
English means much in my life. I think that it means much not only for me. Many people in our country are interested in English. They learn and love it and they think the same way as I do. Not long ago computers and internet have appeared. When a man works in the internet he gets much information in English. When you want to set the definite program you meet with many sets in English. If you don`t know English you can`t understand the material.English enters to our everyday life. On the doors of the shops in our small town we can see the signs "Open" and "Closed".When we buy TV-sets and telephones we can get instruction and names written in English.I think that English in our life means much. Certain people, who study English hope to become English men, go abroad, get rich and maybe see famous actors. Is that really wonderful?Maybe with the help of English they can fulfill their dream. To my mind studying English is very interesting and funny. Learning foreign languages is important nowadays. I think that any educated person must learn foreign languages. But I prefer English to other foreign languages. Why? English is becoming a global language. A half of billion people in the world use English at home or work. English is the language which is known for the most part of our fine, magnificent and surprising world. English is so widespread that it has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication.A lot of problems of the 21st century, such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, can not be solved without speaking the same language.The English language is now the first language of about 350 million people, the native language of 12 nations and the official language of more than 33 nations. It means that one of seven people in the world speaks English.English is also the international language of businesspeople, pilots and air traffic controllers, sportsmen, scientists and students. If you want to be a stewardess, a pilot or an air control officer you have to learn English, the language of international communication. Every year thousands of people from Russia go to different countries as tourists or to work. They can’t go without knowing the language of the country they are going to. A modern engineer or even a worker cannot work with an imported instrument or a machine if he is not able to read the instruction how to do that.Some people learn English because they need it in their work; others to travel aboard and for lots of people learning English is just a hobby.I have been learning English since the age of 11. I like learning English very much. But I like and know well my native language, Russian. The great German poet Goethe once said: “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one.” I agree with him. The knowledge of English helps me to learn Russian.The knowledge of English is a great power. I need to know English. I must appreciate and embrace this knowledge as the key to achievement of my dream. I hope my progress in English will be very good.I think that nowadays English studying is a very important phenomenon. English language became an international language. English occupies leading position among such languages as Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and French - it is the official languages of the UN. All large companies such as air and sea companies use this language. I guess that in future all people will speak English. My mother says that every educated person should know foreign language or may be some foreign languages. I think that people who know English can visit different countries without problems, because English gives a possibility to communicate with foreign people. Today many people study English. Some of them because of work necessity; they need to make agreements and many different documents. Also a lot of people travel abroad. And for other people language studying is a hobby. They just want to wide their outlook.составьте 6 вопросов по тексту

Английский язык



ну давайте


1)Why do you think English interest a lot of people?

2)How can we see English in our life?

3)Why foreign language important today?

4) How many people speak English nowaday?

5)Who usually use English in their jobs?

6)Why should we learn foreign languages?

Экономика РФ
В наши дни скорее сложно говорить о нашей национальной экономике. Много лет назад мы говорили, что Советский Союз занимает первое место в Европе и второе в мире по промышленной продукции. Выпускалось больше производимой продукции, чем в Великобритании, Италии, Канаде, Бельгии, Нидерландах и Японии вместе взятых. Но с тех пор ситуация во многом изменилась. Сегодня одна десятая наших заводов упорнее работает и имеет заказы. Процент безработицы очень велик, по не официальным данным он возрос до 20%. В некоторых областях даже официально он составляет 80%, например, в Чечне.
Россия всё также занимает первое место в мире по водным ресурсам. Самая длинная река в Европейской части страны - Волга, а самая длинная река в Азиатской части страны - Лена. Озеро Байкал крупнейшее пресноводное озеро в Азии и Европе, и самое глубокое в мире.
Мы также лидируем в мире по продукции электроэнергии. Крупнейшие в мире мощные гидроэлектростанции находятся в Братске на реке Ангара и в Красноярске на реке Енисей.
Наша страна по-прежнему чудесно богата минеральными ресурсами. В ней находятся обширные месторождения каменного угля, нефти, золота, природного газа, меди, никеля, платина, свинца, цинка, бриллиантов и других минералов. Но экономическое развитие страны становится всё более и более интенсивным. Это проявляется в расходе экспорта сырья. Этот факт может также стать проблемой, потому что люди не хотят производить что-либо, они хотят использовать природные ресурсы, которые ограничены. Это вытеснение заканчивается в варворстве. Это действительно тратит наши богатства.
Современная Россия пытается преодолеть неприятные последствия политической ситуации и экономических спадов 1996 и 1998. Были попытки построить демократическую систему с рыночной экономикой. Одним из главных заданий правительства сейчас является привлекать иностранные инвестиции, чтобы восстановить нашу индустрию. Но иностранные бизнесмены предпочитают использовать их прибыль для своих целей, или лучше сказать, самым выгодным Но в соответствии с законами России, прибыль, полученная в стране, не должна вывозится из неё, она должна быть использована в России.

Dear (имя друга),

How are the things going on? Did something new happen in your life? How is the weather? Having received your letter, I wanted to answer it immediately. But I was working a lot during the last two weeks. So I was pressed for time and did not manage to carry out my intentions.

In my country spring has already set. It is quite warm and really sunny all days long. Being at work I always imagine myself strolling down some parks. I wish you could join me! It would be funny! Some days ago my friend advised me to read a very interesting book. I did it and I would like you to know this author. Are you ready to read good litterature?

Tell me more about your work and free time. Are you satisfied with all this? What are your plans for this summer? Maybe we will be able to meet one day?

Truly yours,

(твое имя)

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English means much in my life. I think that it means much not only for me. Many people in our country are interested in English. They learn and love it and they think the same way as I do. Not long ago computers and internet have appeared. When a man works in the internet he gets much information in English. When you want to set the definite program you meet with many sets in English. If you don`t know English you can`t understand the material.English enters to our everyday life. On the doors of the shops in our small town we can see the signs "Open" and "Closed".When we buy TV-sets and telephones we can get instruction and names written in English.I think that English in our life means much. Certain people, who study English hope to become English men, go abroad, get rich and maybe see famous actors. Is that really wonderful?Maybe with the help of English they can fulfill their dream. To my mind studying English is very interesting and funny. Learning foreign languages is important nowadays. I think that any educated person must learn foreign languages. But I prefer English to other foreign languages. Why? English is becoming a global language. A half of billion people in the world use English at home or work. English is the language which is known for the most part of our fine, magnificent and surprising world. English is so widespread that it has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication.A lot of problems of the 21st century, such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, can not be solved without speaking the same language.The English language is now the first language of about 350 million people, the native language of 12 nations and the official language of more than 33 nations. It means that one of seven people in the world speaks English.English is also the international language of businesspeople, pilots and air traffic controllers, sportsmen, scientists and students. If you want to be a stewardess, a pilot or an air control officer you have to learn English, the language of international communication. Every year thousands of people from Russia go to different countries as tourists or to work. They can’t go without knowing the language of the country they are going to. A modern engineer or even a worker cannot work with an imported instrument or a machine if he is not able to read the instruction how to do that.Some people learn English because they need it in their work; others to travel aboard and for lots of people learning English is just a hobby.I have been learning English since the age of 11. I like learning English very much. But I like and know well my native language, Russian. The great German poet Goethe once said: “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one.” I agree with him. The knowledge of English helps me to learn Russian.The knowledge of English is a great power. I need to know English. I must appreciate and embrace this knowledge as the key to achievement of my dream. I hope my progress in English will be very good.I think that nowadays English studying is a very important phenomenon. English language became an international language. English occupies leading position among such languages as Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and French - it is the official languages of the UN. All large companies such as air and sea companies use this language. I guess that in future all people will speak English. My mother says that every educated person should know foreign language or may be some foreign languages. I think that people who know English can visit different countries without problems, because English gives a possibility to communicate with foreign people. Today many people study English. Some of them because of work necessity; they need to make agreements and many different documents. Also a lot of people travel abroad. And for other people language studying is a hobby. They just want to wide their outlook.составьте 6 вопросов по тексту
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