Named in the XIX century together with Spasopeskovskaya square after the Church of the Transfiguration of the Saviour on the Sands, built around 1711 (depicted in the painting by V. D. Polenov "Moscow courtyard"). Sands — the name of the area based on the nature of the soil.
The name was derived from the Church of the Saviour on the Sands, which still exists today, built in 1706-1711[1] (the full name is the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, on the Sands, on the Arbat). The "Sands" in the name reflect the nature of the local soil. Under the Soviet regime, the Church premises were used for many years for the workshops of Soyuzmultfilm, thanks to which it was preserved — dolls for puppet cartoons were made there. It was there that Cheburashka, his faithful friend crocodile Gena and many other cartoon characters were "born", without which our culture is already unthinkable. In Moscow, there was also another Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, on Peski (10A Bolshoy Karetny pereulok), built in 1657 and destroyed in the 1930s.
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I recently completed an online careersquestionnaire. According to the results, I'm not verygood at science or maths (which is true, becauseI get terrible school reports!), but I'm imaginativeand I love to create. I have lots of patience, butI'm also a bit of a perfectionist. Well, that's veryaccurate. My family is always complaining thatI take too long to do things, but I want things tobe just right. The website suggested quite a fewcareers. Some of them, like writer or architect, I don't really find interesting, '... : model maker.It had never occurred to me, but model makerswork in all sorts of places - TV and film, architects'offices and museums to name only a few. Makingmodels, you see, is my hobby. In fact, ?... of theParthenon with 3, 000 matchsticks. Tomorrow I'madding the last few details and it will be ready!Перевод
Я недавно онлайн
анкета. По результатам я не очень
хорошо разбирается в науках или математике (что верно, потому что
У меня ужасные школьные отчеты!), Но я наделен воображением
и я люблю творить. У меня много терпения, но
Я тоже немного перфекционист. Ну это очень
точный. Моя семья всегда жалуется, что
Я слишком долго что-то делаю, но хочу, чтобы
быть в самый раз. На сайте предложено довольно много карьеры. Некоторые из них, например писатель или архитектор,
Я не считаю интересным, '...: производитель моделей.
Мне никогда не приходило в голову, но модельеры
работать в самых разных местах - на телевидении и в кино, в архитекторах
офисы и музеи и это лишь некоторые из них. Изготовление модели, согласитесь, мое хобби. На самом деле? ...
Парфенон с 3000 спичек. Завтра я
добавляем последние детали и будет готово!