
1 упражнение по английскому=50б (прочитать текст и понять какие утверждения ложные (False), а какие истинные (True)

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Стуканова УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ1877

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Why should I go to school. School is a secondary school, where children study in our country.
I go to school to get knowledge. Master general and additional items. Without education in the 21st century will not be able to live and the school gives me the necessary foundation of all knowledge. School - is the foundation of knowledge.
Over 11 years of progressively brick by brick children receive knowledge that then made up the baggage of all human life. The school gives not only knowledge, but also instill the necessary skills that enable a person to survive in the era of information technology.
In modern school attach great importance to vocational training. And high school students learn the basics of any profession. So after graduation, even if it can not proceed to higher education, with professional skills can be arranged to work.
This enables graduates do not zater in adult life and continue to live with dignity. Besides enormous impact school provides on the character of the student. Many take the example of a particular teacher, trying to be like his teacher.In the first junior high teacher for students like my mother. So much has laid the first teacher is a person for life. I would not go to school, have learned all of what we learned, could I live?
To live and survive in the civilized world the necessary knowledge, and the school-not a substitute temple of science, which puts this knowledge to us!

                                               The Incredibles ("Суперсемейка")

The Incredibles is a family of five people with superpowers. Their dad, Bob Parr, is very strong. He used to be the most popular superhero called Mr Incredible, but then he had to leave his job and work as a clerk in an insurance company. Bob isn't happy about his job now.

The mother Helen, the former super-stretching superhero Elastigirl, can be pulled in all directions. She is a housewife now who has a wonderful family and is quite happy to spend her time with them.

Their kids are unusual too. Violet, a shy teenager girl, can become invisible and protect herself with a secure force field. Her brother Dash is a typical hyperactive boy who can run super fast. Even the baby of the family (Jack-Jack) has his secret powers.

They are a great family and a fantastic team!


                                         Невероятные (они же "Суперсемейка")

 Это семья из пяти человек с супер Их папа, Боб Парр, очень сильный. Раньше он был самым популярным супергероем по имени Мистер Невероятный, но затем ему пришлось уйти с работы и работать служащим страховой компании. Боб не доволен своей нынешней работой.

Мама Хелен, бывшая супер-растягивающаяся супергероиня по имени Эластика, может тянуться в любую сторону. Теперь она домохозяйка, у которой прекрасная семья и она очень рада проводить с ними время.

Их дети тоже необычные. Вайолет, застенчивая девушка-подросток, может становиться невидимой и защищать себя безопасным силовым полем. Ее брат Дэш - типичный гиперактивный мальчик, который может бегать очень быстро. Даже малыш (Джек-Джек) обладает секретными

Это отличная семья и фантастическая команда!

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