
He makes treaties, 1. Find the endings to the following sentences: 1. The Russian Federation is set up 2. Each of branches of the federal government is checked and balanced 3. The President is commander-in-chief of enforces laws, appoints ministers to be approved 4. The Upper Chamber of the Federal Assembly 5. The Lower Chamber of the Federal Assembly 6. The members of the State Duma are elected 7. The Federation Council is not elected. It is formed of 8. To become a law a bill must be approved and signed ... by the President, ... by both Chambers, ... by popular vote for a four-year period, ... by the constitution of 1993, ... the heads of the regions, ... is the State Duma, ... the armed forces, ... by the Federal Assembly, .... is the Federation Council, .... by the President. 2. Put the words in the right order to make sentences paying attention to the correct form of the verbs. 1. Branches, to consist, legislative, government, judicial, federal, The, executive, and, three, of. 2. Assembly, in, power, to be, The, Federal, legislative, to vest, the. 3. To belong, executive, Prime, which, to, to head, The, Minister, by, Government, power, the, to be, the. 4. Supreme, branch, the, Constitutional, The, by, the, to be, judicial, to represent, the, regional, and, Court, Court, courts. 3. Put sentences from the Active into the Passive Voice. 1. Yuri Dolgorukly founded Moscow in 1147. 2. The city hosted the Olympic Games in 1980. 3. We still use Red Square as a parade ground. 4. Thousands of foreign tourists visit the Russian cities every year. 5. They haven't launched this project yet. 6. He is looking for the accommodation at discounted rates now. 7. Russia is taking steps to protect itself against terrorist action. 8. Russia will soon improve the international relationships. 4. Translate into English: 1. Иркутск был основан как деревянная крепость в 1661 и объявлен городом в 1686. 2. Первый поезд пришел в Иркутск в 1898. 3. В 19-ом столетии Иркутск называли «Сибирским Парижем». 4. В наши дни он является большим научным и образовательным центром. 5. Озеро Байкал - одно из старейших озер на земле. 6. Байкал настолько огромен, что местными жителями он зовется «морем». 7. Самое глубокое известное место Байкала составляет 1637 метров. 8. У Байкала есть свои эндемики, среди них имеются пресноводный тюлень, называемый «нерпа», и рыба комуль».

Английский язык



Лондон - Англия және Ұлыбритания астанасы, әрі ең ірі мегаполисі. Британ аралдарындағы ең үлкен қала. Еуропадағы ең ірі урбандық аймақ. Аумағы 1706,8 кm². Халқы 8 млн. адамнан асады және халқы санынан әлемде 18-нші орында. Бұл көрсеткіш Еуропада 2-ші болып табылады. Лондон нөлдік немесе Гринвич Меридианы үстінде орналасқан. Лондон Жазғы Олимпиадалық Ойындар 2012ні қабылдап Олимпиада ойындарың 3 рет қожайыны болуда. Лондон әлемдегі өнер, сауда, білім және ғылым, сән, қаржы, кәсіптік қызмет, денсаулық сақтау, зерттеу және даму, туризм және көлік салалары бойынша жетекші жаһандық қала болып табылады. Қалада әлемдік деңгейдегі Хитроу аэропорты және Темза өзенінің жағасында әлемдегі ең үлкен өзен порттарының бірі орналасқан.


Здравствуй! Я Энди. Мне десять лет. Я люблю спорт, но я тоже люблю поесть. После школы часто ходите в бар быстрого питания и покупайте хот-дог. Я не умею плавать, но хорошо играю в гандбол. Патрик мой друг. Ему девять лет. Он любит футбол и отличный пловец. Джошу одиннадцать лет, и он баскетболист в нашей школьной команде. Он капитан. Он не умеет плавать. Сьюзи тоже твой друг. Ей одиннадцать лет, и она очень хорошо играет в баскетбол. Она капитан в девичьей команде. Она любит плавать и никогда не ест фастфуд. Анжелике восемь лет. Она много плавает и бегает. Она не заботится о своей диете и ест много нездоровой пищи. Она любит пончики.


как-то так

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

He makes treaties, 1. Find the endings to the following sentences: 1. The Russian Federation is set up 2. Each of branches of the federal government is checked and balanced 3. The President is commander-in-chief of enforces laws, appoints ministers to be approved 4. The Upper Chamber of the Federal Assembly 5. The Lower Chamber of the Federal Assembly 6. The members of the State Duma are elected 7. The Federation Council is not elected. It is formed of 8. To become a law a bill must be approved and signed ... by the President, ... by both Chambers, ... by popular vote for a four-year period, ... by the constitution of 1993, ... the heads of the regions, ... is the State Duma, ... the armed forces, ... by the Federal Assembly, .... is the Federation Council, .... by the President. 2. Put the words in the right order to make sentences paying attention to the correct form of the verbs. 1. Branches, to consist, legislative, government, judicial, federal, The, executive, and, three, of. 2. Assembly, in, power, to be, The, Federal, legislative, to vest, the. 3. To belong, executive, Prime, which, to, to head, The, Minister, by, Government, power, the, to be, the. 4. Supreme, branch, the, Constitutional, The, by, the, to be, judicial, to represent, the, regional, and, Court, Court, courts. 3. Put sentences from the Active into the Passive Voice. 1. Yuri Dolgorukly founded Moscow in 1147. 2. The city hosted the Olympic Games in 1980. 3. We still use Red Square as a parade ground. 4. Thousands of foreign tourists visit the Russian cities every year. 5. They haven't launched this project yet. 6. He is looking for the accommodation at discounted rates now. 7. Russia is taking steps to protect itself against terrorist action. 8. Russia will soon improve the international relationships. 4. Translate into English: 1. Иркутск был основан как деревянная крепость в 1661 и объявлен городом в 1686. 2. Первый поезд пришел в Иркутск в 1898. 3. В 19-ом столетии Иркутск называли «Сибирским Парижем». 4. В наши дни он является большим научным и образовательным центром. 5. Озеро Байкал - одно из старейших озер на земле. 6. Байкал настолько огромен, что местными жителями он зовется «морем». 7. Самое глубокое известное место Байкала составляет 1637 метров. 8. У Байкала есть свои эндемики, среди них имеются пресноводный тюлень, называемый «нерпа», и рыба комуль».
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