превосходная the largest, the tallest, the longest, the easiest, the hottest, the biggest, the coldest, the nicest, the worst, the strongest, the shortest, the widest, the best, the happiest, the highest, the lowest, the busiest, the best, the least, the most, the farthest
b) сравнительная more wonderful, more necessary, more quickly, more interesting, more comfortable, more popular, more active, more famous, more pleasant, more beautiful, more slowly, more clearly
превосходная the most wonderful, the most necessary, the most quickly, the most interesting, the most comfortable, the most popular, the most active, the most famous, the most pleasant, the most beautiful, the most slowly, the most clearly
2. 1. Winter is the coldest season of the year 2. Moscow is larger than St.Peterburg 3. Which is the longest day of the year? 4. The Alps are the highest mountains in Europe 5. Even the longest day has an end 6. It is one of the most important questions of our conference 7. Your English is better now 8. Who knows him better than you? 9. We have less interest in this work than you 10. Health is better than wealth 11. Your son worked the best of all 12. Today you worked more slowly than usually
Chocolate boutique "Chocolate Museum" in this museum-shop presents chocolate baubles and real works of master Chocolatier. All figurines are made by hands of chocolate architects, two absolutely identical products you will not find here. Ingredients for chocolate sculptures shop gets from France.
Шоколадный бутик «Музей шоколада»
В этом музее-магазине представлены шоколадные безделушки и настоящие произведения мастеров-шоколатье. Все фигурки сделаны руками шоколадных архитекторов, два абсолютно одинаковых изделия вы здесь не найдете. Ингредиенты для шоколадных скульптур магазин получает из Франции
Larger, taller, longer, easier, hotter, bigger, colder, nicer, worse, stronger, shorter, wider, better, happier, higher, lower, busier, better, less, more, farther
the largest, the tallest, the longest, the easiest, the hottest, the biggest, the coldest, the nicest, the worst, the strongest, the shortest, the widest, the best, the happiest, the highest, the lowest, the busiest, the best, the least, the most, the farthest
b) сравнительная
more wonderful, more necessary, more quickly, more interesting, more comfortable, more popular, more active, more famous, more pleasant, more beautiful, more slowly, more clearly
the most wonderful, the most necessary, the most quickly, the most interesting, the most comfortable, the most popular, the most active, the most famous, the most pleasant, the most beautiful, the most slowly, the most clearly
2. 1. Winter is the coldest season of the year
2. Moscow is larger than St.Peterburg
3. Which is the longest day of the year?
4. The Alps are the highest mountains in Europe
5. Even the longest day has an end
6. It is one of the most important questions of our conference
7. Your English is better now
8. Who knows him better than you?
9. We have less interest in this work than you
10. Health is better than wealth
11. Your son worked the best of all
12. Today you worked more slowly than usually