1 is going to 2 am going to 3 aren‘t going to 4 is going to 5 are going to 6 is going to
- Helen, do you like yourself? Or is there anything you would like to change in yourself?- Of course I would like to change some things in my appearance and character.- What would you like to change then?- Well, I want to be slimmer and lose some weight. I must go in for sports twice a week. As for my character, I would like to become less shy and more sociable and industrious.- But I think you are not lazy and you get along with your classmates. And what about your hair? Would you like a new haircut?- No, I wouldn’t. I‘d rather change the colour. I prefer blonde hair.- It seems to me that it will suit you. Перевод- Хелен, ты себе нравишься? Или есть что-то, что ты бы хотела в себе изменить?- Конечно же, я бы хотела изменить кое-что во внешности и характере.- Тогда что бы ты изменила?- Ну, я хочу стать стройнее и похудеть. Я должна заниматься спортом дважды в неделю. Что касается характера, я бы хотела стать менее стеснительной, более общительной и трудолюбивой.- Но, мне кажется, ты не лентяйка и хорошо ладишь с одноклассниками. А что насчет волос? Тебе бы хотелось новую прическу?- Нет. Я бы лучше поменяла цвет. Предпочитаю светлые волосы.- Наверное, тебе это подойдет.вот мне кажется тебе это подойдет!
1)You don’t need to do up the top button. 2) Nicky is thinking of giving up her job. 3)They are always arguing, but they MAKE UP again very quickly. 4)Whose turn is it to pick up the kids from school?5)A truck picks up the recycling once a week. 6)I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate it if it's not clean.7)He's so moody - I don't know why she puts up with him.8)They have a lot to put up with. 9)A parent must set a good example for the children. 10)I took up smoking when I was at school. 11)Chris has taken up jogging. 12)She turned up at my house late one night. 13)Hundreds of people turned up to see the ship dock at Southampton. 14)She invited loads of friends to her party, but only a handful of them turned up.
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