
Recast the following sentences using the verb can. 1. Is it possible that he is speaking about that particular day? 2. It is impossible that these discomforts have spoiled your journey. 3. I don’t think that he is looking forward to travelling with you, I am sure that he intends to spend the vacation in a rest home. 4. I doubt it greatly that they have gone to the country on such a nasty day. 5. I don’t believe that this suit is so expensive, it looks quite cheap. 6. I can’t believe it at all that he possesses a keen sense of humour now, he was never known to possess it in his youth. 7. I am quite convinced that he has not made everything up to the same standard, that is why the machine will not work. 8. He was not able to find shoes that would match his new suit in shade and colour. 9. How is it possible for her to make up for the lost time? 10. Is it possible that I shall have my photo taken just now? 11. Is it true that the boy has been sleeping for four hours already? He never sleeps so long, he may have fallen ill. 12. Is it possible that the advertisement has been hanging here for two weeks already? I pass this street every day on my way home but I never saw it up till now. 13. I can’t believe that he has been disconcerted by my remark. I did not say anything particular. 14. I doubt it greatly that she is overcome by sorrow, I saw her laughing ten minutes ago.

Английский язык


To make a bend — изгибаться, делать излучину  
to compile / make up a bibliography — собрать библиографию  
to make bids for smth. — претендовать на что-л., домогаться чего-л.  
to make a cash bid — предложить расплатиться наличными  
to give / make / pronounce / say a blessing over — благословить кого-л.  
to make bold (with) — позволять себе вольности (с)  
to effect / make a breach (in enemy lines) — пробить брешь (в рядах неприятеля)  
to make / prepare breakfast — готовить завтрак  

to do business with smb. — вести торговлю с кем-л.  
to bring smb. to do smth. — заставить кого-л. сделать что-л.  
to be burning to do smth. — сгорать от желания сделать что-л. 

What are you doing?  

Что вы делаете?  

He is done for.  

С ним покончено.  

He will do for us.  

Он нам подходит.  

Have / Be done!  

Хватит! Довольно!  

This hat will do.  

Эта шляпа подойдёт.  

A swim will do me good.  

Мне будет полезно немного поплавать.  

I think you've been done.  

Мне кажется, тебя обманули

Описание Красной площади на английском языке с переводом

Red Square is the main square in Moscow. It is the center of the city, and if you look at Moscow's plan, you will see that it is located in the center of the radial layout of the city.

The place for the present Red Square was identified during the reign of Ivan III (the end of XV – beginning of XVI century), when the Kremlin was rebuilt. So, Red Square is allocated along the northeastern wall of the Kremlin.

There is the Lobnoye mesto, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, Lenin’s mausoleum, the Kremlin Wall Necropolis, GUM, the State Historical Museum, St. Basil's Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral in Red Square.

It is important to note that the area is a pedestrian zone. Vehicular traffic on the cobblestone square was banned in 1974. 


Красная площадь – это главная площадь Москвы. Она является центром города, и если посмотреть на план Москвы, то можно заметить, что она же находится в центре радиально-лучевой планировки города.

Место нынешней Красной площади определили во времена правления Ивана III (конец XV – начало XVI века), когда перестраивали Кремль. Так Красная площадь расположилась вдоль северо-восточной стены Кремля.

На Красной площади расположены Лобное место, памятник Минину и Пожарскому, мавзолей В.И. Ленина, некрополь у Кремлевской стены, ГУМ, Исторический музей, Собор Василия Блаженного, Казанский собор.

Важно отметить, что площадь является пешеходной зоной. Автомобильное движение по вымощенной брусчаткой площади было запрещено в 1974 году. 

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Recast the following sentences using the verb can. 1. Is it possible that he is speaking about that particular day? 2. It is impossible that these discomforts have spoiled your journey. 3. I don’t think that he is looking forward to travelling with you, I am sure that he intends to spend the vacation in a rest home. 4. I doubt it greatly that they have gone to the country on such a nasty day. 5. I don’t believe that this suit is so expensive, it looks quite cheap. 6. I can’t believe it at all that he possesses a keen sense of humour now, he was never known to possess it in his youth. 7. I am quite convinced that he has not made everything up to the same standard, that is why the machine will not work. 8. He was not able to find shoes that would match his new suit in shade and colour. 9. How is it possible for her to make up for the lost time? 10. Is it possible that I shall have my photo taken just now? 11. Is it true that the boy has been sleeping for four hours already? He never sleeps so long, he may have fallen ill. 12. Is it possible that the advertisement has been hanging here for two weeks already? I pass this street every day on my way home but I never saw it up till now. 13. I can’t believe that he has been disconcerted by my remark. I did not say anything particular. 14. I doubt it greatly that she is overcome by sorrow, I saw her laughing ten minutes ago.
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