
с тестом по английскому Test Please select the best option to complete the following sentence: I come England. to from at in There aren't people here. much many a lot some Tim work tomorrow. isn't going isn't isn't going to isn't to I'd like information, please. an some piece a piece to school yesterday? Do you walk Did you walked Did you walk Have you walked I went to the shop some chocolate. for buying for buy to buy buy 'I don't like coffee.' ' do I.' So Neither Either No 'Have you visited London?' ' .' Not yet Ever Already Not Is Jo Chris? taller that taller as tall as more tall You should your homework. make dо work give 'Where's the post office, please?' most near near more near nearest Would you mind the window? closing close to close closed He's interested learning Spanish. on to in for How long English? do you learn are you learning have you been learning you learn His office is on the second of the building. floor level ground stage The doctor gave me a for some medicine yesterday. note receipt prescription recipe Can you tell me when ? the train leaves does the train leave leaves the train does leave the train I a reply to my letter in the next few days. hope expect wait for get When Simon back tonight, he'll cook dinner. comes will come come shall come We arrived England two days ago. to in on at 'Why are you so hungry?' 'Oh, I breakfast this morning.' hadn't didn't didn't have haven't had You better see a doctor. did would should had You should swimming. start up get off take up take off 'Did you speak to Juliet?' 'No, I've seen her. nearly hardly often always He told me that he in Spain the previous year. has been working had been working has worked had been worked She looks she's going to be sick. as if as likes if The best way to learn a language is a little every day. speak in speaking to speaking by speaking She me to go to school. said told suggested made I want to be a teacher when I . grow age grow up am more years I'm fed up this exercise. with doing to do to doing for doing It my brother. is ages that I didn't see is ages since I saw was ages that I haven't seen was ages since I saw She has been of murdering her husband. charged accused arrested blamed You aren't allowed to use your mobile so . it's no point to leave it on it's no point in leaving it on there's no point in leaving it on there's no point to leave it on You the cleaning. I would have done it tonight. needn't have done couldn't have done can't have done wouldn't have done They have put speed bumps on the road to accidents. avoid prohibit prevent forbid We would never have had the accident if you so fast. wouldn't been driving hadn't been driving had driven wouldn't drive The tree by lightning. was flashed struck was struck flashed If only I richer. am were would be will be the better team, we lost the match. Despite of being Despite Despite being Although By this time next year, I all my exams. will have taken will take take have taken

Английский язык



надеюсь хоть немного прости что половина

с тестом по английскому Test Please select the best option to complete the following sentence: I co
Isn’t going to
Did you walk to buy
Not yet
As tall as
Have you been learning
The train leaves
Get off
Has been working
As if
By sp
Grow up
With doing
Was ages since I saw
There’s no point to leav it on
Can’t have done
Hadn’t been driving
Was struck
Have taken

Everyone knows that for all students the best time of the year is summer holidays. First of all, you’re free from school and may forget about textbooks, lessons, homework for all three months. Moreover, you don’t have to wake up early every day and have all this annoying routine. So you just have the opportunity to relax and enjoy perfect summer time.

As for me, my summer is quite typical from year to year. I usually spend June at home. I get up late all the time and try to be outside with my friends as much as possible. I really enjoy cool summer evenings when my friends and I can go for a walk in the park or ride around the city on our bikes. Also, we like rollerblading a lot. If the weather is bad I normally stay at home playing computer games or just surfing the Internet.

Then July I usually spend in the countryside with my grandparents. I have a lot of friends there as well. We often go to the lake for swimming or sunbathing. It’s always active time and we have a lot of things to do together.


August is the most interesting month. My parents usually have a vacation at this time so travelling to different countries is the best activity before I go back to school. My parents and I love travelling all over Europe. Thus, we have already visited Italy, Spain, France and Czech Republic. We prefer city holidays with a lot of excursions and sightseeing. But we can also combine it with a beach holiday as we did it in Italy and Spain. It helps to keep the balance between active and peaceful rest.

So, I suppose that summer must be full of rest, going out with friends and obligatory travelling. This year my family is going to Greece and I’m looking forward to having an exciting time there.



Жизнь в школе

1 **Используйте подсказки для завершения кроссворда.



3 л ненавижу носить

Я хочу носить свою собственную

одежда в школу,

5 Мы должны

в нашем домашнем задании вовремя.

+ Мы не могли слышать учителя, потому что было

и крики в классе.

9 Мы сидим в задней части дасса, когда не прибываем на


sa проблема во многих школах.

2 Я должен был написать

в школе, поэтому я опоздал

домой снова

4 Папа всегда говорит, что важно стать хорошим

в школе, но моя бабушка говорит, что это также важно

6 Я не могу поверить, что ты получил

за то, что вы сбросите

забронировать на этаже

в тесте — это плохо


Если тебе нужен был перевод

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

с тестом по английскому Test Please select the best option to complete the following sentence: I come England. to from at in There aren't people here. much many a lot some Tim work tomorrow. isn't going isn't isn't going to isn't to I'd like information, please. an some piece a piece to school yesterday? Do you walk Did you walked Did you walk Have you walked I went to the shop some chocolate. for buying for buy to buy buy 'I don't like coffee.' ' do I.' So Neither Either No 'Have you visited London?' ' .' Not yet Ever Already Not Is Jo Chris? taller that taller as tall as more tall You should your homework. make dо work give 'Where's the post office, please?' most near near more near nearest Would you mind the window? closing close to close closed He's interested learning Spanish. on to in for How long English? do you learn are you learning have you been learning you learn His office is on the second of the building. floor level ground stage The doctor gave me a for some medicine yesterday. note receipt prescription recipe Can you tell me when ? the train leaves does the train leave leaves the train does leave the train I a reply to my letter in the next few days. hope expect wait for get When Simon back tonight, he'll cook dinner. comes will come come shall come We arrived England two days ago. to in on at 'Why are you so hungry?' 'Oh, I breakfast this morning.' hadn't didn't didn't have haven't had You better see a doctor. did would should had You should swimming. start up get off take up take off 'Did you speak to Juliet?' 'No, I've seen her. nearly hardly often always He told me that he in Spain the previous year. has been working had been working has worked had been worked She looks she's going to be sick. as if as likes if The best way to learn a language is a little every day. speak in speaking to speaking by speaking She me to go to school. said told suggested made I want to be a teacher when I . grow age grow up am more years I'm fed up this exercise. with doing to do to doing for doing It my brother. is ages that I didn't see is ages since I saw was ages that I haven't seen was ages since I saw She has been of murdering her husband. charged accused arrested blamed You aren't allowed to use your mobile so . it's no point to leave it on it's no point in leaving it on there's no point in leaving it on there's no point to leave it on You the cleaning. I would have done it tonight. needn't have done couldn't have done can't have done wouldn't have done They have put speed bumps on the road to accidents. avoid prohibit prevent forbid We would never have had the accident if you so fast. wouldn't been driving hadn't been driving had driven wouldn't drive The tree by lightning. was flashed struck was struck flashed If only I richer. am were would be will be the better team, we lost the match. Despite of being Despite Despite being Although By this time next year, I all my exams. will have taken will take take have taken
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