
2. Listen to and read the text again. Complete the sentences.1 Brenda's from......4 May's favourite school subjects......2 Miguel's favourite sport is ...5 Dina is from.....3 May and Lynn are on a.....6 Zarina is very good atarcher......закончить предложения.​

Английский язык


4)IKT music
3)school trip
6)drawing had painting
What do we know about the use and harm of mobile phones? I think mobile phones are very useful because at any time you can connect to any person you like. Besides this you can ask any questions and get answers at once. Mobile phones are very convenient in use. From year to year new functions are introduced.
On the other side children and elders make harm to themselves by listening music by ear phone and playing all kinds of plays. They may become short sighted or even damp. With the extention of mobile phones people read less books and they don't know much by heart.
I think everything must be in its measure and we must know when to stop.
The monument "The tent of the first builders of Magnitogorsk" is located near the entrance to the Park of Veterans of the city. The opening of the monument, symbolizing the tent, in which the first builders of the city and the plant lived, was held on Victory Day, May 9, 1966. The monument was created according to the project of Honored Artist of the RSFSR Lev Golovnitsky and architect Yevgeny Aleksandrov. The monument is made of reinforced concrete blocks, its height is 3.4 meters, and the total area of the pedestal is 10 x 12 meters. Along the entire perimeter of the pedestal there is an inscription - these are poems written by the famous Magnitogorsk poet Boris Ruchiev who took part in the construction of the city and lived exactly in such a tent along with the other pioneers. And the lines are cast as follows: "We lived in a tent with a green window washed by rains, dried by the sun, Burned by the doors golden bonfires On the red stones of the Magnetic Mountain."

Памятник "Палатка первых строителей Магнитогорска" расположен рядом со входом в Парк Ветеранов города. Открытие монумента, символизирующего палатку, в которых жили первые строители города и комбината, состоялось в День Победы, 9 мая 1966 года. Монумент создан по проекту заслуженного художника РСФСР Льва Головницкого и архитектора Евгения Александрова.

Монумент выполнен из железобетонных блоков, его высота составляет 3,4 метра, а общая площадь постамента 10 х 12 метров. По всему периметру постамента нанесена надпись - это стихи, написанные известным магнитогорским поэтом Борисом Ручьёвым, который принимал участие в строительстве города и жил точно в такой палатке вместе с остальными первостроителями. А строки отлиты следующие: "Мы жили в палатке с зеленым оконцем, Промытой дождями, просушенной солнцем, Да жгли у дверей золотые костры На рыжих каменьях Магнитной горы".

Kalkan is a lake in the Southern Urals. The name came from the Bashkir "kalkan" - a shield, for the round shape of the lake. In the XVIII-XIX centuries was the center of the extraction of jasper. It was located in Uchalinsky district of Bashkortostan, not far from the village of Kalkanovo, 10 kilometers north-west of Uchaly. On the east side of the reservoir is Mount Kalkan-tau. From the west, a cape leaves the lake, sometimes turning into an island or peninsula, which is located exactly in the middle of the lake. The banks are covered with a picturesque forest. The places near the lake are known for jasper outlets. Here it is special, therefore it is allocated to the group "Kalkan jasper". On the shore of the lake there is a Sabantuy holiday, various tourist gatherings, festivals of the author's song. There is also the recreation center of Uchalinsky GOK, Valentina Tereshkova and a sports camp. Russia. Uchalinsky district of Bashkortostan

Калкан - это озеро на Южном Урале. Название произошло от башкирского "калкан" - щит, за круглую форму озера. В XVIII-XIX веках являлось центром добычи яшмы. Расположилось в Учалинском районе Башкортостана, неподалеку от деревни Калканово, в 10 километрах северо-западнее города Учалы.

С восточной стороны водоема находится гора Калкан-тау. С запада в озеро уходит мыс, переходящий иногда в остров или в полуостров, который находится ровно посередине озера. Берега покрыты живописным лесом.

Места возле озера известны выходами яшмы. Здесь она особенная, поэтому выделена в группу «калканская яшма».

На берегу озера проводится праздник "Сабантуй", различные туристические слеты, фестивали авторской песни. Тут же находится база отдыха ОАО «Учалинский ГОК» им Валентины Терешковой и спортивный лагерь.

Россия. Учалинский район Башкортостана

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2. Listen to and read the text again. Complete the sentences.1 Brenda's from......4 May's favourite school subjects......2 Miguel's favourite sport is ...5 Dina is from.....3 May and Lynn are on a.....6 Zarina is very good atarcher......закончить предложения.​
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