1. Давид сказал: «Я написал тебе письмо».
2. Энн сказала Елене: «Джек купил новую машину».
3. Боб с меня: «Ты сделал свою домашнюю работу?»
4. Джерри сказал: «Я был в Риме вчера».
5. Сара с меня: «Почему ты не ходил в кино в воскресенье?»
6. Кейт сказала Джилл: «Я разбила стекло 4 дня назад».
7. Бабушка с меня: «Почему ты так устал вчера?»
8. Мэри с Кейт: «Где Джек?»
9. Моя мама сказала мне: «Очистите ковер Павел с меня: «Завтра будет дождь?»
11. Джейн с меня: «Боб купил новую машину в году?»
12. Джерри сказал: «Я поеду в Канаду следующим летом».
13. Миссис Уайт сказала своему сыну: «Попробуй сделать это снова!»
14. Эндрю с Джейн: «Ты боялся этой собаки?»
15. Сэм сказал мне: «Я видел твою бабушку сегодня».
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Write about an important person in your life, 30 sentences
The closest and dearest person in my life is my mother. There would be no mom, there would be no me. She gave me life, gave me the opportunity to see the world of amazing discoveries, and I am very, very grateful to her for that.
My mom is very beautiful. She is of medium height, she has short hair. Her sweet smile illuminates like a radiant and warm sun. And blue as the sky, such understanding eyes! I am always easy and comfortable with my mother.
Mom is a wonderful mistress and keeper of the hearth. She bakes delicious pancakes, cheesecakes, cooks my favorite millet porridge, cooks soup, creates cleanliness and comfort in the house.
My mom is also very caring. She cares for me when I'm sick, sits near my bed and is very worried about me. Sometimes she even cries, only so that I don’t see, and then she says that the mote got into the eye. When I have troubles, she will listen to me, scold and regret, tell me how to do the right thing. Mom will always support me in difficult times.
My mom is amazing. She is actively involved in my life. Together with her we learn English, together we learn to dance, draw, play board games. In summer, the guys and I gather in the yard, and mom plays football with us, bouncer, and arranges various sports relay races. She will smile when I am having fun, and will grieve with me when I am sad.
Sometimes a mother can be strict, but fair, because she wants everything to go well in my life. So, you should always listen to my mother's advice.
I love my mother very much and try to help her around the house. I wipe the dust, wash the dishes, take out the trash. And I try not to upset her and often make her happy. I really want my mommy to stay longer young and beautiful, as she is now. After all, in my life, nobody is dearer than my mother.