oceans
3) The urban population is larger than the rural
4)You can see animals at the Australian zoo.
5)In 1788, Governor Captain Arthur Philip commanded troops to Australia
6)The middle of the country is deserted