1 задание:
2) handbag
3) scarf (на улице холодно, надень шарф)
4) trainers (я не играю в футбол в моих новых кросовках - не хочу пинать ими мяч)
5) jeans (я очень люблю эти новые джинсы, у них большие карманы)
6) necklace (какое красивое ожерелье! это золото?)
7) T-shirt (я ношу футболку с короткими рукавами, потому что сегодня очень жарко)
8) earrings (Фрида носить 4 серёжки, по 2 с каждой стороны)
2 задание:
1) polite
2) rude (грубый)
3) shy (стеснительный)
4) chatty (болтливый)
5) relaxed
6) bossy
7) untidy
8) cheerful
3 задание:
1) Kate isn't eating her dinner.
2) Why is she running so fast?
3) They are cooking the lunch today.
4) The sun isn't shining at the moment.
5) Who is your brother phoning on his mobile?
6) We are talking part in football competition on Saturday.
7) Where are you planning to go on holiday?
8) She is studying Science at university this semester.
4 задание:
1) is playing
2) practices
3) doesn't get
4) like
5) goes
6) am not learning Объяснение:Надеюсь, что правильно
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
3 Translate the Ukrainian parts of the sentences into English. 1 What (є пенсійний вік) in Ukraine? 2 I had lots of homework to do, so I decided to (налаштувати будильник) for 5 am to do it in the morning. 3 It’s so frustrating – my parents always (стають на бік мого брата) when we have an argument. 4 Their marriage wasn’t happy, so they decided to (розлучитися) . 5 Do you enjoy (розв’язувати кросворди) ? 6 (Вітаю) your new baby boy! He’s so sweet. 7 He was a good-looking man (за п’ятдесят) .
3- scarf
4- trainers
5- jeans
6- necklace
7- T-shirt
8- earrings
2. 1- polite
2- rude
3- shy
4- chatty
5- relaxed
6- selfish
7- untidy
8- cheerful
3. 1- Katy isn’t eating her dinner
2- Why is she running so fast?
3- They’re cooking the lunch today
4- The sun isn’t shining at the moment
5- Who is your brother phoning on his mobile?
6- We’re taking part in a football competition on Saturday
7- Where are you planning to go on holiday?
8- She is studying Science at university this semester
4. 1-is playing
2- practices
3- is not getting
4- like
5- goes
6- don’t learn